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I Forge Iron

Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. I think the stake is long enough to hold fine. Drill the hole a little undersized and drive the stake in for a tight fit. I wouldn't chisel it square the stake will take care of that and hold tighter. Another way to mount it would be to put a plate (like a Pexto plate) on the stump with the hole cut to fit the base of the stake.
  2. I see that it's been moved from General Blacksmithing to Knife Making, probably a better section to get good answers. As far as forging temp that's listed in the data sheet. Forging ( Hot forming temperature: 1050-850oC.) don't know what else you need. BTW, if you edit your profile to show location, we won't have to ask you for it when the answers need to know where in the world you are located.
  3. I can tell you that this is posted in the wrong section and will probably be moved. Have you read this? READ THIS FIRST
  4. Yep, we love pictures, and to get the best out of the forum... READ THIS FIRST
  5. Most of them that I've seen are black. No telling how many times someone has painted theirs though or what color. BTW... Welcome to IFI Timmy. Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST It will help you get the best out of the forum.
  6. Here is a hammer & hardy that I made for texturing. Works well for a wood grain look.
  7. I don't think a pellet gun will leave those marks on the side's, not doubting it was used as a target though. More likely who ever was using it, tested the sharpness of punches & chisels that were made using the anvil. At $300 U.S. you did well on the price of $2.22 a pound as long as the ring & rebound are good. I think your anvil is a Hay Budden made in Brooklyn NY. If so the serial number A414 is dated in Anvils of America to 1918. If it's a Hay Budden or Trenton you have a very good anvil and I hope you have read about not doing any grinding, milling or welding on the hardened face..
  8. There is a thread, Show me your anvil stands. There are plenty of examples of banding there. You will want to start around page 12 or 13 for the pictures, sadly earlier pictures were lost during a forum upgrade.
  9. What's being suggested, is to edit your profile to show where in the world you are located. READ THIS FIRST
  10. I went to the thread you posted when you got the forge. From the picture it looks plenty hot enough to forge weld in. I suggest trying again and letting the steel in the forge a little longer to see if it will get to what I call high yellow (almost sparkling) then just tap the weld to set it. Then back into the fire for a second heat and more hammering.
  11. When my boys were little, my mother told me insanity was contagious, you catch it from the kids.
  12. I'm with anvil on not hot enough and didn't let it soak at the higher temp so the inside of the join was at the right temp. Looks like a high carbon rasp to me. What type of forge?
  13. Welcome to IFI... The shop looks good to me, great haul on the equipment too. Love your anvil and the blower arrangement looks interesting. If you keep finding great stuff like that you are going to need a bigger vehicle.
  14. Nope, if you follow the directions given it's easy. BTW... welcome to IFI. Have you read this? READ THIS FIRST It will help you get the best out of the forum.
  15. Have you tried contacting Marathon Motors? They have a web site, just can't link it. They should be able to tell you if it's reversible.
  16. The top/main screw having been welded and needs welding again would be a deal breaker for me. Finding a replacement screw would be near impossible. Definitely not worth the asking price or even half that IMO.
  17. We won't remember your location once leaving this post, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show it. BTW, nice looking Trenton, hope you have read about not doing any grinding, milling or welding on the hardened face.
  18. Welcome to the insanity. Where is your new home located? I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST
  19. I have door springs in several sizes, so much so I quite collecting them. What they said about straightening them works really well. If I straighten all I have they would probably reach Oklahoma.
  20. Welcome to IFI. I suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum, l READ THIS FIRST like resizing your pictures so they don't take up so much bandwidth/data. I have seen several cast iron stands but none that look exactly like yours. Is there any name on it? Where in the world are you located?
  21. My wife's Granny was of the old ways and a very wise person. She always said to watch the cat, because if left unattended while you were sleeping, they would take your baby's breath away. She knew about all of the herbal remedies, I wish we would have written them down. She was also very sensitive to earth quakes. She could feel them long before the news would report on them happening in Oklahoma.
  22. Do you realize that the member you are asking the question of hasn't been on the forum in a year? Where to buy a regulator will depend upon where in the world you are located. Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST
  23. While you were "skulking" did you happen to read this? READ THIS FIRST
  24. Yep, just hit the report post button top right and someone will handle it directly. That way everyone is acting as a moderator.
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