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We had our little girl!  Born at 10:30 am 6#11oz. 20" long. 10 fingers, 10 toes. All is well. :D 

Barely got her on the bed in triage ( where they log us in and do paperwork and bloodwork ) and the baby came out. I had to break a few speed limits on the way to the hospital. :rolleyes:

Mom is up and about already, and I'm a very proud dad. 







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Good lookin' kid! 

Life as you know it is OVER!!!! As a good friend said to me when my daughter was born, "Congratulations, you have exactly twelve years in which what you say makes any difference. Remember, girls have little fingers for one purpose only: to have something to wrap their daddies around!"


Congratz Aric, amazing how quickly your whole outlook on life changed in that moment, isn't it? Wishing nothing but the best for you and momma.


Congrats to you both! 

Now you have two years of teaching her to walk and talk, and the next 14 years to sit down and be quiet. 

Exciting times ahead! My main bit of advice, is have a nap yourself at any possible opportunity. The lack of sleep after my own two still haunts me. 



It seems I'm a little late to the party.


Enjoy her childhood it passes by very quickly.

Children are  not an acquisition. Parenthood is more like a rental relationship.

Soon she'll be at the anvil, chez Das.

Perhaps she will, actually meet and be inspired by jlpservicesinc.com.

Best wishes & regards,



30+ years later I still remember the birth of my first daughter as a high point in my life!  Congratulations  (and start practicing "the shovel talk" so you will be ready when she starts dating...)!


It really seems like the 9 months flew by. Yeah there is a lot to expect and prepare for but for now just hang out with Elizabeth and Ayana. She just fed, so everything is still going as it should. 


Welcome to another stage in life young man. Take care of momma, she will go with out for the baby, so make sure she is taken care of. Take 20 min for your self to decompress when you com in. Don’t bring work and the drive home in with you. Then you take over and give mom a break. You may work 40+ but mom never gets a break, unless you give her one and insist on he taking it.



Hey das, Congratulations to you and momma... I remember the birth of my first daughter like it was last week... Cherish the moments as time will really start to fly by now. Such a beautiful family!! :)


6 hours ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

Welcome to another stage in life young man. Take care of momma, she will go with out for the baby, so make sure she is taken care of. Take 20 min for your self to decompress when you com in. Don’t bring work and the drive home in with you. Then you take over and give mom a break. You may work 40+ but mom never gets a break, unless you give her one and insist on he taking it.

Wise words.

Congratulations! you world is about to change, but you will love it!

Seems like only yesterday my last was born, she got her drivers licence the other day.


"going as it should"  you'll get a LOT of experience with "going as it should"!  I was just reminiscing with a coworker about how I used to keep a diaper  in my briefcase at a previous job.  One afternoon when I was working a bit late; my boss came into my office and asked if I still had that diaper in my briefcase and if so could he borrow it?  One of his grandbabies was visiting and needed a diaper change *now*! I no longer had anyone making fun of me having one in my briefcase!

Treat your wife so well that she doesn't say "Next time it's YOUR turn to have a baby!"

I hope you already have a rocking chair that is comfortable;  now for my secret tip:  Hearing Protectors! Sometimes your daughter is just going to be miserable: colic, teething, ill, etc and will cry for extended periods of time.  This will hot rasp your soul as you may not be able to do anything but hold her and rock her.  Good hearing protectors will cut out those high tones that are soul destroying and allow you to keep yourself centered and much calmer and less frustrating. (I have not found anything more frustrating than to have your child hurting and there being NOTHING you can do but hold her and rock her till she calms down.) Note your wife will need a pair too!



Hi Das, congrats, I can imagine how you feel. The birth of my one and only daughter was the emotional moment in my whole life. Glad to know the kid and parents are doing well.

Fortunately the kid is even handsome and looking after her mother;).

Was present during whole ‘delivery’ and almost past out during the backbone injection. The umbilical cord is tough stuff to cut through. Nice to see a complete and happy family.

Welcome to the league of proud dads. 


Congrats Das and Momma, pretty good baby, well done. No parental advice from Frosty, no experience. The one thing the experienced Iforgers have been skating around is. You don't have a Daughter now.  Babies have YOU.

Frosty The Lucky.


Enjoy each and every day with her - time will go by even faster now.    Mine’s 19 and it seem like last year she was born!  Congratulations!



Greetings Das,

         Congratulations to you both . Enjoy every minute for many years to come. Time flys as I well know our first daughter will be turning 54 in may and it’s still like it was yesterday . I have a picture of her in my tool chest when she just turned 3. 




Hans, yes I got to cut the umbilical cord and it was tough to cut. 

Thomas, I have 2 pair of good ear muffs for shooting, they should work fine for those moments. 

I am taking a week off work to be with and help out both. And will look after momma. 

Thanks again everyone. I'm happy as can be and we are relaxing after the whirlwind of this morning. 


Here is an image of a proud dad!

Congratulations Das, I wish you and your family all the best in life.

I was blessed with 4 of this bundles of joy, yes, all daughters that gave me 9 grandkids. 

Enjoy every minute mate!!





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