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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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10 minutes ago, Daswulf said:

Yesterday I went to the Dr. Shop and found out my better half and I are bringing a girl into this world. 

Ooh, you’re in trouble now. 

When my daughter was born, one of my oldest friends told me two things: 

1) You have twelve years in which what you say has any chance of being right. 

2) Little girls have little fingers for one reason only: to have something to twist their fathers around. 

Good luck!


(You’re gonna need it.)

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Hey Das,

Happy to hear it, and congrats! I have a little girl, too, and I can tell you nothing in this world has caused me so much joy as she does almost every day :) Otherwise JHCC is total right, except mine is 3 yoand  I've already forgot how to be right ;)

Bests to you and the familiy!


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20 hours ago, Daswulf said:

They look good Aus. 

I assume with the original you mean took to long to make More in the same way to sell?  

Yeah, using that high tensile tyre lever steel needs a big investment in time. I could do three or four smaller ones in mild in that time.

Oh, and great news about your little girl on the way. Congratulations.

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I raised two daughters, Das. When Sandy and I got to gether and combined things I find my self with 4 (and a son I have no clue how to relate to...) and one daughters friend how for all intents and perposes is min as well. Ad to this 3 granddaughters (and one grandson on the way). Even my oldest with cerebral palsy is tougher than most boys, and egos don’t seem to get in the way (from the point of veil of being the only guy in the mix). 

Dont let the other guys fool you, you were outnumbered with one female in the house, two is just overwhelming odds. 

Time to start forging her first set of tools and don’t forget her wooden play do forging set either! Their is nothing wrong with a renaissance woman who can forge, cook, mow the lawn, do laundry, do woodworking, sew, restore a car etc. many of us guys were taught “woman’s work” buy mothers who understood we are just different (and wanted to make us marketable). 

Youl be ok, no reason she can’t have a tea party in camo or play army in a dress. 

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No you must exceed your best on a regular basis!   I was extremely lucky in that my wife had two previous children when I married her and so had a good basis for calm "All kids do that, don't worry" to my running around like my hair was on fire.   (Of course raising teenagers and babies at the same time could be "interesting" as in the curse "May you live in Interesting times.")

My stated goal was to raise kids trained to live dangerously in as safe a way as possible.  (I encouraged them to climb trees for instance.)

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Charles, Thomas, sounds like you've had your hands full for a while. 

I already planned a wooden forge setup to use with play dough. Little wooden hammers, anvil, and tongs. :) Also other play sets as well as they don't seem too difficult to make and I have the tools already. 

I'm sure her mother will encourage her to be adventurous. She says I'm not adventurous enough but I am. I just had my fill for a while but I will have a lot to show the little one. I look forward to it all. 


Sorry Tubalcain, not making one of those as it will end up in the mouth for sure. Think I'll get some of those funny mouth pacifiers. :D Those will be great for picture time.

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On 1/18/2018 at 11:39 PM, Daswulf said:

Yesterday I went to the Dr. Shop and found out my better half and I are bringing a girl into this world. 

This evening I took a small ball pein I picked up today and made a fun little hatchet. I'll probably give it to my daughter when she's old enough. Lol till then it will probably cut kindling. 

I sure hope that hatched isn't for birth control Das! There are more civilized if less effective methods.

Congrats! You do know girls are nature's revenge on Fathers for being male. Yes?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Haha no the hatchet is not for birth control and I'm sure if I suggested it to cut the umbilical cord I'd be in the doghouse again. Just like my suggestion of wearing a gas mask to change diapers, Or me wanting to forge a little baby hammer to put in the baby's hand as its born. Hmm.. Can't have any fun.... :rolleyes:

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,Herr Das,

Breast fed infants' poo does not have a bad smell.

The odor comes on as soon as the child is switched to formula. The stools change to a vile blue-green color and have an odor that can stop a buck moose cold; in the mating season.

Don't believe me?

Talk to our pet moose. (no problem, he's relaxed and well trained).


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