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I Forge Iron

Story behind your screen name?


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TBR forge: Terry (me) Brandi (alpha female) Rocko(beta male) and forge. Brandi goes with me on installations and guards the truck and equipment (literally). Rocko was (all dogs go to heaven) my forge dog, he would get in front of the forge out of the way of my turns to the anvil and wouldn't move, even when forge fleas were bitting. The new Rocko is too young to stay in one place very long but loves the shop.

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Well .. I saw a movie about slavers ..and they were being trialled for decimating the Mende tribe. It was an obscure name so I used it as my nickname in online gaming for about 7 years now. .

Although I recently met some Kenyans that told me it means cockroach. ..It kinda bummed me out .. but I'm to used to it to quit it.

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well, I guess I may as well explain myself too...

About 10 years ago I began to paint UV light sensitive murals and backdrops for parties in London (UK), by parties you may read anything from organized festivals like Glastonbury, contemporary dance shows, theatrical events to squat party psy-trance 'raves'... When I first started out, a friend of mine wanted to write an article about my work, and I was also getting bookings for events and they wanted to know, what name do they put on the flyer?

A lot of the inspiration for my paintings was based on northwest coast native american animal totems, I had to come up with something quick, and at the time my friend who is part native american suggested Tzonoqua, because of its quirky spelling and it fit in with what I was doing at the time.

Tzonoqua is a Native American (NorthWest Coast) sort of she-devil, an evil witch living in the forest. Sort of like the archetypal witch in handsel and gretel.

I never really thought about it at the time, it was just a quirky name but I still use it for web stuff, login names etc.

I used to have a page up on my website with my paintings on it, but I have recently removed it, because its not really where I am at right now. I love my paintings, but I have moved on.

My real name - Colleen du Pon is my web address, which is my signature, so I am not trying to hide from anything, its just like MENDE said, I am just used to using tzonoqua!

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Moose Ridge Studios is my wife and I's "business" name... covers blacksmithing, stained/fused/flameworked glass, bookmaking, polymer clay, and rubber stamped art....

In the process of building a new house with "studios" for each of us and updating the forge (4X the size of the previous and adding power!)....

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Chy An Carrek Metal Arts is the name of my business.
It's pronounced "shun-caruk"

My family comes from Cornwall England and I had my relatives there translate the native language there (Cornish) to fit.

It means "Home next to the stone" - I chose that because my house and shop sit on top of a rock bluff overlooking an amazing view.

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I started using "bentiron" when I first started forging sculpture way back in the early iron age when one of my pieces was called a hunk of bent iron.:o The 1946 is the year of my nativity. I have become a little more proficient over the years but not much just thicker skinned.:rolleyes: I have also participated in other forms of metal working and have enjoyed them all. I like metal and fire!:D

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trying-it A little autobiography:

Took 2yrs of Vocational Machine shop training during high school graduated 1971

Worked in a dozen different factories and most had massive lay-offs or plant shutdowns.

Opened my own general machining/welding shop in 1984. During the boom years, ran a 3-shift/day operation with 5 machinists and a couple after school cleaners. Regional economics depressed this region so bad that by the mid 1990's I was back to being a one man band (shop); but I was still supporting my family.

December 1996, just before Christmas I had another appointment with my cardiologist. What I have not stated, until now, is that I was born with a defective aortic heart valve. I have a two-flap (bicuspid) instead of a normal 3-flap valve. I have been visiting docs since the late 1950's. I was heart catherized at age 7 and 10, old style, up the arms with 10-day hospital stays each time. Back to 1996, my cardiologist had requested a new heart test, a CAT scan. January 1997, a new year and might just as well have been a death blow to me. Seems the CAT scan showed a 2" (5cm) ascending aortic aneurysm. In lay terms, a 2" bulge in my main heart artery, right beside the bum output valve. (A little more medical trivia) The aorta is the main artery out of the heart. It ascends for about 2" then drops down to lower belly (abdominal cavity), thus I have an ascending aneurysm, not the abdominal variety. Doc gave me the bad news and issued a few orders; "Go home, sit on the couch and watch TV, or read a book. The book should not exceed 10 lbs in weight". I also have neck and back problems from an auto accident in 1970 (C4 & C5; L4, L6, & S1). Geeze I could right medical transcripts by now I think.

I applied for Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI) but somehow don't qualify. About to pull my hair out, my phone rang and I was offered an opportunity to go to college and retrain for a "brain-type" job. I tested into engineering and that is what I pursued. I was introduced to internet and email just to name a few modern technologies college offered. My first email addy was [email protected] 21 semesters and 4 degrees later (2005) Today still no job and no real income. However during my university days and roaming the corridors of both the colleges of Engineering and Education, I stumbled upon the College of Fine Arts & Design and took 3 artist blacksmith semesters. After graduation I returned for one more class in Pattern Welding. (BTW: Same school & class where Daryl Meier once attended back in ancient history).

2008 still jobless, but taking my frustrations out on some poor undeserving piece of metal with a hammer & anvil, my BigFoot hammer, and hopefully a full battery of mini hydraulic presses soon.

BTW: St. Peter is so confused with me; I have not been good enough for Heaven, but he sure can't send me down there with machining abilities, engineering degrees, teaching degrees, a few 'smithing skills, and an endless fuel source, etc.

I am NO quitter, I just keep trying-it (you may replace "it" with any word you see fit)

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Agsolder, of course, means silver solder, and I have no idea why that is my alias here, unless it is because of my deep fondness for silver brazing. The proprietor bestowed it upon me as I arrived. Elsewhere I post as Miles Undercut. It doesn't matter, because neither persona really exists in the material world, only here on the Net, as transient configurations of pixels on your screen, abd only now and then. Mostly then on some websites, and totally then on at least one, British Blades, where I visited briefly, but developed a severe allergic reaction. By contrast, this is a wonderful site-- where else would I get to see the work of such talented smiths as Pascalou!!

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Rawblacksmith, Game plan is to go inside and fix both at once. Doctors are great for others, but I guess I don't fit into their busy schedules...yet. I live each day with one foot in the grave and the other on a bunch of banana peels. To really know me is to know I just keep trying-it and I have so many things yet to try!

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Frostfly..It's a permutation of sorts. When I got started on the Net (back when AOL was by the hour) I was using the name Xavier Frost...which was a left over from a video game (ultima 5 acutally) As time went on I found Xavier Frost had been stolen and a lot of other people were using it so I used Lurker for a bit. After a particularly nasty relationship I started the Yahoo Name Lost_in_the_Frost(still my email) but that's a bit long for most things, and rather a mouthful so I combined it with another game name, Firefly and ended up with frostfly. I've been on the Internet for 15 years now and i have used a lot of names: Xavier Frost(often called Frosty), Lurker, Frostfly, Audit YerTaxes(game name, he was an assassin) Exyle, Uaine, Astray, Dythien, Bronze, Ereide HasWorms. Most come from the various online games I play. I have real life friends that still call me Audit, I played him for almost 6 years online.


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