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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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Thanks, but I think the pictures you posted give me enough to make them. I've plenty of different spring stock and have made a lot of wood & leather tools. If I get boxed in a corner I'll definitely give you a shout. The way we have been doing hidden tangs is to drill pilot holes in the end then use a broach to cut out the webbing, only works for tangs as long as the drill bit..

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First time with the rubik's twist.  3/4" was fun


1" became considerably more difficult. Followed by the 1.5" being ridiculous. I couldn't twist passed this point at near dang near yellow heat, 24" twisting wrench, and all of my body weight. Going to need a bigger wrench.


Also finalized my vise stand, added a socket for the post leg, and some extra support, along with matching shop color. 


Annnnnnd some beautiful tongs from ballardforge. 1.5", 2", 2.25", 2.5", and 3"

These will be for holding some really big hunks of steel, to attempt forging some skulls.


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8 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

Thanks, but I think the pictures you posted give me enough to make them. I've plenty of different spring stock and have made a lot of wood & leather tools. If I get boxed in a corner I'll definitely give you a shout. The way we have been doing hidden tangs is to drill pilot holes in the end then use a broach to cut out the webbing, only works for tangs as long as the drill bit..

sorry,  the reason why I even mentioned it is the chisels are not square cornered and wasn't sure if you picked up on it..  Sometimes people look at photos and fail to see all the little details..  But now that I mentioned it.. there it is.. 

I have found that with these and my end spoon gouge/chisel I can get as deep as need be and still be accurate in fit.. 

Mudman - way to go.. .Some really nice work..  Love the tongs..  That is a great shop color..  I love a briter color.. 

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Thanks jlpservicesinc, now I'm less likely to bump into that angle iron. Although I always wear steel toe anyhow. The tongs are made from A514 If I'm not mistaken, ballardforge works on bridges. From what I have gathered, that steel is quite common on bridge use. For how big they are, I'm surprised how little they weigh. 

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I had a productive few hours today: 

  • Made a couple of nice-looking nails. Easy stuff for most of you, but it's been several weeks since I made one; I was pleasantly surprised.
  • Flattened the ends of some rings made of 3/16" stock for what will eventually become penannular brooches
  • Curled a pigtail on the edge of an 8" pipe cap for a yarn bowl to appease the crochety old lady
  • Made a prototype for some fireplace tools out of 3/8" square HR. Need to make a jig to get more consistent results, but I'm happy with the twisted handle. We'll rivet on a shovel scoop and use this one in the forge.
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7 hours ago, Randell Warren said:

After a year and change, I finally have a shop again! Very happy.

Congrats Randall! . . . Uh . . . HEY, wait a SECOND where are the pictures? We believe new shop when we see pics of the new shop. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Was a Bunch of fun..  John rocked the chain making.. Gave John a choice of hammers and it was a  " can I use the wrought iron one".. 

It was a fast 1hr.. :) 

It was pretty dark in the trailer as i was in the throws of the days events.. Never brought the batteries out for the lights..  So never took a photo.. :( 


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Yup really nice work..  

out of curiosity what would you say your forge/anvil time in on a project like this?  Percentage wise vs benders, scrolling tools/machines etc, etc. 

Not sure what kind of time frames you have for the photos but you are putting out quite a few projects so things would have to happen pretty fast or you don't ever stop or sleep or eat.. Well other than intravenously.. 

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Was pressed for time, but made something I hadn't before tonight.  Didn't have all the right tools and for whatever reason it took something like six heats to get the slit cut.  Was using a JABOD with charcoal for the first time as well,  and had issues getting the heat right.   The eye ended up a little too large, but felt like a good first start.




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Alexandr, your work is incredible! 


+1 to what ThomasPowers says. Although I'm terrible at bottle openers, using this method has really helped me proportion it well. I'd tried a few times by eye afterwards, and always end up going too far. If you don't want to use a quarter, a washer of similar or equal size works well also. Anything of similar size really, so long as it doesn't burn. 

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