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No worries Billy. 

Yup it's looking less hippo with teeth. Still have a bunch more teeth to make and add. Among a lot of other work to do in my limited time. 

I'll also be making them a long custom scoop to get the ashes out. 

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3 hours ago, Daswulf said:

I'll also be making them a long custom scoop to get the ashes out. 

It needs a Hook fire tool and perhaps a Captain tool stand. No?

Ooh ooh a Peter ash Pan!

The voices are enthused, I'll get back if they come up with something good. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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I withdraw the question about the welder :)

I am thoroughly sore today after digging post holes in stubborn soil in preparation for building a deck in the back yard.  It's elevated, so I have to sink the posts 2 feet and then pour concrete.   As a labor saving device, I have a 4' long copper pipe that I use as a sort of water drill to soak the ground where I'm going to dig so the soil compacts a bit easier.  Just connect it to the hose, turn the water on, and shove it into the ground to the desired depth. Back it out slowly and the soil is nicely soaked but not sludge level muddy.  Post hole diggers are able to get hold of it and it comes out easily.

Then we discovered that we had a gas leak.  On the company side of the meter, not the house side, thankfully.  On the bad side, it's probably been there since we moved in.  It's outside and slow enough to not smell.  We only spotted it when some water slpashed on the gas meter from the post hole digging exercise and I noticed bubbles from a joint in the pipe coming from the regulator and into the meter.  Guy from the Gas co came out and it took about a quarter turn with a pipe wrench to close it off.

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I've never asked my local scrapyard about "items" they may find in trunks of cars they get for crushing.  I did smell something dead recently; but they said it was a refrigerator that died when full and not discovered until later and scrapped intact....

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I like the ideas Frosty & Biggun.

If it weren't a fire pit I wouldn't hesitate to go with spark plugs as teeth. I fear between the heat, loading wood in and using fire tools they would be quite susceptible to breaking. 

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Alexandre: Most of us would consider spending a day packing and shipping finished work on the scale you produce it, a good day's work. 

Of course when you say you didn't work today you probably mean you didn't work on commissions in the shop. You certainly didn't take a day off to relax, maybe do a little fishing or play with the dogs. 

Billy: I love the Tick Tock idea and it would be easy to power with a little turbine over / on the smoke stack. Maybe a little striker that taps the stove. 

This is getting fun!

Frosty The Lucky.

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No photos, but I managed to light my JABOD for the first time in months!!! It was my first firing after having done a complete reshape with some soil with a higher clay content. A few weeks back I spent a few hours crushing the dried clay lumps with a brick so I could get everything a bit more homogenous.

Took a few heats on some 12mm round bar to square the last 50mm and split it for what will hopefully become my first long horn head and if it turns out nicely, the handle of my first camp oven lid lifter.

Felt so good to be moving metal again!!



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