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Frosty in the hospital (home Nov 09)


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This was the original (edited) notice Deb sent out.

Guys, Jer is hurt - he is hurt really bad. it happened monday afternoon. you can reach me (temporarily) at frostygooseAK@Yahoo.com.

Jerry is at Alaska Regional Hospital in Anchorage, in the CCU (Critical Care Unit). he was felling a tree on Monday, I found him in the driveway, just out of sight of the house. A big birch tree was down across the driveway and he was on the far side of it so I didnt see him until I got closer - then I realized he was on the ground but was struggling to get to his feet

The EMTs had to call the Flight For Life helicopter to trasport him to Anchorage and straight to the trauma center. He has a bad head injury (that is the biggest concern), had a punctured lung (quickly re-inflated once he was at the hospital), multiple broken ribs, a spiral fracture to his right (lower) leg and fractures in his right foot. I think the tree most likely kicked back on him and hit him squarely in the chest - but it's just a guess from the injuries and where we found his chain saw lying (next to the just cut stump). What happened to his head is a mystery and may stay that way unless he remembers what happened ... which he probably won't.

I'm just praying he lives at his point and that WHEN he "comes back", that he knows me. The neurologist says we just have to wait out the concussion. The swelling in his brain hasn't gotten any worse over the past 48 hours ... but they say that could still change either way. He lived through the first 72 hours, which is a good sign. But he isn't out of the woods by any means yet ... and there is a high probability that recovery will be measured in months rather than weeks without a miracle. I believe in miracles, but will take ANYTHING as long as he eventually recovers.

I am supposed to be up here taking a nap (I am staying at the hospital for now, in their "Alaska House" rooms up on the 7th floor - converted patient rooms, but at least private and I am only a few steps from the elevator.). there is not much we can do right now but pray and wait. I'll call you when I can. In the mean time, if you can contact Frosty's "sandbox" friends and anyone else you know of that I might not remember, I'd appreciate it.

My family and friends are keeping tabs on me via Facebook (of all things, eh?) ... it seems to be the easiest way to reach everyone at once, especially since I haven't been able to get home to my own computer or e-address book. If either of you are on Facebook, I opened a new account under the name "De Frost" for the time being. I can't access my regular page.

I don't know what else to do ... just pray. A lot.

Needing hugs but hanging on,


I have not been able to update this information, so if you hear anything, please post it to the prayer list.

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Deb and Jerry, my thoughts and prayers are with both of you. Not to derail the thread but this is doubly painful for me as the husband of a friend of ours was killed last Thursday night by an exotic deer, of all things. He works on a ranch that breeds endangered exotics and was pinned by a barsingha buck while trying to unload the deer from a trailer. An antler caught him in the neck and that was all she wrote...26 years old and married only 2 years...more evidence that life is truly fragile and precious.

"Grace be upon you, and peace, from God our Father"

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From Deb's Facebook

I'm back at the hospital with Jer. Dr. Duddy (ane of the orthopedic surgeons who did such a wonderful job on his arm ), came in today to consult on Jer's broken foot. It is now properly wrapped and gently splinted - just enough ...so he cant further injure it until he is healed enough to undergo another surgery. Weeks, most likely, but at least it is now protected and padded.

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