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I Forge Iron


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    Northumberland, England

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  1. At work we have both Interlink and TNT in every day so i'd rather just chuck it on with them. Would save me a journey
  2. Hi, I've found some metal lying around which I believe to be wrought iron. The pictures hopefully show if it is or isn't. The wrought iron is of no use to me but it seems a shame just to throw it in the scrap. If someone wants it then I will (provided you pay the postage) chop it up into 12"-18" sections and package it up. The postage would probably be around £10-£12. Hopefully this post is okay in this section, I would like to leave this up for a week or two to see if anyone wants it, if not its off to the scrapyard. Thanks, Tom
  3. To be honest I probably wouldn't do anything to it just yet. I'd use it abit 1st and then decide what to do with it. Maybe run a fine flap disc over the very sharp edges to stop them from chipping. Tom
  4. Wow, thats a very impressive start . I'm defiantly envious Tom
  5. Seen this anvil on Ebay, has had some lovely work done to the heel To be fair its probably not too bad apart from that, and the starting price is okay. Tom
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  7. So this is the advice i've seen on almost every other similar topic. Use the anvil like it is. You could take a wire brush to it and remove some of the rust but working hot steel on it will do exactly the same thing. The edges are fine, leave them alone until you've had some good use out of the anvil, If you need sharp edges then it shouldn't be too hard to make a hardie tool with good edges. Also keep an eye out for any markings on the sides of the anvil, under the horn, under the heel and on the feet. They might give you some more info on the anvil. Its looks to be a great anvil, all it needs is some work to do My $0.02 Tom
  8. A brake drum isn't a terrible idea but they're not for everyone. Brake discs are likewise okay. If you have the ability to fabricate a steel fire pot then you may want to think about that. Alternatively you could put 2 inches or so of soil/ash/sand etc... ontop of the plate and then run a pipe in through the side to create a side blast forge. Also more information would be nice, what fuel you want to burn, can you weld or not, where you live, etc..... The devil really is in the detail. Tom
  9. They say a picture tells a thousand words, but what about a video? Anyway, I recently fixed up a Alcosa Forge Blower. I took videos of the process on my phone, partly so I remembered what went where and also because I like doing abit of video editing now and then. So here's 3 short videos highlighting the steps I took to restore the blower. The videos wont be everyone's cup of tea, but nobody is forcing you to watch them. Tom Thanks
  10. Seems reasonably priced for regular house coal, probably worth getting one 20kg bag 1st and trying it out, unless you burn alot of coal on house fires. Where abouts its scotland are you moving too? There is a company in the borders called pearsons of duns who do various types of bituminous and anthracite coal.
  11. Picked up 5 sets of tongs, 1 hammer and 1 top swage(?) Not certain what the tool on the very right of the picture is used for. Paid £50 for the lot, which I thought was fair enough. Tom
  12. Defiantly worth watching, really nice to actually not have any narration or voice over. Allows you to really pay attention to what is being done, and the knife you made was beautiful.
  13. ​This link should work: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b05tpw1j/handmade-2-metal
  14. Thats really cool, definatly beats the paper weight anvils I see on Ebay.
  15. So I spent the afternoon trying it out, It was sort of working. However the pipe I used to connect it to the under side of my forge was well over a metre long, it was due to this that I think it failed at heating the 15mm square past a dull orange heat. (There could be other issues here, like using a brake disc thats too shallow, not building up enough coal/coke around the fire, etc etc). Im going to get another pipe and try again later this week. Thanks for the help guys, Tom
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