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What did you do in the shop today?

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I wish I had been a lot younger when I started. Those hinges are beautiful. I'm going to watch the video tonight and get the wheels of progress going. I have a box full of stuff because I'm never satisfied with what I make either. But with help like yours maybe that will change

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You could learn in 6 months with proper training, what it took me 20 years to learn.

all of the scrap items that just get cut off like the hinge ends go into a bucket and when I'm bored or looking for hammer time I pull them out and start forge welding them back together into a usable bar.. 

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Good job Billy Bones. I've not attempted weapons unless you count a horseshoe "letter opener"

Jennifer: I don't know anyone who does this and the closest association to me is The Salt Fork Craftsmen I think. Still a bit of distance from me. I'm thankful for IFI and excellent teaching videos by generous people like yourself. It'll help me to post projects on  What Did You Do On The Shop Today without being too embarrassed

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CGL.   Not sure if you have checked for an ABANA affiliate.. There are groups all over the USA and now with blacksmithing having such a resurgence, you'd be surprised what may lay within 15-20minutes of you.. 

I do a lot of driving and have a few people who will contact me privately to help them along their journey..  One guy wanted to learn how to make Hoof knives and just through Facebook messenger I was able to show him photo's and critique his work and wihin short order he makes very fine hoof knives now. 

Nother gentleman had gone and taken a course with Lyle Winn and saw me at one of the NEB meets and contacted me after the meet to talk about forging and we have gotten together a few times to teach forge welding, drawing out methods, hammer control and little tidbits here and there..   We are both busy so get together time is scarce but we talk every so often. 

Then another one of my NEB friends we talk just about daily or every other day..   The list goes on and on.. 

There are so many resources and so many are willing to share.     Feel free to hit me up anytime..   90% of the videos were in reference to a question or someone having a problem with  a certain aspect of forging something and I made the video to answer or help with the problem. 

I have made way more mistakes than successes..    I don't get down on myself when things don't go right,  I just look at it and pick it apart to see what I can learn from it..  

The best part about being self-taught is I was never told something would not work..   On this same note the bad part is it took forever to put parts of this or that together but the desire to learn put me in front of the forge day in, day out and I'd make something as many times as I needed in order for it to look like I wanted it to.  Thankfully the part about how it was supposed to look caught up to what I was actually doing.. LOL.. 

Your in the right place and finding a local group can offer huge tme savings though your work has been progressing nicely..   Keep it up and feel free to PM..    Best Jennifer

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Goat Lady, I'm a member of the Saltfork  Craftsman Assoc.  Good group.  That's what our Thursday night group at the open forge is part of.  We pound steel every Thursday.  It's a long drive, but if you are ever up this way, let me know and I can give you the particulars.

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Thank you for the valuable information Jennifer. I'll have to check more closely about what may be around here. And thanks to you too Chris. For fear of hijacking this thread, I'll post something that I have done and am currently in the process of making more. And my hearts look better now so I have hope that maybe they can be marketable. I gave several as Christmas presents and they were well recieved. Any critiques or suggestions welcome


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I am as awestruck as ever Alexandr!

Those are excellent plant or whatever hangers Ted, they're both beautiful but I have to say the crane is my hands down favorite.  I like everything about it, from the cab, space frame boom, twisted cable, sheave, headache ball and hook. The whole idea is such an excellent theme I expect to see copies coming out of China any minute now.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks guys! One's going to a female and the other to a male. Can anyone guess which ones going where? 

I put a couple of coats of urethane on the leafy one, but I'm going to leave the crane bare metal to let it rust. I got the inspiration from an old rusty crane I saw, so rust it is. 

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4 hours ago, Ted Ewert said:

Can anyone guess which ones going where?

The gal isn't a lady of the evening is she? I've seen this kind of trick question before Ted. :rolleyes:

You're insulating your shop Alexandr? Aren't we northern types supposed to laugh at cold weather? Oh that's right, it's too hot in my shop to work there now. Congratulations on getting it insulated, I'd love insulation in mine. It's too cold in winter too hot in summer and the fix is so easy.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I took a hammer and tool making class this weekend that our blacksmith organization set up for members . There were eight of us in the class, we had a great time and learned a lot. Two 11 hr days and didn't have time to do all we wanted, but it was worth every minute. everything was done by hand, no power equipment except for cutting the stock to size. First thing I learned was it's been a while since I swung a 12# maul all day.


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