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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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Made it out for a bit today, and it was certainly more productive than last time.

I found my clear safety glasses finally. (Before anyone gets huffy, yes, I have been wearing glasses, but I misplaced my clear ones and the other pair have yellow lenses in them. Not so good for seeing colors.)

I flipped the bricks over in the bottom of my forge where the flux from my so far unsuccessful attempts at forge welding had eaten them away a bit. So that's back to reflecting heat as well as it can until I can get some metrikote in there.

I got 2 more paper towel holders about 90% done. I still need to make some rivets to assemble them and drill 2 holes in each, but all the parts are made.

I flattened out the ends of my last piece of 3/4 round for another pot rack, but that's as far as I got on that.

And in between hammering, I managed to finally got two knives I started earlier in the winter profiled and quenched. They are cycling right now in the toaster oven for tempering. I had one very small bit of warp in one but managed to gently get rid of it, so I'm pretty pleased overall. File skates right off. Those are the only thing I managed to get a photo of before the boss came out to tell me it was time to eat.



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Couple of bits done today.... the first is long long overdue.


A simple bracket thing to hold a beer bottle quench cup to keep punches etc cool.

I decided to make it in such a way I can remove it when required, and will likely make several more of the mounting pieces so I can position the holder from each corner of the anvil stand... and make other similar removable brackets for holding various other tools/stands/helpers.




Secondly, I got a bit more progress done on the new forge facade.

Doors mounted, and a few additional decorative touches... just because.




The new forge is working brilliantly... takes a bit longer than the old one to come up to temperature (much bigger... so go figure), yet it can still idle at a very low pressure once it's running.

No doubt i'll have to add more decorative touches in the future as more ideas pop into my head

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37 minutes ago, JustAnotherViking said:

....I got a bit more progress done on the new forge facade.

Doors mounted, and a few additional decorative touches... just because...

...No doubt i'll have to add more decorative touches in the future as more ideas pop into my head

Very cool JAV!

Here's a suggestion for an inscription to go above above the gates -

"All hope abandon ye who enter here."

Dante Alighieri  -1321AD


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51 minutes ago, JustAnotherViking said:

If I can get some decent welds without burning off the horns, I may add some dragons next 

Now you got me wanting to make a gas forge in the shape of a dragons head. Ugh. I'm nowhere ready to make a gas forge tho. 

Good looking conversions Reeltree. 

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Yup. It would sure give true meaning to the dragons breath. 

Unless someone local that can build a gas forge wants in, it'll have to wait. Tho I poke around at the gas forge threads, I haven't put enough mind into them to build one yet since I'm really enjoying my solid fuel forge. 

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Thinking my dragon head mailbox will come first. :) 

Just to add, if I make a gas forge it will mainly be for knives and probably will end up getting used for other larger objects, say perhaps the size of a deer or human skull? Hmm.. I need to know what size I need really before I jump into it. 

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@JustAnotherViking Those forge doors look awesome! Great job on them.


I'm continuing to do things backwards.... Knives are looking decent, but "basic" forgings still look mediocre at best. But at least I'm learning a bit more with each project I do. 

Still trying to get the hang of riveting though. I can peen the rivets fine, but making my own is what is getting me. I keep making them too long and they end up bending or squishing before I can get them set properly. I have a set of torches coming soon which will allow me to heat just the rivet though, so maybe that will help some as I won't be trying to wrestle everything into the forge while trying to keep it all together too.

Some more grinding on the knives today. Profile grinding is almost completely done and they are just about ready for me to start polishing. (8 inch chefs knife shown for scale) Also got my two paper towel holders done and one hung in my kitchen. The other is going to my daughters house.






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Thanks. I made it about half a mile this morning heading to work, then the road completely vanished. Almost zero visibility, and it was all down hill from that point. Quick handbrake turn and headed back. 

Unfortunately being a programmer, I don't get snow days, I just get the pleasure of working from anywhere that has power. 

Worst case I can probably get a small gas cylinder from the local store if the power drops out tomorrow and my laptop battery dies :D

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