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Well I'll see about pictures.  I have an issue with my new phone; they want me to put my email on it to send items to it.  My old one I could just send a picture to my email.

I don't want to have my email on my phone.  I want as little as possible on my phone. I don't even access ifi from my phone!

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Herr, Frosty,

Further to your note,

I remember reading,  (in law school),  about a similar case of a salesman, spraying perfume  in a shopper's face/ She had an immediate severe allergic reaction, (anaphylaxis?), and was hospitalized. That stupid act almost killed her.

She sued.

The large Manhattan retail store was found guilty of assault and battery, and the monetary award was $5o.000.  ($165,000, in today's money).

It is a cause for litigation.

T.P. good luck with that.



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Messrs, Powers and Stevens,

Digging  " a few holes and disappearing..." begins to look like a breach of contract (& sale?").

You may wish to consult with an attorney.

Such conduct is beginning to smell like breach of contract.

The court could issue a positive injunction for such egregious behavior*.

Counselor George N. M. may be more familiar with such local legal particulars. and could possible some salient thoughts.




* it should be a capital offence.

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It hasn't happened yet; perhaps there won't be a need to string the concertina wire and scatter the mustard around. Who knows it could be DONE by the weekend and ready for the long wait for the inspection!  My wife was told they may have to turn off the house's power for a couple of hours today.  I would think that connection would be the last one, not first.

I do know that I will have to make sure that the latest barn cat litter doesn't fall into any trench! We keep seeing the same coloration in the kittens so we have Blackie, Blackie Jr, and now Blackie III as well as Marmalade Jr.

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Well I sent a friendly message to my contacts at SEC checking on how they were doing and sending the "one scoop" picture as a gentle reminder that I am documenting how this is going...

(And as a benefit I figured out how to get photos from my phone to my pc using bluetooth; now that the new phone doesn't allow me to just email them to my account. And I now run into the size issue getting them on IFI.  This new phone is supposed to be a lot better than the old one???)

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I don't know what kind of phone you're using, but when I'm adding a photo from my phone directly into an IFI post or comment, it gives me a choice of file size to add. I usually go with Medium, which comes in around 575 pixels wide.

When you send them the "one scoop" photo, tell them that's not even as much as a box of Raisin Bran!

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I do not access IFI from my phone---that's what computers are for!  Large monitor(s) and a full physical keyboard!

I received an explanation: "Thomas, the crew had to pull off to wait on Polvadera water to come mark their lines. They are back there today." 

Of course the mail on Oct 7 said: "We have called 811 to look for city water, sewer, electric etc. and gotten a clearance"  And originally the lines were marked a couple of months previously---probably faded out over the intervening months.  (Or the Polvadera Mutual Domestic Water Consumers Association, which is listed as a public utility, doesn't count as "city water"?)

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Sounds like their "to do" file is round. 

One of the guys near the top in the road maint. office only remembered the last thing task presented him. If you had a butt chewing coming you had another guy on the crew ask a question and you were clear.

The thing that sucks is: gvt., regulatory and or utility management's level of incompetence tends to effect too many people.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  Don't start grinding your teeth over this.  It's hard to stop.  Until you reach the gumline anyway...  At least they broke ground, hey?  :)  I was also going to mention coffee and donuts for the crew....  I bet they work fast once they get the geen light!

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They show up an hour or two after I leave for work.  I can't grind my teeth---no molars left.   I'm to the stage where they are talking of pulling the few remaining ones, doing a couple of inserts and putting in a denture.  If the insurance will go for it I would expect this to happen right before a major holiday.  Hopefully Christmas so my Santa Claus's evil twin impression will have *real* blood dripping from the mouth!  (And my Christmas feast will be oatmeal and pudding---and perhaps a big helping of Chocolate Amaretto pie.  We ran across a recipe in the Roswell Symphony Guild cookbook, "Savoring the Southwest Again". I originally bought it for the "Alien Crash" recipes---like body bag pork roast! The pie was what my Wife liked.)

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  Too bad you probably can't post the body bag pork roast recipie in Vulcan's Grill.  Sounds delightful.... 

  I have dentures and it makes you realize what you take for granted.  My gums are getting work hardened though...  I can eat potato chips and homemade beef jerky without them choppers.  

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