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Glenn, and Mr. C.C.,

Yes, seasoning with peanut oil is not a good idea.

And in the same vein using olive oil will put a lot of folks off with its distinctive odor and taste. Which is also not suitable for cook some quisines like oriental cooking, (Japanese, Korean, South east Asian, Chinese*,) and, many  occidental dishes etc.  etc.

I generally use canola oil for seasoning (it was once known as rapeseed oil and got changed)

Just sayyin,


* one style of Chinese cooking is an exception, that of the once Portuguese colony of Macau.

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11 hours ago, JHCC said:

when do you find time to sleep?

HI !

There is a good Russian proverb "you will not drink experience" I do not know how it will be correct in English.:D

6 hours ago, Chimaera said:

I aspire to make a single leaf half as good as those... maybe in 20 years!

It's actually not very difficult. I'll take a photo and show you how I'm doing it. Alone, without hammer and helper.

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6 hours ago, SLAG said:

sing olive oil will put a lot of folks off with its distinctive odor and taste.

SLAG, won't most of the olive oil taste be gone after a bit? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

As far as from an allergen standpoint, you don't want even trace amounts left, but from a taste standpoint?

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7 hours ago, alexandr said:

you will not drink experience

I have heard one similar in English; "You can't eat experience". Meaning you could have all the experience in the world, but unless you do the work it doesn't put food on the table. Is that a similar meaning to the Russian proverb?

I'd love to see how you make your leaves as well.

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Being married to a musician and spending a lot of time with artists, I’ve always understood “You can’t eat experience” to be a response to offers of jobs that don’t pay well but that would supposedly “be great experience.” Same goes for doing unpaid or low-paid work “for the exposure.”

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On 12/13/2020 at 12:22 PM, Shabumi said:

I have heard one similar in English; "You can't eat experience".

A slightly different meaning. If you are experienced, then over time the experience does not disappear, but only increases.

Thanks to my experience, I work much faster than I used to, a few years ago.

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Chimaera, salt or fresh? When me and the x-wife were still married a had 2 60's, one fresh water the other salt. Loved my little reef tank complete with clown fish and sea anemones. For the salt tanks they sell these little guys called turbo snails. 2 of them kept the glass nice and clean and compared to other snails they were fast. 

When we divorced the x let all my fish die, my fault for leaving them but there were more important things at the time. The last fish to die was my plecostomus, sucker fish, grew to almost 20", huge fish, when it died my x-wife tried to flush it. 

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Another thing to think about is the copper alloy. Is it REALLY pure copper? Some alloys have undesirable dietary supplements like lead or beryllium, a touch of zinc isn't so bad unless you're breathing it.

Potatoes are surprisingly corrosive. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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BB, sorry to hear about that. Mine's a fresh. I do have a pleco (bristlenose, so he'll max out at 6", if that). Also, he's so dumb that he won't even eat the algae :wacko:. In addition to him, I have:

A few java loaches

3 pearl gouramis

1 yoyo loach

2 pimelodus pictus cats

1 adorable baby synodontis

I had 3 angels, but two months ago they all got a disease and died off. Looking to maybe get more gouramis or new angels. I've got a place that breeds their own angels, so you can get them the size of a nickel for $1.50. Love that place.


I don't feel up to saltwater. Not yet. And when I do, it probably won't be a reef. Maybe a stingray and catshark.

Now, BB, if you want to get back into it, I might suggest cory catfish and Pea puffers. They're fresh water pufferfish at most an inch long. Adorable. Don't like other fish in their space, but will leave catfish alone. You could keep 5 pea puffers and 5 corys in a nicely aquascaped 30 gal. Plus, you can feed the pea puffers almost for free. I assume you've experienced the dreaded malaysian trumpet snail invasion? Thousands upon thousands of tiny snails swarming the tank... Pea puffers' favorite food. They'll gobble em up, pecking them off the glass with their tiny beaks.

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Chimaera.  I've always liked looking at aquariums.  Unfortunately for me the few I have tried always ended the same way some of my gardening efforts did.  The only things surviving were the things I did not want.   I'm fairly sure if I were trying to grow algae, I would end up healthy fish I didn't want devouring it :)  My last bonsai tree attempt resulted in a bumper crop of spider mites too.

OTOH I have three kids that survived, so.....

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I always told them it was my job to get them to 18 alive, after that.....

Nah, They are great boys.  They are the ones that got me going with all of this.  One is a Marine reservist and his twin brother works in a steel shop in the city 30 miles away.  The youngest is 17...

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You can only wish it ended at 18, seems they never leave, and always need something. Then the grandkids come along. 

Marine reservist, good for him. Give him a pat on the back and a head rubbin from an old Army vet. 

Chimerae, i had my tanks a good 25 years ago so i missed out on the whole snail invasion. The hardest part of a salt tank is not rushing it. You have to let an eco system build up. Once that happens it is just a matter of keeping the water full. It seems complex but really isnt. If i do another tank it will be a river tank with fish and amphibians. 

Those iridescent sharks you can buy for your tank are called swai at the supermarket. 

Anyway got some more X-mas forgings done. My old lady's candle holders, a flower pot/candle holder wall hangy thing, and a quilt hanger for my mom. 


Also needed a new fire rake so i made me what i call the fire knife. rakes good and breaks the coking coal up real nice like.


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Went to line the inside of my new gas forge with itc-100, and found a solid itc-100 rock in the can. Life 1, me 0. I figured I might as well take the opportunity to fire it and see how it performs just gas-wise. Oof. Major disappointment. Definitely using my old forge to finish the Christmas gifts, if it doesn't fall apart on me.
The good news is that the portable workbench I built is awesome and way sturdier that I needed it to be. Might be able to put a shop vice on it for light bending. Hammering would probably wreck it though. I factory deleted the cross in the back because it wasn't bearing much weight and made the system overconstrained, making assembly more of a hassle. Still rock solid.

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Billy Bones,  will do.  Both of the twins enlisted together and were in the same training platoon in San Diego.   Their grandpa (23 years in the Army) was so proud.  Unfortunately Dad passed before they could graduate, and one of them got heat stroke in the crucible and didn't graduate.

Nice work on the Christmas goodies

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