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I Forge Iron

Show me your anvil

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Okay, The anvil will be going onto an oak stump. I will probably place some carpet or underlay over the stump, and put the anvil ontop. That should reduce the ring and prevent that acids from the oak reaching the anvil.


Hopefully I will start forging some metal this sunday.


Thanks for the help




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I could also use some roofing felt on the stump, that would protect it from the rain and (possibly contains a layer of bitumen??) 



Roofing felt, carpet, red hot metal falling onto them ? Think plan B.


As said in previous post, looks to be wrought, if it was cast, the numbers would normally stand proud, forged ones have stamped ID / weight on the body.


Enjoy it. it will give many years good service.

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It took about five months of looking on line,going to auctions, antique stores without any luck until yesterday....I found my anvil....I felt like a kid getting his first bike.....OMG I was smilin ear to ear when the deal was done... I prob paid more than I should have but I am very happy I got it. 150 Columbian..... Was on the second floor of course ..LOL.  Getting a tree stump Monday and gonna clean her up....  Life is good my friends....    



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Dominick, looks like you got a dandy of an anvil.  I wouldn't worry about "overpaying" for one.  If you factor in the years of service you'll get out of that anvil, the cost per year is extremely low because there's almost no maintenance costs.    Buy it for $500 today and you can definitely sell it for $300 in a few years... so your actual cost for the anvil would is only $200.


And it looks like your anvil is in near perfect condition.  That's always worth a few extra dollars on the asking price.

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It took about five months of looking on line,going to auctions, antique stores without any luck until yesterday....I found my anvil....I felt like a kid getting his first bike.....OMG I was smilin ear to ear when the deal was done... I prob paid more than I should have but I am very happy I got it. 150 Columbian..... Was on the second floor of course ..LOL.  Getting a tree stump Monday and gonna clean her up....  Life is good my friends....    

I had a tree stump, but wasn't happy with it so I built my own.  Now I am really glad with it as it is more durable and workable than the stump. 

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It's not much but it has allowed me to get started. 1-1/4" by about 4" wide piece of steel stood on end.

It's soft steel that was filed smooth, and it's likely work-hardened a bit now.

It's wedged into a box of 2x6's that's been screwed down to a big oak log.

Have it off center on the log so I can work without the base getting in the way, and balance

of the surface is place to put down tools.

Hope is the log will be used for regular anvil some day.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

My first and so far only anvil. My wife gave it to me for my birthday just over a week ago. Not sure what it is. I wire brushed it up a bit this weekend but can find now markings other than "100" under the horn on the base. I had also posted this in "it followed me home", sorry for doubling up, and BIGGUNDOCTOR thought it looks a bit like a Vulcan...

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