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What did you do in the shop today?

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Everything is looking great.  I have a new student, err kinda.  Started seeing someone new and she wanted to learn how to Smith.   Today she was out in the shop with me and I had her working on a simple icicle decoration for Christmas trees.   Learning to taper ends and do simple twists.   I was working on a calla lily stake.  It's kinda fun,  she's a horticulturist so she's kinda pushing me on accuracy in flowers. 


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Spent some time in the hospital recently…feels good to finally get the forge going again. One plus is I have a months worth of posts to look through. Nice Calla Lily Chad. I just made one as a Christmas present - really happy with the way it came out.  Made a couple book marks too. I love stamping in letters and dates but I suck at getting them to line up lol. I think I’m going to try to make a little jig that will keep the spacing correct. 









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On 11/26/2022 at 7:00 PM, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

No pictures but all week, I have been live trapping pack rats and re-locating them. So far I've caught 4 rats and 1 chipmunk.

I understand not wanting packrats, having entered cabins that they took over but personally I would exterminate them rather than relocate as that smell/mess is not one I would wish on anybody

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Debi doesn't really want me to exterminate them. She even said we could make pets out of em. An idea I quickly vetoed. I have a place that is a mile away from anyone's place that I release them in, lots of pasture, water and woods. Raccoon's get released there too.

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Lovely calla lily, Chad - and awesome that the person your seeing has an interest in the art as well!

Pat, I'm intrigued by your bookmarks. I personally prefer magnetic bookmarks since my pets tend to make a habit of knocking my books off their perch. I had seen a project in one of my beginner books for a standard flat bookmark and it got my brain turning on how I could make it fold over with a magnet. I figured it would be too thick though - at least in my head.  How thin is yours on each side? 
Also, your calla lily is beautiful.

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10 hours ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

Raccoon's get released there too.

Had a racoon at a friends house that was getting into mischief so we figured we would trap it and take it out someplace and release it. This was one of the very few times i have ever had an interaction with a ranger. We found that it is illegal in the state to release a racoon into a new environment. He actually told us that we should have just shot it and buried it, with out telling anyone. Why no tell, it is also illegal to bury the dead animal in your backyard. To dispose of it we had to half fill a trash can with dirt, insert dead animal, then finish filling with dirt. Then call the county who will come out and take the carcass and trash can away, for a hefty fee of course. This is true for any animal that you may find dead. I will give yall one guess as to how many times i have called the county to dispose of the cats, possums, skunks, rats, birds etc. i have found on my property. 

Along those lines one day the wife came in and told me she thinks one of the cats in the barn had died. I went out to look and it was a possum. So i checked for life by poking it with a stick then buried it. By the way, the stick thing does not always work with possums as my granddaughter's dad can attest. He shot one, picked it up and carried it to a tree line. Dug a hole, picked up the possum to put the possum in it and that was when the possum decided to come back to life. Tough little buggers they are. 

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In Oregon you can salvage roadkill, Elk/Deer. A permit has to be filled out within 24 hours of picking it up. Now that I think of it, haven't seen that many dead deer on the side of the road since the that law was past 2 years ago.

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Yes - I have a new appreciation for simply being above ground these days lol. Thanks for the kind words though. 

Thanks Shainarue. I was also worried about them being too thick. I wanted to use 1/8x1 but I only had 1/4x1 on hand so I flattened the material out quite a bit, then a bit more putting the texture in. They’re probably at about 1/8” for each side now so about 1/4” total. I’m considering going back and maybe taking 1mm or so off with the belt grinder. I purposely made the curves in them go towards the end of the book rather than the spine which helped with allowing the book to close enough. 
I like the magnetic idea - if the bookmark itself was kind of grabbing on to the pages from magnetism on each side you wouldn’t have to worry about it ever sliding out. 

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Pat, the bookmarked I’ve made in the past (sorry no pictures of them available) were basically made like you would make a leaf. Just draw the stem out really long, flatten it perpendicular to the leaf (or other decoration) and bend it over 180degrees leaving about 1”~1-1/2” gap. That way the decoration is along the spine of the book with only one thickness of material inside the book. (I hope that’s understandable…)

Keep it fun,


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Looking at California makes your eyes tired too Chimeara? :rolleyes:

I may have to try the leaf stem idea for book marks, David

I've never much cared for book marks I've forged, not that they didn't work okay I just didn't much care for them. One gal asked for one that I sort of liked, it was just a harrow spring clip, think of an old style clothes pin that slipped over the book's cover. It was a weak spring so it wouldn't damage a book but stayed pretty well. Then there's a hole in the center of the bend so she could tie a piece of yarn or narrow ribbon. 

It just stayed clipped to the book she was reading so she could flip the marker between pages when she put it down. 

That one was okay but that's just a matter of taste and I don't hold mine up for peer review. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I have a day-after-thanksgiving-forging tradition that's been going on since '04. Made some dog leash hooks for a friend and forge welded some extra mass on a basket twist handle, in theory to mount it to the clinker breaker handle on the firepot.  At a friend's shop on Sunday, used her hydraulic press to rough out a pole axe head from 1 1/4 by 1 stock. I think I can do the rest with a hand hammer in my shop.


basket handle weld.jpg

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On 11/28/2022 at 10:32 AM, Daswulf said:

Hospitals are no fun but it is better to spend some time in one than a long time in a box. 

In addition to being no fun, they are incredibly dangerous places to be. If you are not sick when you get there, odds are pretty good you will be before you leave. Your odds are improved by watching them to see if they wash their hands and be sure they check to make sure you are who they think you are before they draw your blood, give you a medication, or perform a procedure. Also make sure the surgeon knows why they are cutting, where they are cutting, and especially which body part is to be removed. 

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That last is SO TRUE. There was a case a couple of years ago in a hospital near me where a fellow with diabetes went in for a leg amputation, and not only did the doctor take the wrong leg, but he then had to go back and take the right leg.

The worst part is that the guy can't sue, because he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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On 11/29/2022 at 5:31 AM, lary said:

In Oregon you can salvage roadkill, Elk/Deer. A permit has to be filled out within 24 hours of picking it up. Now that I think of it, haven't seen that many dead deer on the side of the road since the that law was past 2 years ago.

I am not sure I would want to do that. There may have been a reason the deer was hit. To date there have been no documented cases of transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease from deer to humans, but no documented cases doesn’t mean it cannot happen. 

My Precious came in today!!!! 

I ordered it without a handle because I want to make my own from bois d’arc and I wanted to rust blue the head. If it  already had a handle, I would have had to cut it off prior to that. Brent told me he usually tries to discourage people trying to make their own handles, because his head are drifted to fit his handles. I probably should have listened. It appears to have been blued already. 

It is almost too pretty to use. 


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Getting better all the time! What's to keep the brooch from slipping upwards if something catches on it? I'd suggest either closing the scrolled ends more closely together or maybe scrolling the leaf higher to the pin. 

Just thinking. . .  My head is full of T H  O U G H T S :o and they won't leave me alone!

Frosty The Lucky.

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