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I Forge Iron

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Spring must be coming! Everyone’s pumping out the work! 
Nice quadtopus Blueberry. What was your stock? I was thinking about trying one out.
Das, those horseshoe hearts would be definite sellers out here in the west.

CGL, it’s been fun watching you get better, and having fun! It’s an inspiration to get better myself.

Jlp thank you for the advice, and your instructional videos. Nice simple step by steps. Very helpful! Unfortunately forge welding is not yet in my repertoire. Soon!

Thomas, I was thinking something along those lines like a DNA double helix.

Billybones thanks for the suggestion, I may combine the double helix idea with a wind chime of sorts. Did you forge out the cv housing into the bell? How big were you able to go? Got any pics?

JHCC I do plan on making a bracelet for my love, I have a few more to take apart. And experiment. I was also thinking of drawing it out and cutting every other segment on one side and make a crown of sorts.

I am still amazed at the production rate Alexandr keeps. I too think he has elves working for him. Or maybe bridge trolls.





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GFH, that's a nice bottle opener. Gives me inspiration.

Blueberry, creative work on the octopus. I was watching a guy make an elephant head for a chess piece last night. Thak Ironworks on you tube. That's something I want to do with animal heads is 3D interpretations. 

Jennifer, thanks for showing different ways of doing the diamond. I can see those as fence post finials. Really, it could be used in all kinds of applications.

671jungle, thank you. When you've messed up as many as I have, you get lucky and one or two come out ok sometimes ^_^ Although I will say, it has improved my ability to spread material and my hammer accuracy is improving also. 

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Everyone is putting out some awesome work.  The only problem is that my project list keeps getting longer haha.

working on this stubby chisel (tang is way to long at the moment) and a claw hammer today.  I’ve almost figure out the tuning on my forge to hit welding temps the I will try a welded socket. Also heat treated the blades I posted last.





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18 hours ago, 671jungle said:

Did you forge out the cv housing into the bell?

No. The female style on GM's have a small sheet metal disc inside the splined part. I just drill a hole the stuck a piece of coat hanger through it tied a piece of string to each end. One to hang it and one to hold the knocker. From the knocker i tied another piece of string and attached a small square of wood so the wind would blow it around. They are incredibly loud and actually have a nice tone. I discovered this by accident one day at work.  I can not locate the only one i kept for myself. We moved Xmas before last and it is packed away somewhere or i would get a pic. I would really like to post one to becuase they are simple and easy to make and great to give as gifts. Oh, the knocker was actually one of the bearings. Different style than the one you have the race for. 

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JHCC, my buddy that wants them will be over tomorrow. We will get our heads together and figure out what is practical and what he is wanting. Hence the want for ideas and the like, so i can run as many possibilities as i can by him. I was also thinking instead of scrolls to do hearts to appeal to the lady folk. 

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The leg is looking pretty good but I don't like the foot. I'm Not being mean but it looks sort of like a worm rather than a foot. I'm thinking a foot should spread wide not long and curly. Someone here forged a pretty nice looking ginko leaf, they're round, nicely textured and you could glue a hidden felt pad to prevent scratches or use one of those cups that let you slide heavy furniture on carpets, hardwood or linoleum floors easily without doing damage. 

Another thought the ladies might like (or it could make people flee vomiting) would be a flower with the leg tenoned to the center. It'd want to be something like a daisy and forged to lay flat so things don't snag or trip on it. Hmmm?

A paw print is another thought.

The angle between leg and foot needs to be a close 90 or it'll want to spring making a shaky table.

Dressy table legs have always been a challenge for me and I appreciate nice ones. Well done so far.

Frosty The Lucky.


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Finished the candelabra:


(I’ll try to get some better photos tomorrow when the light is better.)

Also tried out Fiorello Dal Santo’s method for forging a calla lily, as detailed in “Secrets of the Forge” by Antonello Rizzo.


Not completely happy with my execution, but I like the technique. 

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On 3/5/2020 at 4:27 PM, Blueberry said:

Yea i figured somebody would point that out lol. I decided too keep things simple its my first sculpture anyway.

Ha! I like it, I know I've seen octopus with a few missing legs before. :unsure: Our diving tour guide was posing with an uncooperative octopus for underwater pictures once. Well, that cephalopod left with fewer appendages than it started with...

And Alexander, you Sir are a Master!!!

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14 hours ago, JHCC said:


Great work! Those are sweet. I love candle light and those will provide a good amount. I keep seeing your candlelabra on the end of a staff walking through dark castle corridors.


On 3/6/2020 at 5:31 PM, BillyBones said:

table legs

How would one go about the measurements to get all the legs even? That would be the most difficult for me.

I like Frosty's idea of Jennifer's diamond for feet. Leaves would be nice too and probably easier. A gingko leaf would be a nice aesthetic that would provide good surface area as a foot.


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5 minutes ago, 671jungle said:

I keep seeing your candlelabra on the end of a staff walking through dark castle corridors.

That would be cool, although these are actually for a Russian Orthodox church in Alaska. 

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Been trying to do some smaller stuff and work on delicate hammer control. A couple more leafy shaped things and a quarter. A friend expressed interest in a railspike knife. I explained to him it ain't the best for a blade but he likes the novelty. He works for the railroad so I understand. All still need to be finished. Its been fun giving all these things away and telling people what the object used to be.

I was at a party the other night and there was this really cool gear sculpture with a bell. Rang really nice.




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