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I Forge Iron

Rojo Pedro

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    Vail, AZ

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  1. Cool fish. Simple and and it is fun to look at. Nice knocker IFC
  2. Thanks Frosty. Haven't tried it yet- still cooling, will update tomorrow. should have mentioned this is a before pic.
  3. PL Echo nice stuff Goods - love that pendant Once again I don't forge iron but spent some time with copper and decided to try some pitch to clean it up and add a little detail - although I am pretty happy with as is. I will forge a frame for it however. thanks for looking
  4. Good job. Really like the bending fork, I need one just like it
  5. Scroll looks good from here Paul. Chisel work look good John. love the progress pic and cant wait to see finished product.
  6. Thanks everyone, I really like the colors as well. Was easy to do the steel but I feel like I settled on the copper because I couldn't quite get what I was looking for. CGL I have probably 16 total hours in 2-3 hour increments but a bit of that was new tools and techniques. Larry I considered squiggly lines but I am not experienced enough with my cutter to do so free hand. I used a straight edge to cut these as it was all I could handle just keeping the torch moving at the right speed. I think I want to make some curvy edges and possible some leaf shapes to trace around with the torch. I need practice.
  7. Steel brass and copper. 20” tip to tip 16 gauge steel flame colored blue, about the same gauge brass -tried the leave it yellow but found out about de-zincing when I used acid to clean the brass and left it a bit rose colored. 22 gauge copper also flame colored. 1/8” x 1/2” ring left natural. I am real happy with it and cant wait to do another. here is the back side. I used my new plasma cutter, welder and rivet header to good effect. 42 total rivets. Super fun to make. thanks for looking :-)
  8. Needed a little rivet header so started with a bolt I found at an old RR bridge. Timbers and rail are long gone but I still find a lot of spikes and stuff along the old rail bed. It works pretty good but need to refine and polish the divot. Thanks for looking.
  9. Wanted to try my new hammer so I turned a 1/2”x1” bar into a bending fork. Got to admit 3.75 pounds wore me out a bit (2.5 is my daily driver) but it sure was fun. The extra long handle made it move some metal. Also turned 17” of 1/8” x1/2” into a ring for future project.
  10. Grinder and paint makes me the welder I ain't.
  11. Dang- me and Frosty are brothers!, and yes that is Alaska 2001
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