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Got the mask all put together, its not as flexible as the paper version so it doesn't fit as well, but not too bad for a first try at a mask, eh? There's a lot i'd do differently next time, like start collaring from the tip vs the opening, as well as changes to the template to make it easier to work in metal, but I'm proud of the effort i put in and the result that came out.




Also tried out the viking weave in what passes for bailing wire these days to see how it would come out. I like how it went from a not so nice looking weave to halfway decent just by drawing it through the draw plates. Also shown are my draw plates and my sophisticated drawing method of hanging the chain from a nail in an overhead beam and using my whole body weight to draw it through. Went from 6 inches of ~1 inch round to 11 inches of 1/2 inch round. I want to see how it will look if i draw it through smaller holes at forging heat.




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Shambui:  Now, you have to stuff the beak full of fragrant herbs to combat the infectious smells and miasmas.

Cannon Cocker:  Very nice idea but if I make a suggestion: Perhaps something of more visual interest on the sides, maybe a twist or something.  The curled tails are cool but hidden under the napkins.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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10 hours ago, George N. M. said:

Now, you have to stuff the beak full of fragrant herbs

That's the plan, though which herbs to use? I have some sage smudges drying, as well as as much fresh chocolate mint, rosemary, thyme, catsmint, horehound, mullein, lemonbalm, fennel and feverfew as I'd want. The lavender hasn't started blooming yet, but I can add that when it is. Also coming soon will be dill weed, oregano, basil, fresh coriander and chives. That doesn't count all the non fragrant herbs available to me.

I had read in an old Italian manuscript (I think it had medico or medici in the title) that the "hot" herbs shouldn't be used, and mint was listed as "hot", but I can't seem to find it again to double check. I can't remember if it mentioned if dried or fresh herbs were used or if you stuff the beak with loose threshs or use a satchel. I am fudging on the details I did remember, like I should have used Heather oil to permeate the mask, but I don't think the Heather I know would let me press her for oil so I used BLO instead.

I wish I could find the manuscript again, it was an interesting read. It also had a preventative for the plague that was made with mercury, cobalt and liver of sulphur mixed with herbs into a paste and added to your morning tea

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i like this skull openers, dont think ive seen ones quite like that, need to make a bottle opener one of these days, or maybe not. most people i know use lighters and i rarely partake. 

anyhow. got a spring bit bigger then the last so i made a quick bar bending hardy out of an RR anchor, not exactly the bell of the ball though

bar bender (2).jpg

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Just beginning to mess around with my new 2x72 belt grinder.  Already realizing how much sweeping I'm going to have to do.  So today I spent about a half hour making a temporary "laundry chute" for the metal grindings to go down directly into my water bucket.  I'll see how it works before going with a more permanent build.  Saves a whole lot of sweeping though.



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 The worst part was how much the workpiece bounced around. I’m starting to understand the concept of the pitch bowl.

 We’ll see how it looks once I’ve gone over the lines again and cleaned up the corners. 

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34 minutes ago, Forgingforfun said:

Jhcc nice work , braclet? Show your tooling and share your angle of attack. Is that mild steel?

It’s ultimately going to be a belt buckle, but I’m keeping it as part of its parent stock for now.

 Here are my two primary tools, both ground from small cold chisels. The one on the left has a rounded edge for working curved lines, and the one on the right is for getting into corners. 


I’m holding the tools basically perpendicular to the face of the stock, but sometimes angling slightly to nudge the line a bit one way out the other. 


(The workpiece is being supported here by my big ball stake. Yes, it’s mild steel: scrap left over from building the shell of my forge. Before that, it was part of a flow rack in a factory somewhere.)

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It’s another thing to learn, which is always fun.

I drew a grid with compass and ruler, freehanded some guide lines for where I wanted the pattern to be, and then did the rest by eye. I didn’t take enough trouble over the guide lines, and that caused some problems later on. 

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have you ever tried engraving? i made some quick little tools for some none ferrous metals out of some old chain saw files.  of course the finished products weren't good but when you were able to make a nice clean pass, especially on a curved line it felt so good.

i'd like to revisit it only with some proper tools and a little small bench with a quick clamp or something, you know or just a comfortable space cos stuff like that takes focus and being uncomfortable or constantly having to re-adjust really throws off my rhythm,  as it usually would with anyone  

theres a fellow on youtube who does a lot of brass work i forget his name but ill pm you his channel when i find it i think you'll get a kick out of it.  JHCC

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In my ongoing series of making basic tongs from readily available materials, I spent some time playing around with an idea for making tongs from flattened 1” black pipe. 


It’sa little trickier than I originally envisioned, but I’m not giving up on the idea yet. 

4 hours ago, bluerooster said:

I need square stock to fit my 7/8" hardy hole.

And speaking of 1” black pipe, it forges nicely to a 7/8” square, so it’s good for the stems of welded-up hardy tools. 

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nice drawn knife and gouge, i recently made a gouge swage myself not sure if i want to try to put a hard attatchment on it or use it flat, its pretty heavy on it own so i may leave it we'll see, remember you're gonna be using that draw knife both ways around so keep that in mind when grinding/curving/doing what you do.

neat idea, got some nice big nibs on der, never thought of using black pipe for anything but making fire, heh heh, fire, fire....

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