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What did you do in the shop today?

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Sounds like a sauna to me and that stops being okay in about 20 minutes though a dip in cool water or a roll in snow lets me go back in for a while longer.

It's a comfy 67 f. here today. Nice out if the sun weren't red from smoke haze.

Hmmm, the Sun's Red. I wonder if Superman were to fly over if he'd drop from the sky like a skydiver who forgot to pack?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Nevada and Arizona are  hotter but are dryer. Texas is a sauna. 102 tomorrow with 80% humidity Heat index 109. Other states are worse though. Florida and Georgia come to mind.  One of my friends just moved to Alaska and I am sure she is loving it. When the needle swings the other way she might be regretting it though.


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Frosty, hope you and yours are staying out of danger. 

Anyway today was a balmy 69, man what a relief. 2" of rain maybe, nice and cool. Aint cut the grass in over a month now so hot and dry. 

So nice and cool got some good shop time

My cousin and his wife just bought a new house and she is all excited about having a fire place. I decided to make them a set. My first basket twist, welded on to a poker. I failed miserably. Should have seen that comin. 


The twist was alright, it was the welding of the rest on that went bad. My scarf would not weld and it ended up thin as you can see. Guess i will cut it off and try again. 

Also made him and the wife a cross


And a "that guy on you tube that we can not pronounce nor spell his name" Torbjor Ahman inspired hasp.




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20 hours ago, BillyBones said:

Frosty, hope you and yours are staying out of danger. 

Thanks Billy. Deb's waiting out the road closures in Homer. The trial went full length but nobody stuck around after the ribbon and certification awards. By time Deb picked up her gear and did the paperwork the HWY was closed northbound, our direction. Video on the news shows folk driving in near zero visibility between walls of flame. Authorities are saying they'll have it pushed back enough to open the road maybe today, tomorrow for sure.:rolleyes: 

Homer's a nice place to visit and right on the waters of Kachemak Bay so the air is reasonably clear of smoke and the RV park has hookups. 

The closer fires a little bit North of us are about knocked down, the worst is 85% contained as of the news 5:00am this morning and there haven't been any new alerts and they're letting evacuees back in. 

Now if it'd just rain for a couple days. <sigh>

Frosty The Lucky.

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Maybe two more Les Paul headstocks in the works. Maybe scrap. We'll see how it goes. Might make a fender or an ibanez too. String tensioning nuts installed going off my last experiment. Drilling the bolts is the really hard part. 




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Thanks Les. :) ImI'm currently out of the impliment chain I was using for the body boarder but have some other stuff from a hay escalator or something I might try out. The guitars are fun projects. Not trying to make theses ones playable. That'll be a later project.

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Bought this from an employer back in 2003. Came with 3 drill presses, $200, delivered. Table weight approx. 500#. It has been buried all of these 15 years........

Creek Ditch Forge is getting a major remodel, although it will remain in the creek ditch for a few more rainy seasons. Time to restore one of the Walker Turner drill presses and get the one ton OBI Press mounted up.

Great stuff on this thread, People!

Robert Taylor






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Nice pieces Billy. I was watching Torbjor making a ball peen hammer yesterday and marveled at what a complete craftsman he is. I told my wife afterwards that I wanted a power hammer and she gave me the "over my dead body" look. Sigh...

Das, I don't know what they are but they look cool. 

I was doing some weeding the other day and thought about running down to the hardware store to get one of those forked weed pullers. Then I remembered that I could just as easily make one. So I did.


Of course I had to embellish it a bit so I added a handle and a free swinging fulcrum. After a minor adjustment, the fulcrum works great. The weed in the picture was easily pulled out of dry ground.

It's a little over 2 feet long and I built it from 1/2" square stock and 1/4" round for the handle (where I came up a little short on material). I hot cut the forks which makes a nice bevel, which I then sharpened up a bit more. It's not beautiful but it works like a charm. 

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Dear Ted,

My hardware store weed puller/cutter has the inside edges of the fork sharpened to cut tap roots and works well.  I think the moveable fulcrum on yours will work better than just the curved handle on the commercial one.  Nice wrapping work on the handle.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand"

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Today I was testing one of my forges I’ve been tuning and discovered a pair of nippers I’d been given last year and lost track of & had no use for.

Thought I’d see if I could alter them to hold round bar stock.

The Forge seems to be getting things to a decent heat.

Some more work & they may have a chance of coming together.




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Glad yall are safe up in the great white north. All i hear about on the news here is Brazil. 

Das, you could tell me its a fender, les paul, ibanez, or what ever i i would go "its a guitar." Couldnt tell one from another. 

Been gone the past couple days (well we left early yesterday and just go home this evening). My uncle passed this weekend and had to go down home for the funeral. It was actually the cousin i was making the poker and stuff for, his dad.  Nice to see some a family i aint seen in quite a day, could have been better circumstances though. 

Nice drive down 23, "The Country Music Highway", found out Chris Stapleton is from Paintsville also. He donated a bunch of money to the high school for the music department. Also comes and plays for the school every once in a while. Very involved with the school there. 


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Thanks George, filled a garbage can with weeds while testing it. I thought the sharpened "V" was just to grab the root so you could pull it out. Shows how much I know. 

5 hours ago, JHCC said:

"By puller and boot, all weeds uproot."

:rolleyes: LOL

GB, I bought a big snipper from HB and ground some "V's" in it and welded some angle iron on for holding stock; cheap and dirty but it worked. I admire you doing it the traditional way. Looks like it'd be awkward to work while the two parts are still connected. I'd probably wind up building 4 jigs just to get it done.

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9 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

I usually just drive the rivet out and make a new one when modifying nippers.

Yes but you’re approaching it from a logical perspective. ;)

It was spur of the moment but your right.

It would be much easier with them separated.

I can get nippers for $6-$10 a pair so I’ve been interested in attempting this.

I think I’ll pick up a couple more pair this weekend to play with later.


Question - do you heat your rivets or peen them cold?

Small ones I do cold but I’ve not  set a rivet this big before.

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