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I Forge Iron

Fall 2022 challenge!

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Dave, in general we all share ideas and work here to share the ideas and inspire others. Feel free. 

The only taboo is making something someone else is making to sell for a living and selling yours in their market. If it is to just make something like someone else made, it is all good. May be other fiddly bits but to just make something like someone else made for you is absolutely fine in many peoples book. Many ideas are shared and borrowed. Some so much so that no one could say who thought of it first. Be inspired and make your own. 

In the end You might come up with something new to share to inspire others. 

Btw, the letter opener looks nice. 

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Ditto Das on this one Dave. There really isn't anything new where creativity is concerned here, we all take ideas, inspiration, tips, tricks, etc. from others and apply them, sometimes they work sometimes not so. It's just how it is, about 60,000 people meet here to swap ideas and show off what we did or ask what the heck went wrong. 

That's why we're here. Heck we even cross into other guy's markets without bloodshed or much hair pulling. 

I think one of the REAL no nos that WILL get a person grief is passing their work off as someone else's to make bank on THEIR name, or a genuine antique, or fraud in general. We've all suffered theft and we take a dim view so don't steal credit and it's all good.

In short use those ideas and if you copy something closely maybe give credit where it's due. Make sense? 

Nice letter opener Dave, did you  mention what the wood is? Oh, don't worry we won't think your stealing an idea for putting a wooden handle on a piece of sharpened steel. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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That happens. Had a buddy insist on buying a flipper spatula I made from a rr spike.  He uses it to clean the underside of mower decks. Said the spike head on the end is great for bumping for the hard to get stuff. Now he wants one with a longer handle. 

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