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Um, pretty much. Bean counters that teach managers how to count beans more percisely. 

So far we are doing more paperwork, signing off on other employees work and spending atleast a half hour more in meetings. Not to mention updating the computer system on our personal devices and tracking down our parts and service writers constantly. It's amazing we touch a car at all. 

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Das, i assume you work for a dealership? 

We do not have consultants, but every once in a while we get someone from home office come and tell us what we are doing wrong and how to fill out our work orders (again). How i dread them days. I get paid partially by work done, no work from me sitting in an office being told how to do my job (again) means it effects my paycheck. Oh yeah i work for AA(beep, beep)MCO.  

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Well, natural selection found the weakest link in my treadle hammer: the wire yokes holding the shock-absorbing spring were too soft, wore through, and let go with a bang. 


So, I made some new ones from garage door spring, which should be more durable. 


With the treadle hammer back on line, I started work on some split-rein box jaw tongs (in progress, so no photo).

Also made another knitting bowl for a customer: 


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15 hours ago, BEJ431 said:

My first actual project after making a few tools.

Welcome aboard, glad to have you. Of you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many members live within visiting distance. A name or web handle would be nice too, calling someone by BJE431 is just too clumsy. 

Not a bad bottle opener, especially for a first go. Does it open a bottle? There are a lot of good beginner projects in the "getting started" section here. Do you have any books? The internet isn't really the place to do research, especially Youtube, too much is put online by folk with no qualification other than a camera and connection. Some things are just downright dangerous. 

Blacksmithing is addictive, hang out here, we'll help.

Frosty The Lucky.

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John, might I suggest running cable through the spring (like on newer garage door side springs) so that if it fails again the spring can't go flying. I had a garage door spring break and flew into a metal cabinet denting the corner in about an inch. Ended up replacing them with new and ran the safety cable. A flying spring under tension is no joke. 

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One of those “If you break your leg, don’t come running to me” situations?

I think I have some cable that would work; I’ll have to take a look. Might be worthwhile for the big springs on the back that bring the hammer back up to vertical. 

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I finished the last two anchors for the trampoline. 


Then I made a little Anvil for my wife. She is making bracelets out of baseballs with brass name plates on them. The plates have a curve to them that needs to be held while she stamps the letters in them. Long story short I got to make a special punch and then stamped the shape into a piece of 1/4 X 1 1/4. 



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6 hours ago, Frosty said:

Blacksmithing is addictive, hang out here, we'll help

Thanks for the advice Frosty, tried to figure out the header thing when I first posted but I'm just using a phone right now. 

No books yet, mostly just the old interwebs. I try to be pretty selective about what I see on YouTube.  Mostly Black Bear Forge. He seems to be pretty good at explaining a lot of different processes. 

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BEJ431, black bear forge is a good source. There's a section here with some recommended videos. You really do have to be careful in the beginning what and who you're listening to. As frosty said a lot of them their only qualifications are a camera and an internet connection.  Starting out it's hard to discern good advice from bad advice. A lot of youtubers have no more experience than you. IFI will keep you on track. Good luck.

Pnut (Mike)


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3 hours ago, Cannon Cocker said:

Long story short I got to make a special punch and then stamped the shape into a piece of 1/4 X 1 1/4. 

We call those closed dies, top and bottom. Nice job. I'm still trying to picture a bracelet made from a baseball, the one clear mental image I have is of a gal I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of.

1 hour ago, BEJ431 said:

Thanks for the advice Frosty,

You're welcome, my pleasure but about a non-clunky something by which to address you . . . Hmmm? :blink:

Frosty The Lucky.

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Frosty,  well clunky (or maybe it was chunky) describes me pretty well :) I was going to take Sarge but that name was taken so I guess my initials and call# will have to do for now.  Or you can just use BJ.

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3 hours ago, Frosty said:

Nice job. I'm still trying to picture a bracelet made from a baseball, the one clear mental image I have is of a gal I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of.

This should help you picture it!


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2 hours ago, BEJ431 said:

guess my initials and call# will have to do for now.  Or you can just use BJ.

Okay, BJ. Thank you, BEJ431 was just too license plateish or partial phone #esque for my TBI scrambled filing system to come up with a working mnemonic. I've known plenty of BJs though not currently. Perfect! :) 

Frosty The Lucky.

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