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20 hours ago, JHCC said:

As could be expected, the TSA was not amused. 

Oh, that’s not how I read it at all. It’s just a notice that they checked your bag, not a note telling you it was inappropriate. I’ve checked 20lb of frozen bacon with dry ice (technically prohibited in the quantity I had) and there was a note in there. Have seen it when there’s just clothes. 

Of all the lame things associated with TSA, that’s not really one of them. 

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Here's a TSA tale for you. Deb and I were checking in and had to go through security. Emptied our pockets including wallet to be scanned, walked into the look at you naked booth. (I pray they're getting a clear picture of my fat old body. evil grin) All the modern hassle complete just fine, including sending Abby, Deb's service dog through the look through her fur booth. Unfortunately between her collar, service dog vest and harness they can't see some nook or cranny.

What's SOP in this case? . . . Frisk  . . .THE . . . dog! :angry: 

I really felt for the TSA agent but he had to do what he dad to and began the procedure. Poor guy wasn't a dog person so he was REALLY nervous when we had to step behind the barrier to prevent us doing something nefarious I'm sure. The first thing the guy does is touch her with a finger. Is she really there or a clever hologram maybe? Abby was happy, some new person wanted to pet her, she's always good with being loved on. But the poor guy thought she was an attack dog or something, he was sifting through her fur like she was a baby or something. By now they were center stage, must've been 30 people watching through the plexiglass while Abby did her nose to tail wag in anticipation. While the poor guy was trying to search her without actually touching her too much. 

When she turned around to face him and gave him a friendly lick on the nose he just about jumped out of his skin she was going to GET him! I finally had to give the guy a break and said, "Come on man, search HARDER she loves it! She's a service and therapy dog there isn't an aggressive bone in her body, give her a good  rolphing and she'll love you forever." The audience laughed and you could see him relax enough to give her a scratch. Her waggle increased and he got on with the search. 

I would've videoed it but my camera was on the other side of security. Kodak moment for everybody. The Agent apologized but it was just his job and Abby pestered him for more searching till we had to leave. 

A good friend is a TSA agent and won't talk about it, ask about her bird, arena security work though.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Pre TSA LAX security and I went a few rounds... first the dang fool ran the wand over my daughters casts then thumped them with it, he came dang close to being beaten with his own wand as we were coming back from The the Shriner's hospital after surgery. Then after that the idiot desided that this kid in braces and a wheel chair was going to be removed from his chair and devested of his braces. As mom was flying with the kid and I had spent the week end with them (5 kids, 4 moms and me in a large hospital room) I step up and told him he was not qualified to remove the child's medically nessisary appliances. When he insisted and tried to separate the child from the mother and take her into a privat room I told him he had two choices, call his supervisor or security, because that wasn't going to happen... 

his supervisor was very apologetic, then he asked me what would have happened if the agent haven't called him. "One of us would have gone to jail and the other to the hospital". The supervisor allowed that his subordinat was both very lucky and very wrong...

TSA can be a PITA but they are generally corgial and professional, sometimes airport security was often as not neither.   

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Got to go to both fleamarkets this weekend and picked up a couple of items at each:


from the bottom up: (in US $)

Cold cut $4, large ballpeen $3,  15" Diamond Caulk Horseshoe Co wrench $4 (soon to becomes a twisting wrench),  Ring $3 (soon to become a dishing form), and underneath them a 50 pound chunk of AR steel with 3 sq 1" hardy holes in it 20 cents a pound at the scrapyard.  All in all about used up my week's allowance and would have been most of a starting tool set...

The wrench has a 3 1/8" full open capacity!

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I have several of them but of different brands and smaller. One has quite small jaws making it nice for twisting where you don't want a large flat----like a reverse twist where you put the piece in the postvise and put one wrench at the top and the other in the middle and rotate the middle one while the top and bottom are held stable.

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I was down at the river around a bridge that was just torn down and replaced.  I brought back several bolts (small) and the first one I tested is wrought iron.  I did a little research and found molasses takes 3 to 9 months.  How can I clean the rust and river crud off this bolt  a little faster than 9 months without damaging the bolts any more than they already are..  I rapped one on the vise and the half inch bolt went to about a quarter inch.  Electrolysis or vinegar or?  And yes this is my first wrought iron find.  



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8 minutes ago, 51 Papy said:

 I rapped one on the vise and the half inch bolt went to about a quarter inch.

Are these in sort of a rust cocoon? I find a lot of old steel/ WI in the river with this and what is inside the cocoon is all that's going to be left since the iron leeched out of the piece.  Best bet is probably electrolysis once the cocoon is broken away. 

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Thanks JHCC and Daswulf.  I have a tub waiting from the last time.  They are in a rust cocoon I knocked the cocoon off and I'll stick them in tomorrow when I can watch them.  I hope all are WI. Also found some square rebar?  To bad it's not WI. 

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The rust removal methods I commonly use:  after wire brushing off most rust

Slow and safe: vinegar or electrolysis - hours to a day or two

Faster and not-so-safe:  dilute (5-10%) muriatic (aka hydrochloric) acid - minutes to less than an hour

Follow any of those with baking soda solution to neutralize the acid followed with a fresh water wash and dry.

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I never use an acid rinse after electrolyte de-rusting.  It doesn't need to be neutralized.  Just rinse well with water and dry.  Washing soda is basically soap and baking soda is not reactive on steel like acid when used if made from off the shelf Arm & Hammer baking soda or equivalent.  I've never heard of anyone using baking soda as the electrolyte solution, only washing soda.  The vinegar rinse would start the whole acid-then-base neutalization cycle again.

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