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I Forge Iron

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  :D  Frank Burns!  He had a chip on his shoulder lol....  

  No,  "You guy's" mean't the exact same thing as "y’all" here and I used to make fun of my sister for using y'all but not so much anymore.  My brother from Atlanta too.

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"y'all" is a useful construction.  "Standard" English does not have a you plural and "y'all" or "you guys" fills that gap.

I knew a lady from Tennessee who said you weren't really from the South unless at some point you had said "all y'all" as in "all y'all come on over here."

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does the canopy improve survival of the colonies? I have a friend who started keeping bees a few years ago but has trouble keeping the hives alive over winter. Beetles got one this winter but often it's condensation in the hive that gets them. Snow tends to seal them off but without it the cold gets them.

I suggested he build a pitched cap to shed snow and allow positive ventilation so exhaled water can escape but I don't know how effective that might be. I know nothing about bees.

Frosty The Lucky.

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12 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Does the canopy improve survival of the colonies?

It helps in our climate, it can rain for more than a month. Bees don't like humidity. It is very important that the snow does not cover the entrances (летки) to the hive.


16 minutes ago, Frosty said:

allow positive ventilation so exhaled water can escape

The bees themselves ventilate well, the main thing is that the entrance and exit are not closed. Excuse my English)))

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Last week the Clark County Fair was held in my little valley of 7,500, and I helped my neighbor who is the Rotary Club president work one of the beer vending booths.  Everything went fantastic in that the weather was perfect for selling beer (80's90's) , just a slight breeze, and lots of visitors as the Covid mandates were lifted.  This was their best sale to date, and the money raised goes towards scholarships for local kids to attend college, or trade school.  Looks like they can do 10 scholarships so far.  I have not seen what the visitation was this year, but it had to be up near the top compared to years past (70,000+)

The following week has brought strong winds with gusts up to 50mph and temps dipping down into the 40's at night.  Yesterday was bad for wind, and today it is pretty nice.  I'll have to venture out and survey for any damage and strewn items on the property.

Happy Easter everyone!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yesterday, while I was in the forge, the sky just opened up and dumped quite a bit of rain. Thankfully, the storm was not violent. The best part was as it started to calm down the sun started streaming brightly in the west window of the shop, but it was still pouring down with even more lightening. I thought it was a good view from the forge. Our neighbors across the street send this picture later that evening. I guess I missed the best view!



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