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Nice improvised tools, that's the way to do it, no complaining about not having the tools and just improvise something that works. The handle on the knife is made from mahogany and two pieces of some red wood I had lying around, don't know the specific type. I got the idea for the skillet with a folding handle from DF in the shop on youtube.


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31 minutes ago, Pat Masterson said:

Right now I improvise with this giant chisel haha but it works. 

Might try dropping a wedge (steel or wood) into the hardy hole with that chisel, just to hold it a little more firmly while you're cutting on it. Nice idea, thought.

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2 hours ago, Pat Masterson said:

I’ve never brazed before.

Pat, one of the things i tell people when i am teaching them to braze that seems to help. Do not melt the rod with the torch. Heat the metal up till the temp of the metal is hot enough to melt the rod. Try taking 2 pieces of steel and heating from the backside while holding the rod on the front so the the flame does not touch the rod. That will give you a good idea of what you are looking for. I love brazing something kind of zen when the rod melts and flows into the joint, almost like magic. 

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I think the braze would look very nice on those joints, especially if you are going to brass brush the petals. 

Went to make a few nails and discovered that the hole in my nail header was bigger than the 1/4" round i was using. So of course i need another one. Made from a "HC" railroad spike. Not real happy with the hole in the handle but function over form. Also made aa handle for a shop cabinet, quick and dirty like, again function over form. Had a bunch of screw that i stripped the zinc off and needed waxed so i made a "fire boat" to heat them. Put a handful of screws in it, get him nice and hot, pull the whole thing out and the "fire boat" holds heat long enough to get them all a good finish. Oh and a nail to try out the new header.


Edit: forgot to add that of course to make the header i also had to make another square punch. 

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amazing again Alexandr. 

Billy and Frosty I need help lol. Is my mapp torch just not getting hot enough? Everything is getting to a dull orange but pieces of the rod just break off. I’ve tried heating from underneath and on top. Same results. I have a fresh mapp bottle I can try but if it’s getting almost orange it seems heat isn’t the issue. 
I wire wheeled scale off then scuffed up with some 120 grit before trying. I can do a couple tack welds if this doesn’t work i but I really wanted to try something I hadn’t done before  plus I suck at regular welding too 






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On 4/8/2022 at 10:50 AM, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

If the handle has no way to lock it open, it will fold up when dumping the contents. Ask me how I know.:)

I was envisioning flipping an egg, it landing in my shirt pocket while the fry pan folded closed biting the hand that was trying to feed me. :wacko:

Nobody in Boyscouts did this more than once cooking with the mess kit, folding frypan.

Dull orange is NOT hot enough, you want medium orange at least to get brazing rod to wet and flow properly. 

There are two easy solutions if Mapp gas isn't hot enough. 1, buy lower temp silver brazing rod, some is crazy low temp and you can pick your color within reason.

2, Do it in the forge. Clean the joint, dust LIGHTLY with borax flux. When the flux melts sprinkle brass filings on the joint and heat it for effect. The "past foaming" molten borax is sticky as all gitout and will keep the brass filings where you put them. 

Orrrr, You can wrap a short length of fine brass or copper wire around the tenon part of the joint and bring to brazing temp in the forge. Medium to bright-ish orange. Copper should fuse around 2,000f. depending on the alloy IIRC.

The second two are old timey "traditional" blacksmith brazing methods.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Almost got it done with it in the forge but I got over zealous because the stamen thing in the middle wasn’t in the right position and then I ruined it. I’m done for the day. When I start getting this tired I create monstrosities like you see below. I might just clean it up and weld it in the morning. Not sure. Thanks for all the advice though guys. As for the first one I think I got just barely lucky enough bc it held up to putting my touchmark in (brand new custom one - I have to get a soft face hammer to set it deeper but I couldn’t wait to try it, putting a couple bends in the stem, wire wheeling everything, blackening and brass brushing and paste wax finish so I think it’s going to be ok. These are going in my cousins display case and not moving from it. 





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I honestly cant say about the MAP gas torch. I have always used oxy acetylene. 

The handle i made for my cabinet yesterday was a bit big so i made another. Which made me think other things. So i made a dangly cabinet pull and started a chest handle. Then the lady of the manor informed me she was making fresh bacon. And i mean like from the butcher fresh, wrapped in brown paper, not that supermarket stuff. Mmmmm bacon.


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I hear you, learning when you're getting tired and taking a break or stopping is part of the learning curve. We've all been there and still forget once in a while. 

What's ruined, is the stem melted or something? All it looks like from here is you used about 50x as much brazing rod as necessary. 

Next time try snipping ONE of the bristles off your brass brush, if it's one of the tooth brush sized ones, maybe two.

If the fit is good that's ALL IT TAKES. 

A soldering torch tends to heat a pretty large area and you really want to be surgical about this join. Still, you have what you have.

Clean the excess brass off, might have to use a flap sander to get it clean though. If you can't get enough off do it to the whole flower and talk about how long it took you to learn that trick.;)

There are NO mistakes only happy accidents. Bob Ross. 

Orrrrr, you COULD experiment with some scrap until you got this down but . . . What fun would THAT be Eh?

Keep at it, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Frosty The Lucky.

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21 hours ago, George N. M. said:

is that your house or a customer's?  In any case, as usual, very nice work.  The fireplace picture is making my wife, Madelynn, give me that "Could you make that, Honey?" look.

HI George !

Porch in the customer's house. Fireplace in mine. I did it myself 25 years ago.

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23 hours ago, Pat Masterson said:

Is my mapp torch just not getting hot enough? Everything is getting to a dull orange but pieces of the rod just break off. I’ve tried heating from underneath and on top. Same results. I have a fresh mapp bottle I can try but if it’s getting almost orange it seems heat isn’t the issue. 

Pat, MAPP (and propane alone) will not get hot enough to braze in the conventional fashion.  You have to use either oxy/acetylene or oxy/propane.  Or...as Frosty mentioned, another type of "brazing" or soldering.

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Brazing is a dark art. I like these poppies. 

Alexandr, inspirational stuff there.

I’ve been asked to make bannisters and landing railings for a house that’s being renovated locally and started yesterday.  The customer supplied sketches and I’ve agreed to do the smallest panel as a test piece.  In between working out bends on heavier flat bar than I’m used to for the top and bottom rail, and working out how to make a penny roll kind of leaf thing, I knocked out an inoffensive bottle opener for my cousin who is a carpenter. 


Spot the rebar.:rolleyes:

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Finished a half dozen knitting bowls for the opening of my wife’s yarn shop tomorrow. 



Also, since this is going to be a production item, I’m playing with an idea for doing all six initial dimples at once under the treadle hammer. 



Needs a bit of tweaking, but the idea appears to be sound (and it was a good use for some scrap handrail).

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On 4/9/2022 at 4:00 PM, Pat Masterson said:

Is my mapp torch just not getting hot enough? Everything is getting to a dull orange but pieces of the rod just break off.

I use similar rods and have the same torch.. the petals aren't hot enough for the braze to wet out. Remember the base metal should ideally be melting the rod, not the torch (pieces breaking off is normal).

It's possible to do, but barely. I would recommend forge brazing or buying an oxy-fuel torch. If you're forge brazing add some additional borax flux, the coating on the rods isn't enough.

Save the bernzomatic for lighting the forge.

Edit: I just read your next post where you used the forge, pardon my hasty response.

Edited by Frazer
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