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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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Jennifer, I’ve already modified the drift and I’m happy with the results. Maybe it the perfectionist in me, but I want to know that the shape is correct before the forging cools down. All the hawk handles I have are pretty consistent. (I’ve been purchasing them from Dunlap Wood Crafts and I’m really happy with them. Basic hickory to fancy curly wood of different types.)

I already have another drift on the way from Holland Anvil. Mine is not in the best condition at this point and the specs on this one look close to the handles I use. (Just in case I really screwed this one up) Plus this one is H13, so it should be much longer lasting. (Honestly, it was a hard decision to purchase one, I’m usually the type to make my own!)

I am also forging the final eye size one the drift/mandrel. I just didn’t calculate the length needed correctly the this time around and ended up significantly reducing the eye wall thickness which took a lot of time and effort. I really need to start keeping a note book on my projects so I’m not start from scratch and poor memory every time!

It’s funny, I expect to to modify axe and hammer handles, but the hawk handles are beautiful and I can’t bring myself to modify them beyond a little sanding.

Chimaera, the first hawk is not too bad, but the eye wall ended up much thinner than I would prefer. On the second one, I used more material for the eye, so that was better, but I decided to fit the eye to my handle better before moving to welding the bit. I let the forging cool, checked the fit up and tried to  narrow the eye up cold (I know, dumb mistake) and blew the weld. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the eye to weld again, but I’ll try later.

Right now, I’ve got the crazy idea that I want to weld the eye below the blade set down similar to some Scandinavian  traditional axes. I know, even less like a traditional trade axe/hawk, but I just get an idea in my head and obsess over it. So, may end up trying that before I fix these two. I really should just fix these. I have a festival coming up in a few weeks and need to get my inventory built up. I want at least five hawks, hatches, blacksmith and knives maybe even a few throwing knives. They are the hot topics at this festival. (We’re setup right next to the throwing are we’re the competitions are held!)

I know this was a bit long winded and full of excuses… but I looked forward to and appreciate the insights and criticisms from everyone here. It helps! I’d really like to be able to sit down with everyone and have some deep forging discussions. (Who am I kidding, we’d be at an anvil discussing stuff!)

I’m not going to make it to Quad State either :(. Maybe next year?

Keep it fun,


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Wow. You all are making some great stuff. I've been away from the anvil for so long, I'm sure I have to relearn everything! The main thing is that I've gotten back to the anvil and have tried to set up my space under a tin roof. Reorganized the space and made some much needed tools/jigs. You don't have to tell me my welding is BAD. I know.


Made some adjustable bending forks for the bench vice.


Speaking of vise. I replaced the hardened jaws with some mild steel. I've already hit it with an errant grinding wheel. Oops.


Plenty of room here. No more forging on the driveway under the oak tree.


Made a simple butchering/fullering tool for the anvil.


First set of tools is a 30 degree butcher for tenons, etc. I have more steel for other shapes

I'm looking forward to getting some stuff made in the shade! If anyone sees any problems with my set up, let me know.

Edited by wirerabbit
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John, I for one am appreciating seeing your tooling for the bowls, very interesting. I've only briefly tinkered with shrinking and stretching & am intrigued to learn more. Have ordered Moving Metal by Adolph Steines as it sounds like it is a worthwhile reference. I have a few(!) more interests than I have time it seems though...


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Yesterday my gf finally got me out to Villa Terrace in Milwaukee to see the pieces there from Cyril Colnik.  I wanted to get there, it was just a time issue.   The pieces there were amazing.  I have probably 60 pictures of different angles if his stuff.

Today was back to the shop.   Made a new hot cut for the hf anvil and it's the best I've made yet. 

Successfully forge welded 4 more basket twist ornaments.   I think I've got the basic down.   I am going to have to start trying some of the other welds.

Made a nice towel holder.   I made it for paper towels but end user gets to decide.   Working on another style of towel holder that's going to have a wooden dowel run through it.   I'll get pictures up when I finish that. 



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Just a little time in the shop, doing a little more lining on the latest repoussé practice piece. 


I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my left hand cramping up, so I’m experimenting with using a pierced tennis ball* as an ergonomic tool holder.


It’s got a couple of different sizes of hole fit different sizes of tool. 



So far, so good. We’ll see how it does for a more protracted session. 

* Technically a variety made as a dog toy; I may end up trying one of the usual type as well. 

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Nice work Chad. I've also been working on basket twists and crazy enough, I had also made a paper towel holder this week, lol


The coil in the middle is to add a bit a resistance when a square is being pulled off. Previous paper towel holders I've made required the person to hold the roll still while tearing, otherwise you'd end up with 6 ft of towels! :lol:

I had quite a few hiccups during the making of this... just have those days sometimes where nothing seems to go right ... this was one of those weeks, lol

But Ashley (the wife) is happy with it so that's all that matters this time around.

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Looking good everyone. Quadstate was a blast, I met up with some guys from the Cincy Blacksmiths' Guild and got an opportunity to do some forging with them. Mine are on the top, my father's (with a bit of help from yours truly) are on the bottom. Was a lot of fun to have the opportunity to do some with my dad. I got a bit overly fancy and tried to do a leaf on my bottle opener. Do not like how that turned out, and additionally I accidentally made it left handed. Will probably cut off the leaf, clean it up a bit, and give it to one of my lefty friends.


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I THINK the practice piece John is talking about is the tennis ball punch holder, Arkie.

Of course I could be wrong, that happens a lot it must be the high latitude and sun angle. 

Nice line up Chimaera, if your Dad's looking for a job I'll put in a word with my contacts who play with fire ad hit things with hammer. 

Turning your first cork screws backwards is sort of like putting the finial scroll on the wrong side of first hooks isn't it? Sort of a blacksmith's dues thing. I keep telling myself anyway.

Frosty The Lucky.

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The practice piece in question is another small repoussé project, this one inspired by the cross section of a chambered nautilus. Here it is after this evening’s session:


I also added an adjustable support for my magnifying lamp, which is working quite well:


 The adjustment is locked in place with a big square-headed bolt and the recently acquired “plow wrench”.


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On 9/23/2023 at 10:08 PM, JHCC said:

ried out the electric etcher I got from the industrial surplus place:

Looks good. How much was that? I've been thinking of switching from a touchmark to an electroetcher... It's easy to electromark with just a 9V but deep etching requires DC. Thinking of making a DC converter from an old laptop cord, but don't know if it's worth the time, money, risk etc.

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