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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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I agree with Chad.  Is there any chance of a video of you at work?  I'd love to see how you make your individual elements and then combine them.  A video would be other instructional and enjoyable.  And it does not have to be really slick and professional.  Just set up a camera and record yourself in real time and maybe have some commentary while you are working.  Even if your spoken English isn't as good as your written English we will be able to get it.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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Alexandr, I would enjoy living close enough to you to be able to watch, or help you, with your work and learn some of your techniques, but if I was able to do that I would be broke because my wife would be buying everything that she saw that you make. We always look forward to seeing what you post. 

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22 hours ago, Frosty said:

why don't you take the rest of the year off, you've earned a little break.

 HI Jer !

Here they say "отдыхать на том свете будем ".

During the weekend, more than a week, I hope to clean up the workshop.

21 hours ago, George N. M. said:

I agree with Chad.  Is there any chance of a video of you at work? 


21 hours ago, Chad J. said:

 I'd love to be able to watch you make even the clusters of leaves on the benches. 


18 hours ago, Les L said:

I would enjoy living close enough to you to be able to watch

Guys, thanks! There is a problem with the video. I work alone. I tried to mount the phone on a tripod, but I can't make a video, I have to move between the horn, the anvil and the vise. My wife comes only for the weekend, she lives in the city in winter. Closer to spring I will ask her for help.

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Alexander, thank you.  Yes, it would be difficult to work and video at the same time.  It's like demonstrating at an event and selling items.  You can't do both at the same time.

All the same, I, and I assume many others, would love to see the process you use to create your lovely items.  I'm sure that part of it is the skill in manipulating the metal and as much or more in the layout and design.

Happy New Year!


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Got to get out in the shop a bit today. Have an order for a hall tree. Got the coat and hat hooks done. Spent most of my time straightening out some 1/2" square for the legs. Thought at first i could just deal with the bends as i went but everything was going wonky so after a couple hours i just cut my losses and straightened them. I have a nice 4"x4" picked out for the center post. 

I actually had to open a window in the shop today, was getting a bit warm in there. 


Alexandr, as always spectacular. I really like that shelf. You are living the dream, nice shop, good dogs, and the wife gone for winter! :lol:

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Three main projects today:

1. A lot of cleanup on the yarn shop sign (not shown).

2. Forged a bearded axe out of a ball peen hammer head. 


(Still needs grinding, heat treatment, handling, and sharpening.)

3. Cleanup of the RR track raising stake.


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I like that Axe John! Imma have to try that sometime!

No forging for me today, but I did read the fancy laminated instructions on putting together this little volcano forge an started on it, got it drying out in front of a milk house heater

Also I had a guy stop by the shop bout 30 minutes ago right before I locked up, he had a champion 400 settin in the back of the truck…. An now it’s setttin in my yard along with the train load of others…



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im excited to play with it, I never messed with a gas rig so it’s gonna be all new territory for me!

On the blower I don’t really need it an I’ll never use it,

I’ve got plenty other champions already settin around here that I don’t use, I just grabbed it incase someone else needed or wanted it,

So that being said, if you need a spare or three for yours just hop in the truck and run up here!!!
I’ll load you up!!! They will look so much better settin in your yard than mine!!! Lol:lol:

I think Ash thinks I’m trying to open a blower museum here in peavine!

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TW: My Ashley accused me of the same with vices when I went after that 7" one, LOL! As for the gas forge, looking forward to hearing what you think of it. I'm sure I'll add one eventually. 

JHCC: That's pretty neat, I never considered it would stretch that far! Now I'm wondering if you could make an herb cutter (or pizza cutter) out of a hammer similarly. 


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I started making a replacement blade for an old buck knife.  It had been my boss' first knife and he broke the blade splitting a deer pelvis.  I did a couple test tickets out of lawn mower blade I had laying around but in spite of the oil quench it wouldn't break.   I could not try water as my slack run is currently solid.  I went with an old tire iron.  I heat treated the Blacksmith's knife,  did some refining on a chopper and started the thermo cycles,  and worked on ginko leaves.  It was good to get back out in the shop after the cold snap.  





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On 12/27/2022 at 1:46 PM, alexandr said:

Here they say "отдыхать на том свете будем ".

Da. I've heard similar sayings. However, I believe that in the next world we won't have the need of rest and бог will have many interesting things for us to do!

с Новым Годом. (BTW I don't really know how to speak Russian, just a few words.) I really do admire your work, though.

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