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Our cats (Morticia and Gomez) transitioned from being indoor/outdoor cats to strictly indoor after we lost another one to the loose dogs out here---not even coyotes; just the dogs folks won't control.  They still miss the outside so I like to let them out when we have terrible weather---heavy rain or snow. The quickly decide that being indoors by the wood stove isn't so bad.  We keep them out of our bed room---we have a screen door in the hall just for that---and they are always trying to sneak in.  I let them "visit" for a few minutes every now and then and they are happy to be escorted out. My wife tries to keep them strictly out and is always having troubles with them trying to sneak in.

Back in Ohio in the city I had issues with feral cats and my coal store.  I had to build a lid to keep them out. Hard to get to welding temps with kitty poo'd coal! (Such an amusing smell too...)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if I should have put this one in the ‘followed me home’ thread.


My father, the last remaining MacLeod of his generation - a sprightly 90 year old- just at the beginning of UK lockdown in March had a fall and hurt himself, I drove him without one complaint(from him!), other than me driving the pick up too sedately from Kent in the south of England up to the north of Scotland where my sister is a doctor.  We found out later he had broken his fifth vertebrae and trapped a nerve in it. Ouch. A couple of weeks ago after recovering well he went back down south to clear his house down there and preach his last sermon before retiring.  I went down to lend a hand, anyway, cut a long story short, he had another fall, this time all the way down his staircase. Sixteen brutal 45 degree stairs. He sustained a spiral fracture of his femur and a nasty head wound, back into hospital.  Again, no complaints but a worry for family due to Covid.  He is hopefully getting an ambulance transfer on Thursday back north.  I drove back Friday/Saturday and parked up in the queue at Ullapool to get on the ferry.  

While my window was open, without any warning, this was thrust into my lap.  

Unbeknownst to me the female MacLeods had conspired with my farrier pal Dave to add yet another animal to the menagerie.  This usually happens when I’m away working.  He, by coincidence was travelling over to the island for work on the same ferry and took his opportunity to offload Ronnie an 8 week old Jack Russel onto me so he could have a kip on the ferry.  She grew on me pretty quickly, slept most of the bumpy 3 hour crossing then escaped from her box during the drive home and went a bit loopy. 


Jetta approves, and is quite bemused by this nippy yappy wee dog who grabs a mouthful of her at every waking moment.  


I had a dram when I got home.



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Looks like Ronnie will keep you on your toes in the future!  Our younger cat snuck out the back door when I was bringing wood in for the stove---we like a supply inside when it's snowing.  Didn't take too long to decide that life inside on the rug in front of the fire was superior to freedom in belly deep snow outside.  But I had to wait up until it made that decision.

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What an adorable pup! We have a Ronnie too, it takes her sometimes several seconds to win over a new human. Full of mischief too but a sweety. 

We have a house cat that thinks she wants to live outside and is an old mistress at sneaking past when you open a door. It was snowing wet and sloppy yesterday and she spent all of 2 minutes on the rear deck before I noticed her sitting by the door. I started letting her out on the rear deck, it's a good 16' off the ground so she isn't tempted to go farther afield. I used to call, chase and try to bribe her back in to little success. Now I ignore her until one of the dogs lets me know she's trapped out in the cold.

Funny how the "come when I call or you're stuck outside," teaching technique has been reasonably successful. She did spend a night out when the weather started to turn and the lesson seems to have penetrated. I'd forgotten her, she's pretty old and freezing her would be a B A D thing. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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What a sweetheart. I love Terriers and they will definitely keep you on your toes. Our newest one a Terrier mix named Axle because he thinks our lives revolve around him, is so smart it's scary. His picture when we first brought him home is the first one in this thread. His mother is a Terrier Dachshund mix and the father is undetermined but to me he looks a lot like a Patterdale Terrier.


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20 hours ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:


... looks like he has a bit of regality about him:D

oh man, I’m stepping back and enjoying watching the carnage that Ronnie is creating as she settles into the mad house. Everyone else is on their toes:D

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