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I Forge Iron

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JHCC, that's probably because the larger sizes don't come in most of the cheapo sets.

14mm (~9/16") is a good size IMO. At least that is the one I use most often. Bigger would be fine, but I wouldn't go any smaller than 1/2".

Note: Don't use the chromed wrenches, only the black ox ones.

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I made this rose for my granddaughter using a no heat method. 

I bought the blanks on ETSY and they work easily without a torch. The petals are formed in a swage using a ball peen, then bent using pliers. 

The stem is cold peened in the vise on one end for a stop. All the pieces are then painted. 

When the paint is dry, everything is epoxied together. I put a little piece of tape over the stem holes before painting to give the epoxy a grip on bare metal. 

This method allows for more creative paint schemes, and it's much easier. The green on the stem is a much more natural color than what is depicted. 




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I noticed that it sort of looked like a "Disney" rose from the early years.  The attar of roses trick is an old one that can really make a sale; expecially when someone snarks that it doesn't have a scent----and it does!  Some smiths cut a small disk of felt and trap it in it when assembling the petals.

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Rose oil also gives a nice scent.  A small piece of XXXX steel wool can be used in lieu of a felt pad.

Avoid the deadly adder of roses.

BTW, attar (essence) of roses is made from Rosa Gallica aka the Apothecary Rose aka the Red Rose of Lancaster.  IIRC it is mainly produced in the Balkans.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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10 hours ago, jlpservicesinc said:

  A good set of hinges won't show any light in the joint.. 

That's where I have the most trouble. I was improving before I hurt my shoulder. I'm hoping I didn't lose the little gains I'd been making. I'll find out soon. I'll be able to light the forges when the heatwave breaks. I'm chomping at the bit. 


Nice hammer. The hinges look excellent. I can't wait to start making scrap again B)


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I just looked up the weather report for Sept 4 where we are supposed to have a day long SCA Metals Guild event, (blacksmithing, armour making, jewelry making), High of 77 degF!  (Of course the humidity will be a swampy 27%-55%)

An altitude of 6322' above sea level helps!

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15 hours ago, Rojo Pedro said:

Those hinges look factory made. I like the little nicks on the sides.

Is it some type of reproduction? 

the Jelly cabinet was a standard item in the old days.. Butterfly hinges were used a lot for this type of item.. 

Ideally they should look "factory made" as all hand work was in a factory environment..   In the colonial times there were rules against the production and use of domestic Wrought iron..  So when it was made here they shipped it to England and items were made and shipped back..  LOL..  Sound familiar. 

14 hours ago, lary said:

That's what I was thinking. Hinges look almost store bought, the hammer is a work of art.


14 hours ago, Goods said:

Beautiful hammer Jennifer! What is the radius on the peen? It looks pretty aggressive.

Thanks David..   The radius is very aggressive to coin your words..   I'm not a fan of large, wide thick peens..  I like a peen that I can pull the metal where it's going.   This opens up a whole other discussion of which now is not the time.. :) 

8 hours ago, JHCC said:

The trailer is all about extreme temperatures, isn't it?

Not with the roof vents open and  the windows and doors open..  It's actually usually 5 to 10F cooler in there..  It's white so nearly all the heat is reflected from the sun..  No smoke or heat from the fire that way..  

Just reflective heat..  Right now it's 92 out.. I betcha in the trailer is 85 or so with the doors closed. 

I'm heading out in a minute to harden the hammer.. I'll let you know.. 

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Mercantilism:  use other countries/colonies for raw materials and markets and do all the value added work in your home country supported by your government's laws and treaties.  It was a popular economic theory back when the US was a collection of colonies and on into the 19th century.

Actually did do something in the shop last night: I glued up an old wooden stool that my wife is taking to our Daughter today----their furniture is still in shipment from Okinawa and I do mean *ship*; so we have been loaning them stuff to hold them till it arrives.  This morning I took off the 6 clamps and cleaned up the glue joints and put it in the van so it can't be forgotten.

In my smithy I try to get metal chairs for obvious reasons. I've gotten several shop stools from the 1960's found in the scrap yard: comfortable, adjustable and built like a battle tank!

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We're having a bit of a warm spell out here on the left coast. Must have gotten up to at least 78 degrees today.  I almost had to open a window. 

My shop is in the garage, which is under the house. It's always cool in there no matter what the weather is like. I have a couple of speed controlled 8" axial fans  mounted through the wall to move heated air out. 

The pacific ocean is just over the hill from my house. I'm close enough to get the sea breeze, but far enough to avoid any salt air.

This area is designated as having a "Mediterranean climate", which is a perfect blacksmithing climate. Rarely too hot or cold for the shop.

Yes, I am spoiled weather wise. 

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