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I Forge Iron

I'm a dad!


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Congrats Das! After all that hard work, you need some time off. LOL :D You're off on a whole new adventure. Enjoy every moment, they go by fast.

My oldest (who, it seems to me, was just born yesterday) is graduating from high school in a little over a month from now. How time flies.

On a side note: something I recommend to everyone with a newborn, check out teaching her sign language starting at about 8 months (seriously!). I did that with my kids and they could communicate their needs and wants long before they could verbalize them. Avoided the "terrible twos" situation.( Dr. Joseph Garcia - baby sign language.)

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4 hours ago, Daswulf said:

It was a hectic morning

Congratulations to the new family.

You can look forward to many more hectic mornings, and evenings but it's all worth it. The first word my first born boy learned was hot.:(

Just think in no time you will have to beat the boys off with a stick.

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Congrats Das, all the hammering in the world and you’ll never have a better creation.  Now you know “that feeling” the first time you saw her.  Weirdest and best feeling (and most overwhelming) I’ve ever had.  Every dad I’ve talked to has said the same.  

Some great advice to be had has been shared already.  The ear protection is key.  Remember that her voice actually has the power to cause chemical change in mom...endorphins release, etc...  It’s those high pitch ones that really get you.  I wish I read Thomas’s advice when I was in your position.  My wife and I suffered with our first due to silent reflux.  The bit about sign language is dead on.  I wa shocked when my daughter asked for more food using sign when she was maybe 7-8 months.  She had the power to tell us basic things and it made a huge difference.  Baby sign language is real!

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Day two. Eh, sleep is overrated. I was stuck in some goofy chair anyway. I got enough. ;) honestly I think the babies were calling between rooms. One would start then ours. Wasn't too bad. 

Of course she was sleeping most of the morning. I escaped for a bit to check on my cats and chickens then I'm heading back. 

I opened the blinds this morning to find a view of their metal hopper. ;) 




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Did you see the pictures of Prince William falling asleep at a function he was attending----folks who have been parents were saying "week old baby?   Normal and quite understandable!"

Now to find out who can give you permission to "recycle" things from that hopper...

I didn't have the option to miss work when my first was born---but working in a small custom woodshop with 100 year old massive cast iron machinery; (small as the owner had to keep it below mandatory OSHA visits...) Anyway I came into work after spending the night helping my wife during delivery, (lamaze), and my boss put a chair in the corner and told me that for that day I was not allowed near the machinery and to sit in the chair...

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John, saw at least two items in there that have sturdy looking caster bases. ;) I might ask around but I'll be just as happy just leaving the hospital with a healthy baby and mother. 


I am lucky to work for a good understanding company that understands family is important. Tho I know my missing work is straining on them. 

My sister in law is a nurse there And helped deliver my baby so we are in good hands And I might find out who to ask permission but I'm sure she will roll her eyes at me. :D 

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Just tell her that you need to start saving money for your daughter's future and so getting stuff free would help a bit....

After enough years things like having scrap metal, (or coal!), in your check in bags for an airplane flight; or asking your wife to pull over so you can get out and go pick up the sledgehammer on the side of the highway---when you are on your way back from a visit to the DR for pneumonia---will seem "typical" if not "normal".

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       LOL.... A few years ago I bought my wife a new Miata convertible . In the evenings I would suggest to her that we should take a ride through the neighborhood... Woops she finally put two and two together and realize that our rides was the same day as trash day. Whoops .. caught.. She now laughs at it. 

Forge on and make beautiful things 


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Congrats, Das. Glad to here everyone is well and happy and healthy. It has already been said in previous posts, but I'll say it again. Your life will no longer be the same, but in a good way. Take care of your self, and love your 2 ladies with everything you got. Blessings


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We came home yesterday. Seemed like forever to get out of that hospital.  That day was a bit too busy with family and such as we all three could have used a good sleep but only one of us got to. Last night was rough. But we made it through. We are getting it slowly. We have remained calm haha. We have all week this week to work at getting some sort of rythem down before I go back to work. 

Well 3 days old.  She is strong so she should do just fine swinging a hammer. She has a good grip too. Don't worry I'll teach her not to have a death grip on the hammer handle. 

Here was a cute devious little look when we got home and she was up.  :) 


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That's one precious little bundle you have there, Das.

A quote that springs to mind:

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide for ever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. (Elizabeth Stone)

Only a parent can know how true that is.



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