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Deb's Father


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I'm back again. We got a call a few hours ago from Deb's step Mother, her father, Jerry King, suffered cardiac arrest. EMS revived him and kept him alive till they got to the hospital. He's in intensive care and the docs won't say what they think his chances are. We're hitting the road in a few minutes to take Deb to the airport.

If you would say a few words for him his wife and family please. We can use all the help we can get.

Thanks, Frosty The Lucky.

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Mr King passed away Sept 10, just shy of his 90th Birthday. Family is reeling and heartbroken both by the fact that he is gone and by the suddenness of his passing.

WWII Navy Veteran and reached the rank of Captain in the L.A. Fire Department. He is a beloved husband, father of three girls, grandfather of six, great grandfather, and great-great grandfather.

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A quit hero, to be sure. I thank you, his family for standing by him as he served others, I also thank you for standing by him as he steps from this world to the next. I beg you to celebrate his life by sharing your most beloved memories of who he is and what he taught you. 

I know you mis him, I know that you are inconsolable in your loss, but he, as always answerd the call with out counting the cost.

Deb, I bend a knee in love and appreciation.   


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Thanks all. Deb asked me to not say anything till the family made an announcement. I won't go into details but Jerry fought the reaper hard, VERY hard even though he'd left days earlier. His immediate family and kin are taking it hard but they're Kings and tough. We who got to know him are really feeling the loss. The suddenness is stunning.

Live today like it's your last and dance like nobody's watching.

The prayers mean a lot. Thank you.

Frosty The Lucky.

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