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I Forge Iron

Crazy Goat Lady Update

Chris C

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Just wanted to let everyone know that Chellie's (Crazy Goat Lady's) mother passed away in her own bed, at home, with family surrounding her late last night.  Chellie says she died peacefully.  The family has been spending the day today making arrangements.


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You, your husband and all the family all have our sympathy, and thoughts.

May the coming days slowly brighten and your mother's memory live forever in the hearts of all who loved her.

Dan and Marg.

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Thank you Chris for letting everyone know for me. And thank you for all the kind words and support from everyone. It means a lot. This is much more difficult than I thought it would be. But I was there at the passing of both of my parents and I am blessed to have been given that privilege. My Dad passed away in 2003 and what George N.M. said made me smile because that was exactly my thought about her seeing my Dad again and my Grandbabies that went before her. She also has another great grandchild there too. Thank you all so much for prayers and good thoughts. Y'all are in mine too

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