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I assume you know the difference between an alligator and a crocodile: one will see you later, and the other will see you in a while. 

And make sure to take a picture with one of the girls looking out from behind the teeth!

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I definitely does not look like a hippo now. Too bad they didn’t give you more time. You could have made that thing truly fearsome. 

Speaking of hippos, many people in healthcare have trouble when asked to spell, HIPAA. The mascot for it used in training is often a purple hippo, leading people to think it is HIPPA. 

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HIPAA is necessary but a pain. When it first came out most did not understand it. It was more Health Information Prevent Access Act than it was Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. We would have clerks refuse to give physicians results of tests they themselves had ordered unless the patient first signed a release authorizing it.

I’ve even had problems myself with things which are in no way a violation of HIPAA law. One example about five years ago concerned coverage of a procedure for my wife. I wanted to make sure it was covered under our plan. The billing department refused to tell me because doing so would violate HIPAA. Totally ridiculous. Had I called to ask if my wife had had the procedure, that would have been a HIPAA thing. Finding out if the procedure would be covered by our health system’s insurance plan wast totally fine. I asked if the clerk could tell me if the procedure would be covered with our insurance for a random, imaginary stranger walking in off the street.  The clerk insisted that too would be a violation. I tried asking if it would be covered if I were to have the procedure, but she still refused to tell me, although that was not due to privacy concerns. She refused to tell me because I was male and would never need the procedure.

I’ve also had problems with a cashier. I used to drop in every couple of months on my way to the cafeteria to see if I owed any money on accounts of mine or my family members. A cashier refused to tell me, because, “HIPAA”.  I even asked if she could check to see if I was the guarantor on any accounts with balances needing to be paid. Still, “HIPAA.”


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D. Harris, HIPPA is terribly understood by most people dealing with it and is often used as an excuse not to do anything they don't feel like doing or is out of the ordinary.  One of the things that people often don't understand is who owns the confidentiality and who can waive it.  Generally, the patient owns the confidentiality and can waive it for anyone, no one, or everyone.  

Part of the problem is that it was enacted in the early-mid '90s when there was a lot less electronic co0mmunication and it hasn't kept up with the technology.  For example, you can fax documents under HIPPA but not send them as an email attachment.  It is a bit like having to keep records on punched paper tape but not on a disk or memory stick.

I have had to educate a fair number of people about HIPPA and if someone is using it as an excuse improperly I just go up the chain of command or go to the legal department.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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I look at hippa or HIPAA  laws as I dont need to share my med info if I dont want to and more mainly no one can do it without my consent. I dunno. 

Thanks Bluerooster. Vise is coming along great. Nice work. 

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Ditto on that Das!  That will be a fun tool to use knowing the amount of work you put into it, and the fact that it's beefy enough for it to still be around for your great grandkids!

Das, after you finish the corocagator you should do a dragon and put a scaled up version of a frosty T in it's throat so it can be fire breathing!

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Cannon, I want to do a dragon badly. I have stock saved up for it. A store bought weed burner might be easier even tho that wasnt really in the plans. 

This crocigator is really trying on me. Got the teeth weld ground on the outside. Now to get the upward angle figured out on the head and make a base for it and build the back body of it. 




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A fire breathing dragon taller than I am showed up at Quad-State one year.

John----get a foot switch so you can turn on and off your vised power tools while using your hands to hold stuff!

Getting it on record that my wife is to have access to my health information has been difficult for me and for them as she handles all the finances!

My 3 day weekend has been used for shop cleaning.  I don't want to do much till the electrical is inspected. (1 Guy inspecting everything in a section of the state larger than a lot of states back east!)

Really wished I had installed a crane or had a cherry picker.  Did a lot of work with a come-a-long and chains as my shop is built from telephone(utility) poles and they have the loop ended bolts  on them.

I moved my 469# Fisher by myself! (The trick was to not let it touch the ground.)  Used chains and a come-a-long to pull a large baulk of  timber in place between where it was on one side of the forge to where it was going on the other side of the forge (leaving room for a power hammer near the new plug!) Built it up even with the stump it's on. Used rollers to move it along the baulk and moved the stump in place to take it.  Now to remove the timber and let my minions be amazed at how the old guy did it!

Also went on the roof and unclogged the swamp cooler and installed a new backdoor knob & lock.

I'm real happy to be sitting in a comfy chair in front of a computer screen today!

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28 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

John----get a foot switch so you can turn on and off your vised power tools while using your hands to hold stuff!

I did! The deadman is under the yellow cover in this photo:

On 5/29/2021 at 3:36 PM, JHCC said:


The drill is plugged into the variac-and-deadman setup I use for the blower on my solid fuel forge, which gives me good speed control and easy on-and-off switching.


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It broke my heart but I had a blade that had really bad hammer marks in it,  the second to last blade I quenched tonight.  Many have recommended this so I did it to check my heat treat.  After I nearly knocked my leg vice stand over with the first shot I let it cool a bit more and snapped it.  *sniff sniff*  seriously, I think this is pretty good.



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When HIPPA first came out it was a problem in the Ambulance and ERs.  like the prior mentioned Dr ordering a test and not getting the results... we could not get billing info from the Patient in the ER after the run because we were no longer responsible for that patient., we used to drop them off and get that info later, but HIPPA meant we now pawed through a purse and wallet looking for ID for them so we could bill later for the trip. a complete violation of the intent of HIPPA and privacy, but necessary to get billed from a non responsive patient, that took about 6 month to get fixed

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Yesterday after work and dinner I went out and moved the baulk up against the wall of the shop making sure it was 3' from the junction box in case the inspector was picky.  Come-a-long and lever work.  Now if they will just inspect the place and get the trench filled in so I can access the shop with my pickup before Friday evening so I can load for the NMABA meeting...

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