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30 minutes ago, Daswulf said:

It's all good Frosty. :) I was just joshing Glenns mention "poisonous" snakes. Come on, we like to get info as close to correct as we can, right?

I know you and I are good DAS we josh each other all the time. What else are friends for eh? Of course Aus is right, it's all good. Only an idiot would argue with an Australian about various types of toxicity. The place scares me just reading about the critters. 

Accurate information is always more important than funnin. 

Sealife is a whole different world, lots are both venomous and poisonous. I'm not biting sea snakes! 

I wonder what the results would've been if Ozzy Osborn had bitten the head off a venomous snake. I know you can get sick from sucking the venom from a snake bite. Would that count? 

Improperly prepared sea urchin, cucumber, etc. can get you, not to mention Fugu (sp?) 

Daddy long leg spiders are both venomous and poisonous. Fortunately their fangs are too short to penetrate human skin but eating a couple few can be BAD NEWS. From what I've read, all spiders are venomous usually the smaller the more so.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Now you're talking my language!  We have lots of spiders to live with here in Oklahoma.  We have so many Fiddleback spiders on my property the home alarm system people wrote a note on our alarm box warning of them.  They opened it and found several Fiddlebacks enjoying the privacy of the box...........and it's inside our home!  Those are nasty little boogers!

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My daughter once did a Black Widow Round-Up and counted 32 around the outside of our house.  I can tell they are in my shop by the extra strong webbing they make.  We try to discourage any inside our house; fatally.  Then of course scorpions, centipedes, etc---the usual.  It's nice to know that not everything in Australia is venomous---the crocs just eat you.

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Frosty, depending on the Bat even, there could have been the possiblity of many of the deseases bats can carry. I suppose if he just bit off the head of a snake and didn't eat it or get puctured by a fang then probably he would be fine. Interesting enough I read this in an article from the Australian Academy of Science.

"Both poison and venom are designed to be effective if delivered in the correct way. But what would happen if you drank venom (rather than having it injected)? While there have not been many people willing to submit to this experiment, it is theoretically possible to swallow venom and not notice any effects (unless of course you had cuts in your mouth, in which case it could enter your bloodstream). This is because the acids in your stomach would break down the venom like any other protein before it could reach your bloodstream—at least, that's the theory."

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8 minutes ago, Daswulf said:

I read this in an article from the Australian Academy of Science.

That's my understanding as well, even saliva starts breaking venoms down immediately but sores and ulcers can be an issue. The conservative wisdom is NEVER suck a snake bite! They have the little suction cups in the kit. There's also a good trick using a glass jar and stick matches to develop a reasonably strong vacuum. IF you can get a good seal around/over the bite. 

I forgot about the bats but I much preferred to listen to Ozzy's music over watching him perform. So it's not unexpected I don't know what all he did on stage. Heard about the snakes though. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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It amazes me how Ozzy, you can not understand a word he says when he talks but sings clear as a bell. 

I was always told that you put an "X" across each puncture of the fangs, then suck out the venom. Then when i actually learned some survival first aid in the military it was explained to me that sucking out the venom by mouth could get the venom trapped in cavities or between the teeth and poisoning your self. And that even if you use the little cup or some other sort of suction by the time you make the cuts and start sucking the blood flows so fast that it just a wasted effort. 

Am i right? I do not know just what i was told. I never had to deal with snake bite. However if it were me that got bit i would suck until i sucked so much blood out i pass out from blood loss. 

Someone else mentioned this here, but i ate a rattlesnake in Oklahoma. Pretty tasty critter. 

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Restriction and trucking to where the EMTs can take over is what I have been told. "Old" methods would sometimes do more damage than just getting to help ASAP.

What was that W.C.Fields quote? "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake."

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3 hours ago, Frosty said:

The conservative wisdom is NEVER suck a snake bite! They have the little suction cups in the kit. There's also a good trick using a glass jar and stick matches to develop a reasonably strong vacuum. IF you can get a good seal around/over the bite.

as an EMT I must state NEVER NEVER suck the wound in any manner, you are causing even more damage Gzzzzzz where do people get these anachronistic ideas, the poison is already in there you aint going to pull any out :(


1 hour ago, BillyBones said:

I was always told that you put an "X" across each puncture of the fangs,

so lets now butcher the poor soul too ?

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14 minutes ago, Pr3ssure said:

So i opened the drawer to see if the snake was in there still. It was, along with another one. So yeah, now im constantly looking at every crevis very carefully before i go near or touch it. Awesome....

Jus chootem!  Dang freeloaders!

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14 minutes ago, Steve Sells said:

as an EMT I must state NEVER NEVER suck the wound in any manner, you are causing even more damage Gzzzzzz where do people get these anachronistic ideas, the poison is already in there you aint going to pull any out :(

My last snake bite kit has suction cups for drawing venom. The Red Cross couldn't be wrong could it? Oh okay, Dad gave me the kit when I went on my first hike in Cub Scouts say 1960ish?

No sucking on snake bit people. Roger that, 10-4. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Correct, Das. Snake mouths are not the cleanest. I have been bitten by carpet pythons on occasions (my fault - too slow) and it's important to wash the wound. It's an old wives tale that the wound will erupt every year … another of those anachronisms that gullible people tend to perpetuate.

And yes, NO sucking of the bite from a venomous snake. Compression bandage (should always be handy) and get to help - FAST.

Edited by ausfire
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Well so far I haven't got an infection or serious bite from a snake. Crossing my fingers. You can also get salmonella handling chickens. Live ones... hmm. I think. 

Been getting my demo forge and blower doublechecked before a local meet at the Compass Inn Museum on fathers day. Had a smaller "fan" on this "400"  blower and upgraded it to a larger. Fit the same gear body. Now thinking about maybe adding a stack to my portable coal forge.


Debating taking Wile E. Coyote and my merry band of stump and improvised anvils.


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Uh huh, I believe Armadillos carry Leprosy and opossums carry Plague. Oh and Anthrax is everywhere, lives in the soil.

Can't leave Wile E home Das! Heck he looks angry just because you thought  of leaving him home!

Frosty The Lucky.

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,Not only is sucking a snake bite wound not advised. (and does not work).  It will cause other problems.

The human mouth is a crawling ecological zoo of all manner of micro-organisms. Many can cause all manner of infections.

Hospitals treat human bight wounds very seriously. They, usually will inject tetanus into the patient and often prescribe a course of broad spectrum antibiotic treatment.

Especially so where the wound breaks the skin and causes bleeding.


Bedtime for the squire.




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Wow, Das, I wish I had Wile E Coyote to go with my roadrunner. Well, I guess I will have to make a scrap coyote and you can make a scrap roadrunner. I have done a cattle dog and a sausage dog (wiener dog) so Wile E shouldn't be too hard. Have to find some old cartoons for a model.

And yes, he needs a trip to the demo with you. He'll get some comments for sure.

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Mr. A-Fire and Herr Das,

You can most probably find a good drawing listed in their respective trade mark registrations.  (or, also,  file wrapper) for both characters, at the trade mark database of your Trade Market Office.

Trade marks have been on-line for quite some time. Use the character's name for your search or the name of the trade mark owner.

Failing that, a Wiki search should have it too.

Just sayyin',



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