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I Forge Iron

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Josh, nice fork. I quite like that handle design. :ph34r:

About sleeping uncomfortably, sleeping in the turret of a tank is no fun at all. However those cold German winter nights that i did get to lay out on the back deck after the turbine engine warmed it up made me sure glad i was not infantry. 

I remember being on watch late at night and having to start the tank to charge the batteries. The grunts would hear the turbine start to wind up and come out of the wood work to stand behind the tank. The exhaust came out at about 1200* F, you could stand 30' behind it and be nice and toasty. Another perk was we always had hot water to shave and wash with. And for coffee of course. 

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I had this attempt at a fire poker for an Etsy customer but there was no way I could  bring myself to charge him for it - it was just too ugly. But I made a poker for my step dad and he loved it - more so because he has this really large fancy set of tools that are just way too heavy. He has a condition that makes his grip weak but these things even feel ridiculously heavy to me. It happened to be his birthday so I decided to tweak the handle as best I could and take my first shot at a shovel (first time riveting as well). It’s not pretty but it will certainly scoop ash out of the fireplace and is about half the weight of the other so it’ll go to good use. I really have to figure out how to do my stamping in a straight line though lol. Such a great feature to offer but it’s hard to make it look good. 
I also finally tried out this photo light box to help my Etsy pictures look more appealing. Took a lot of playing around with because I know zero about photography and of course it did not come with instructions but you can already see the difference in quality in the shot with the red background compared to my originals. 
And I’m making some good progress on this second globe. Made an incredibly dumb move and only used half the amount of spokes as the original. I spoke to customer and offered some kind of custom feature instead of refunding or trying to add in the missing spokes with some of the continents already attached. Her late husband was in the air force and she had a picture of one his ranks when he first got in. So we agreed I would make a replica of that and have that mounted on the globe as well which I think is pretty cool. 











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What ugly poker? Those look very nice folks will brag about the set around their fire. 

Your flowers are getting better all the time.

How about making fire pokers for your Step Dad with a built in brace on the handle. Something he could slip his hand in and take most of the weight on his forearm? 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I feel you, when I was selling on Etsy I also got stressed sometimes when someone placed an order and the piece didn't come out as well as I wanted. I stopped due to time constraints but if I ever get back I definitely won't make to order anymore. Just make a couple of the things you want to sell and then sell it. Like a craft fair.

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well i took a break over the summer and now i have caught up on post ive missed (some 30-40ish pages in this thread alone) as always amazing work all. T.P sorry to hear about your grand father.

once i get ahead on my school enough im gonna get in the shop and spend a day heat treating knives as ive got about half a dozen almost ready to go will post when that happens


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Pat if you plan on making shovels an investment in a swage block or some kind of form tool may be a good idea. not that it is bad but will be quicker and more uniform. You can make simple one by cutting 2 pieces of thick steel in the shovel shape, sandwich your sheet metal between the 2, clamp in a vice or even vice grips, heat the sheet up and form it around one of the shaped pieces of steel. Wish i had a pic and hope you can visualize what i am getting at. 

Next up brooms or are log tongs next? 

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To convert that celsius temperature to farenheit because i temeber reading someone mention this. You take the celsius temperature multiply it by 1.8 and add 32.



To do the opposite from F to C subtract 32 and multiply by .5556

Is there anything i can improvise with if have no post vise to hold hot metal to hit with hammer my vise is not made to be hit. attempt forging say rams heads or skulls where i am trying to move the metal with punches and chisels. I know like hold down i believe or chain but attempting different angles gets difficuult or it flattens when not wanted on opposite side. 

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Learned today something I already knew to be true is in fact true. Never use a handle with the growth rings running perpendicular to the head. They should be parallel. 


That handled fuller made it through only three sessions before the handle snapped off at the head. And it wasn’t because I missed and hit the handle. 

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On 7/31/2022 at 11:08 PM, Hefty said:

I also started experimenting with copper jewelry making from 1mm strands of copper from earth cable.

Thanks for the question! I've been experimenting with copper jewelry making from 1mm strands of copper from earth cable.  I tried one with a 3 strand plait which looked great and very uniform, and one using a 4 strand round braid. My initial attempt on this one was ugly so i hammered the strands into flat "straps" about 0.5mm x 2.5mm and then, with frequent annealing and some fiddly twisting with needle nose pliers, I got something I was happy with. Next I need to try some jewelry soldering and then I might try my hand with sterling or fine silver.  I recently did some agate fossicking and I'm keen to mount some in some jewelry myself.  Pictures! I keep forgetting to take pictures.  I'll try to get some next time I'm back in the shed.

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Do you fossik often, what did you find? I do a little prospecting myself though not too often. Last good spot was the beach under the bluffs near Nikiski Alaska, there is some nice jasper weathering out of the bluffs. I'm hoping to collect some larger specimens next summer for knapping stone.

Dad was a serious rockhound I don't think we went on a vacation that didn't include a little digging, prying, hammering, etc. good times when you're young enough to pack a load.

Frosty The Lucky.

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