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I Forge Iron

Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. I will ring the anvil three times to hope for a positive outcome of your surgery.
  2. I watched a show on NATGEO the other day about bees. We have the good folks in Brazil to thank for the influx of Killer Bees. They bred a local honey bee with African bees in an effort to increase honey production and the experiment went array when a hive escaped into the wild. Now the killer bees who are very aggressive have spread just about globally.
  3. You can get the supplies right here, just PM Glenn.https://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/254-gas-forge-refractories-and-supplies/
  4. Welcome back, we missed ya here. Glad to hear you are on the mend and hope to see you back in the forge soon.
  5. Welcome to IFI... Someone who has experience with the Devil forge will undoubtedly be along to answer your questions. In the mean time I suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST If you edit your profile to show your location, it will help with getting good answers and you never know there may be members close to you to help you out.
  6. I can't get you a picture of mine but I made an axle and added two 10 inch solid wheels (non pneumatic no worry about flats) from HF and a pair of folding handles to pick up the front to move it (like a wheel barrow) It worked well for me.
  7. I have two nice aprons but forget to wear one all the time. guess that's why most of my shirts have holes in them.
  8. They say ignorance is bliss. No wonder I smile a lot. ~picker77
  9. We won't remember this once leaving this post, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show location. That way the rest of us the world over won't dunn ya when it will help answering questions.
  10. It's missing the first number on the left, which is the weight. Looks like someone ground off the front of the foot. How much does it weigh? The other number is a serial number and looks like an A prefix which has been ground off. Hopefully they didn't grind on the hardened face too. Someone with a copy of AIA (Anvils in America) will probably be along to tell you about when it was made. BTW... Welcome to IFI. Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST
  11. Welcome I suggest you start learning here. READ THIS FIRST If you have read through this thread, you would have a good idea what we think. Depends what you plan to do with the ingots.
  12. Welcome to IFI OldGit. Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST Editing your profile to show your location will help with reply's.
  13. There are quite a few threads about these hammers. A quick google search. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=brent+bailey+aspery+hammer+iforgeiron.com
  14. I've used cold gun bluing without any problems, however lemon juice does about the same.
  15. We won't remember this once leaving this thread, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show location. That way we won't have to ask when answering questions. I think it's great that you are helping your grandson in getting started. How old is he? There are quite a few members here from New Zealand and Australia. Even have their own thread. Might check with them about a good source for blacksmithing coal. I think this thread has covered the subject. https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/7176-oz-roll-call/ I had to look up coal briquettes and they should work like pnut said break them up into smaller bits. According to Wiki they burn like anthracite coal which requires more air than soft coal. For anyone interested here is the link to Wikipedia about briquettes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Briquette#Coal_briquettes
  16. It took a while for it to load on my computer too but worth the wait.
  17. Ted T... I will ring the anvil three times to ask the Goddess, God and Great Spirit to speed Lynne's recovery.
  18. Welcome to IFI... I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST I've never heard of coal Brickette, must be a local term. Usually things made into briquete's have a lot of unwanted ingredients added to bind them together. Where in the world are you located.
  19. Welcome I always suggest this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST Your thread will probably be moved to the right section.
  20. Welcome to my world. I still function like I'm 65 but in the morning the 77 reality sinks in. still not going to give up. My mentor Ike Doss was in his forge 6 days a week at 89.
  21. Hi Joe welcome to IFI. Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST What would you like to know about your Trenton? Pictures will help.
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