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This week I carved a handle for the axe from some maple, as well as finished the profile and hardening and tempering of the axe. I did mess up the stamps a little bit, but overall, it turned out pretty nice. First time carving a handle so that definitely needs some more work.



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Cool scepter, Grouser. How did you form the ball on the end? If I were to make a scepter for my grandkids that ball would be functional. It would keep the girl from skewering the boy. :)

I’ve never made handles for anything other than hammers, Jobtiel. I expect an axe or hatchet handle would be more difficult.  I think you did well with it.  When I finish the two hatchets I cut stock for earlier this week, I plan to use flame maple. Not the best handle material, but it sure looks cool. 

This is what I did yesterday evening. Still deciding on coloring for the letters. (They still need to be cleaned up anyway. Very raggedy.) I will finish it with bees wax. It holds exactly two tablespoons of water. I believe that is a good size. 

Cleaned up the face of one of my HF hammers. Looks like I will need to retire it. 




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Grouser, i like the pigtails on the bottom. 

Jobtiel, a little fat at the eye but if it fits it fits, pretty nice work if i say so my self. 

DHarris, nice little spoon there. That hammer maybe you could take the handle off and repurpose it into something like a monkey tool? If flame maple is not a good handle material maybe do a composite. Osage or hickory core with flame maple sides for the look. A friend of mine made me an ax handle with osage and purple heart the contrasting woods look really nice. Unfortunately he also put a nice thick coat of epoxy on it so it is slicker than a ...  


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Yeah maple is not the best, but I had it lying around after some trees were cut down last spring. If it breaks it breaks. I agree on the eye being too wide. It's also really thin, it was my first wrapped eye welded axe so the specifics have to be nailed down a bit. I was trying to make it fit an ash handle I had lying around, but it was way too wide. I'll have to make another one for that handle! 

DHarris, when you carve those handles, a drawknife and spokeshave will come in real handy! A carving axe is useful for roughing out as well. the one i used had an asymmetric bevel and it worked great for carving!


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Did you remember to drain the Bose-Einstein condensates from your Boson traps?

The craft show in April I was going to sell hand forged items at has been cancelled due to Covid-19 worries; so this weekend it looks like I will be shoveling composted horse manure into kitty litter buckets and working on my wife's raised beds.  I strongly suggest you do NOT tailgate me with your windows down the first time I hit the interstate going into town afterwards!  (Or you will have fertile ground for a lot more puns!)

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Anyone have a suggestion on how to keep the rams from lifting up when they come under pressure? It’s not a terrible amount but if you look at the two pics you can see the difference. It’s probably a good 1/2-5/8” maybe a little more that they will lift. Usually the moving one. I was thinking about drilling into the black bar that runs along the body and moves with the ram then drilling into the side of the ram itself and putting a bar from the ram to the black bar so they’d be connected and kind of holding each other in place but I’m not sure weakening that thin black bar is a good idea. The lift isn’t the end of the world I guess but it would just be easier to control and I’m guessing I’m losing at least some power when it happens. 





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Glad i could make y'all smile. 

Pat, i watched a guy on the you tube make one of those and if i recall he just made a bracket that bolted to the sides up and over. Kind of a "U" shape. The rams stayed down but then the whole frame work flexed though. His did not look as stout as yours though. I am thinking more of a tube or tunnel around it would work much better. The less ram you have "exposed" the better it would seem to work to me. 

So after almost 2 weeks sick at home. Longest 2 weeks of my life. I finally got back in the shop. Started a shepherd's hook for my aunt before i got ill. Finished it today. Most was done so just the spike and foot on the end (no pic it is just pointy) and the collars.  Then, inspired by DHarris i have made a coffee scoop. Still not 100% but it was nice to get back out and do just a little something. 



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this was shared earlier this month by the local manshed


Everyone PLEASE be careful because people are going crazy from being locked down at home!

I was just talking about this with the microwave and the toaster while drinking my Pepsi, and we all agreed that things are getting bad.

I didn't mention any of this to the washing machine, because she puts a different spin on EVERYTHING!! Certainly couldn't share with the fridge, cause he's been acting cold and distant! In the end, the iron straightened me out! She said the situation isn't all that pressing and all the wrinkles will soon get ironed out!

The vacuum, however, was very unsympathetic ... told me to just suck it up! But the fan was VERY optimistic and gave me hope that it will all blow over soon!

The toilet looked a bit flushed but didn't say anything when I asked its opinion, but the front door said I was becoming unhinged and the doorknob told me to get a grip!! You can just about guess what the curtains told me: they told me to "pull myself together!"

We will survive!!

Pass it on - gotta keep the humour! • • ,-


got some items coming up the pipe will be sharing soon hopfully


Edited by M.J.Lampert
whole quote didnt go in
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