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What did you do in the shop today?

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It's gonna be one real nice hammer, Mark. I have to pull up my socks to keep up, or apron actually :) 

Also take it easy, man! Don't hurt yourself if it's in pain don't strain it more, you have time - you don't want it to be bad times.



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Frosty, nice looking belt grinder. Mine was put to use as soon as it first spun the belt and I've never made time to paint it. Still works without paint.

LBS - nice knives and dinner bells (do those hang directly on the hooks or have a cord between?) and herb choppers. Be careful with the back - you don't want to end up a bent over young curmudgeon having to walk with a cane.

Aus - Always beautiful work, really like the brass burnish.

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2 hours ago, Melw45 said:


Tell me more about you grinder?

Oh do be careful with your back.


Hello, yes, Dylan is right, it is a multi too grinder, though mine is a 2x48", they do sell the 2x36" ones though. I like it a lot, I do reckomend a 1hp grinder to have it attached to, the 3/4 hp one works, but isn't ideal.

46 minutes ago, John in Oly, WA said:


LBS - nice knives and dinner bells (do those hang directly on the hooks or have a cord between?) and herb choppers. Be careful with the back - you don't want to end up a bent over young curmudgeon having to walk with a cane.

Thank you! Yes, they hang on a leather cord, looks better and sounds much better in my opinion. 

Will do. Today I sorta took the day off and did leather stuff and wood, just small stuff, my back feels much better, at least better than it has like the last 4 days.



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5 minutes ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

I bought my 2X36 multi grinder like LBS 2X48 from Trick Tools. It works well and the price is right but has limitations. For serious knife grinding I would go with a 2X72 with extra wheels & accessories.

I've seen people put them on larger grinders, put rooling arms on, and rig them up for 2x72 belts. Look pretty solid. I feel like adding more things on it would make it vibrate more, I could be wrong though. ;)

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22 hours ago, Frosty said:

Ooooooh, nice little bench mill! I almost never need one but when I do, I have to make something else.

Frosty The Lucky.

I was pleasantly surprised as to how nice it was. I bought it new from harbour freight years ago. My uncle came by to look at it after I got it set up.

He is a machinist and i think he wanted it to be bad.but it tested out very good, flat and true.

When i moved it in we had 5 guys to get it out of the truck and on the stand. I moved it out with a hoist by myself. The wife standing by in case of catastrophe.

The worst thing was the wheel of the hoist stopped in a crack in my driveway. Needed a pry bar to get it out. The funny part was getting my wife to sit on the trailer tongue to stop it from rising. Pushing that mill uphill just was not going to happen. I had to convince her it was not a comment on how much she weighed just leverage.:D


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Yeah, it might not stand up to commercial use but if a guy can take it easy and it has a machinist's thumbs up I can want one from HF. Of course a commercial shop is going to have a knee mill not a bench mill.

Ah, a balanced relationship in action. One of a wife's main jobs is to keep a man on the level isn't it? ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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finished a knife for a guy who gave me a swage block. blade is forged from 5160, ebony handles, with mosaic pins. Then made a sheath for another knife, and got some shoe hearts and snakes all finished up. Then for my birthday we took a trip to the scrap yard, did ok there. more about that can be seen in the "it followed me home" thread. speaking of my Birthday, thought some of yall would get a kick out of the shirt I got (that picture of me aint in our house but in my grandmothers. some of yall who have seen our house might wonder and be comfused, so thought I would mention). Also my dad gave me a need saw vice, and we went to some antique stores and I bought a 7/8" drill bit, a little bitty shoe, and block brush.

Then we got real sad news. that hammer I was working on had a sorta catosrophic faiure! hahaha! so, I got all ready for heat treating, and I done some research that told me that for 4140 most quench in oil, but for larger peices quench in water. well, I couldnt find anyone tellin what a "larger" piece size was, and I had always seen people quenching hammers in water, Ive even seen some quench 4140 in water. So, me being the stubborn fool I am, I heated it up to critical, and quenched in oil, and part way through the quench I went to the water. i know, bad idea!! so, anyways, we have a hammer that has a massive crack in the face! this was one of my favorite hammers, and I had spent alot of time on it making sure it was perfect, and this was for somebody else! oh well, stupid hurts right? I know though now what not to do, so that's good. I went ahead and just put in a fake pine handle and will put it up on my shop wall.














