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I Forge Iron

Leaf styles

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Depends entirely on the project. I've used everything from 3/8" round to 1/2" x 2" flat bar, and I know folks who've used both larger and smaller stock.

Remember that leaves are traditionally not stand-alone items, but parts of larger projects. You want to scale your stock to the eventual size needed; there really is no "standard".

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Hmm I wonder if  real Wrought Iron would make good ginkgo leaves and the imperfections from hammering thin work as a feature rather than a flaw.  I have a long weekend and a lot of WI of various quality levels, I may have to give it a try.

As for starting stock size 1/8" to 1" sq stock; but I may go larger when I have a powered shop!

Now if you specify starting stock for a leaf keyring that would narrow things down a bit.

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My neighbors have a huge old Ginkgo tree. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at the leaves for my project and there seems to be two variations on this one tree. The lower branches have leaves similar to what I forged (shown above). Small random splits long the outer edge. The upper branches have more of the leave type with a deep split in the outer edge with a ~1/16” radius at the bottom of the split. 

Also the leaves all sprout from a the end of the woody twigs in groups including the fruit. (I hope this description is understandable?)

If there is interest, I’ll try to get pictures...


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