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got some more info of the radio's info tag, it's a Canadian made built by roger majestic corp. limited for De Forest Crosley limited. 

Price in first year of sale 122.95 $ accounting for inflation that would be 2537.09 CAD today.

this is some pictures from the net of ones in better shape I don't have the cloth or top as of now

See the source image 1158631078_neptunedial.thumb.jpg.8bb69f68e117219d833e05c673877d7f.jpg

edit: found some more info on the company it appears that rogers-majestic bought De Forest Crosby after the parent company tried to expand too fast in the middle of the depression and went bankrupt in '33

here's a link explaining better than I can for those interested (I looked it through and think its ok for the site (if not please remove it mods))

De Forest Crosley Radio – A capsule history | (bcgolfhouse.com)

Edited by M.J.Lampert
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DANG, I can't seem to tie a "honey do" list to school without assuming folks would see not so obvious connections. <sigh> 

Maybe I'm just slow today. I am a little tired from attending curling for the first last night. I managed NOT to get sucked into playing but had a blast. Curlers curl to enjoy a polite party. I did throw 3 stones after the games were over using the pole so I didn't need 2-3 people to pick me up off the ice. 

DANG beginner's luck! I put 3 for 3 stones inside the 4' ring in front of witnesses and am now officially a curler! <sigh> 

I need to come up with non-slip soles, I'm too far past my "bounce by" date to get all excited on a sheet of ice.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Had a customer ask me to run up to his place and check out a few of his welding rigs that were broke down, 

before I left he gave me a small load of 3/4”sucker rod and told me to come Back an load up anytime I needed more, 

im thinkin bout makin a jig an usin a pile of it for triangle dinner bells!

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I have been looking for an original crank handle for my grandfather's Champion 400 for several years, but haven't had any luck, until I asked Twisted about one. It arrived yesterday afternoon. A big shout out and thanks goes to him!


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10 hours ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

Nice score Lary! what did you have to give if ya don’t mind my askin


   Got at an auction. $180.00 was the final price, it was 30 miles away. Maybe that's a little high in some places. There is no side to side or up an down movement in the gears, bearings were well greased when I took it part way apart and cleaned it up. Put a wood handle on the crank. I oiled it down after the motorized brush treatment. I'm assuming these had a black paint job from the factory? Les, small world you working  on the same thing.



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Picked up the 35gal barrels today! Got exactly 3 in my little compact Toyota Corolla. 


Also, not technically me, but Ashley picked up a steel order I placed. I mistakenly ordered the higher quality cold rolled stuff. Learned a lesson on that, lol. Price almost doubled. Ugh. 

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Shainarue, cold rolled has its benefits. Hot rolled is usually A36 structural grade steel. There is very little composition requirements, mainly just 36000psi yield strength and weldable (not subject to HAZ cracking, so shouldn’t be hardenable.) Some times it’s not real consistent and forges strange.

Cold rolled is typically 1018. That has fairly strict material composition requirements. If I’ve got something I’m worried about the quality on I’ll use cold rolled. (That’s what I use for my tomahawk bodies.) On just about anything else, I don’t really worry about it. A36 is pretty consistent (unlike most rebar), but if it really matters, or if you’re worried about performance, it could help. (With my skill level, I’ll take what I can get!)

Note, the work hardening and surface finish of cold rolled disappears as soon as you start forging…

(1018 is used for cold rolled to reduce the load on the rolling mill and give more consistent yield strength from working hardening in the mill, but I’ve heard some mills are trying to use A36 as a cost cutting measure. We may need to be cautious in the future…)

All, feel free to correct me if I’ve made any errors here. Also, open to other opinions and comments on A36 vs 1018! 

Keep it fun,


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Shaina, cold rolled 1/8", 3/16", and 1/4" makes very nice twisted penannulars.  You can have a uniform twist from terminal to terminal or alternating left and right twists.  I've always liked having one side left and the other right with the change over point being 180 degrees from the opening..  Twist before forming the circle.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Goods and George, that was my thought on the ordering mistake as well - these are for gifts so it might work out that they'll look just a bit nicer. 

Unfortunately, the bulk of the cost was in the flat bar I ordered for making EZ Tongs. A36 totally would have been fine for tongs! 

Oh, and a funny: I got home and unloaded the stock to see this written on the steel. It's supposed to be my name but it sure looks like "SHAME" to me :lol:


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22 hours ago, Les L said:

It arrived yesterday afternoon

You’re welcome Les! I’m glad I could help with your project, USPS sure took their time gettin it to ya! Lol

13 hours ago, lary said:

I'm assuming these had a black paint job from the factory

I’ve had an seen quite a few 400s that had the remnants of old black paint on them so I’d bet that’s a good guess,

I don’t know for sure though, cause I found one packed away up in a barn loft about 7-8? Years ago, it was just the blower no stand but it was like brand new packed in some kinda cosmoline type stuff and that thing had no paint job it was just shiny metal and had been up in that loft for decades till the owner passed away and the family decided to start selling everything off, 

that was a one time find though, I’ve seen more than a few with ol black paint on em so that’s more then likely how they came,

$180 ain’t bad for a good workin blower,

I’ve seen champion, Buffalo an Otto blowers  all three go for $2-3 hundred on the high end at farm auction’s around here,


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That's a properly blacksmitherly load Shaina! A little more experience and you would've taken the back seat out, strapped it to the roof cushion side down so it wouldn't scratch the paint and gotten at least 3 more barrels in by poking them into the trunk space. And yes, coming back for the spare and jack is perfectly acceptable. 

Once you heat cold rolled in the forge it scales up like any steel and any bright finish is lost. Might as well use hot rolled unless the customer specifies cold rolled. The bright finish is because it's ground to finish dimension which along with being a precise alloy drives the price up considerably. Here you have to special order it so double the price again minimum.

Hmmmm, it IS a shame the guy who wrote that thought Shaina was spelled with an e. I did a double double take before I realized it was a misspelling.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Taking the back seat out wouldn't have helped any. The hole between the seats & the trunk is smaller than the trunk opening - which was too small to even get a barrel in. If that opening had been just a few inches taller, I could have fit another 2 or 3 in there easy!

I still think the "SHAME" is humorous. Like - shame on me for this order, LOL

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