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11 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

finished a knife for a guy who gave me a swage block. blade is forged from 5160, ebony handles, with mosaic pins.

That's a lovely piece, LBS. Good trade!

12 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

Then we got real sad news. that hammer I was working on had a sorta catosrophic faiure! hahaha! so, I got all ready for heat treating, and I done some research that told me that for 4140 most quench in oil, but for larger peices quench in water. well, I couldnt find anyone tellin what a "larger" piece size was, and I had always seen people quenching hammers in water, Ive even seen some quench 4140 in water. So, me being the stubborn fool I am, I heated it up to critical, and quenched in oil, and part way through the quench I went to the water. i know, bad idea!! so, anyways, we have a hammer that has a massive crack in the face! this was one of my favorite hammers, and I had spent alot of time on it making sure it was perfect, and this was for somebody else! oh well, stupid hurts right? I know though now what not to do, so that's good. I went ahead and just put in a fake pine handle and will put it up on my shop wall.

The first time I made a handled hot-cut, I quenched it in water and got a big ol' crack running up the entire length. That one was another keeper, as a reminder of what NOT to do!

Looks like the combination of blacksmithing and education is importantest!

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Thank you! he didnt want anything for the swage block, I had to try a bit to let me give it to him.


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That little shoe is for a small mule or burro. During the Indian wars the western commands descoverd that "Mexican mules" (mustange mares and Mexican burros) made better mules for long military marches than did the large mules they used in the east. Little guys could take the 250# standard pack and gain weight on the March. I acualy like the little guys. 

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Thank you for that information Mr. Stevens. All very interesting. I had wondered if it was a mule shoe, so thank you for confirming it. I just liked it 'cause it was so small, and it was only .50 cents, so thought why not. it looked like it was wrought, on the back you could almost see some grain pattern.


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Hi Mark,

First: Happy birthday to you! Nice to hear about the birthday-scrapping :)

I'm really sorry for the hammer and feel your pain, but nevermind - these sorts of things happen. You are able to make even better hammers and then those are gonna be the best looking hammers you ever made. (BTW I consider "bigger" stock as >4" dia, but that's just my personal taste.)



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On 8/20/2017 at 4:16 PM, littleblacksmith said:




I must have that shirt!  I would wear it on dress down Fridays.  Because I'm an 11th grade English teacher it would be a lesson in irony...or some other literary sounding term.

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Nice work on the hearts, knife and hammer Mark! Sorry about the crack in the hammer. That happened to the slitter/drift I made to make the holes in my first tongs. I used it anyway, hoping it would survive slitting two holes. It managed that with no problem. But now it's retired. Happy birthday too! Love the shirt!

Today I made varnish (the fumes are terrible. I'm still smelling turpentine). So that was actually just outside the shop, so I don't know if it counts for this topic. And I twisted some metal fence posts for the start of a grape arbor. They are just over 6' long.


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6 hours ago, Lou L said:


I must have that shirt!  I would wear it on dress down Fridays.  Because I'm an 11th grade English teacher it would be a lesson in irony...or some other literary sounding term.

Oh that would maybe be interesting some kids reactions "our teacher shoes horses??". 

9 hours ago, Gergely said:

Hi Mark,

First: Happy birthday to you! Nice to hear about the birthday-scrapping :)

I'm really sorry for the hammer and feel your pain, but nevermind - these sorts of things happen. You are able to make even better hammers and then those are gonna be the best looking hammers you ever made. (BTW I consider "bigger" stock as >4" dia, but that's just my personal taste.)



Thank you! Yeah, these things happen, oh well. My thought exactly, they can only get better.

Bigger stock to ME is any thing above what I would wik with a hand hammer, so 2" Daimeter. Though someone with a power hammer or press may have different standards.

Thank you Frosty!

Thank you John! Yeah I have another hammer I made about a year ago that has a cracked face, I still use it every now and then.


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