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I Forge Iron

Loss of a child

Charles R. Stevens

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Over the MLK holiday weekend wile Sandy and I were in the valley (Phoenix metro) for a friends retirement party (30 years as an army nurse, full bird colonel) friends of ours lost their 11 month old boy to aspirating a small pebble. Please put Johnny and Jessica Gooden and their daughter Serria on your lists. 

Knees bent, anvil rung.

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I'm at a loss for words, I can't think of worse times for a parent. Prayers for comfort for Johnny, Mom and all. 

The morning news yesterday had a piece about a viral Youtube video about clearing a choking baby's airway. There was an interview with a new mother who'd saved her baby after seeing it. I hope this isn't insensitive but the link to the YOutube video follows.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Thank you for the video. Very informative.

The most common things children choke on are small carrots and small hot dog pieces.

I mention this because parents should be aware of the perils of these foods.

Has any one of the membership noticed that ball-point pen caps,  now,  have a channel in them?

It is to allow a child to continue breathing when they get the caps into their airways.

I had not noticed that and had to,  recently,  read about it on the net.

I think that this improvement is a recent development, but I am not sure.



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