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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Goods

  1. Beautiful work as always. I can’t imagine how you keep turning out so many projects so quickly! Keep it fun, David
  2. 8” vent is not going to draw very well if at all. 10” would be a minimum. Mine is 10” and I wish I went with 12”. If you’re going to go through the window, try to through at a 45degree angle. Two 45’s and no horizontal section will help with the draw also. I also would avoid putting plywood in the window. Cement board would be a much better choice. Just my two cents, there will probably be others posting with additional good information. Keep it fun, David
  3. Anvil, the center detail was made with a spring swage I got as a door prize at one of our hammer-ins a few months back. I should make some more. I’ve put this one to good use, and would mind having a variety of types. Keep it fun, David
  4. I like the show, but my biggest problem was the music. Not that the music was bad, but the volume during some sections was just too high. I found myself constantly turning the volume up and down. That may not have been an issue if I was watching from my phone, my I was using the living room TV. Keep it fun, David
  5. Frosty, I completely miss read your post. (Not that uncommon for me!) A joke clasp would have been perfect for this . I’m now debating whether I really want to part with it. Keep it fun, David
  6. Frosty, I thought about making a clasp for it, but I figured that was jus something the get caught on clothes. The other side of it is that this is normalized 52100, pretty springy. The opening is about 1-1/2” smaller than my neck and I was just flexing it open to put on. Of course you could just put it over one’s head, it’s pretty big. I’ll think more on a clasp. I’ve got a couple ideas rattling around up there and now that my wife has seen it, I will be making more… Keep it fun, David
  7. Ok, so in the ”followed me home”thread I said I had a plan for a piece of the ball screw I brought home. Well it’s done: Basically, one of my managers heard me talking to maintenance about the ball screw and told him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to deal with it. The we started joking around and he made a crack about making a necklace out of it. Well I came back it “I’ll make a necklace out of, for you…” Guess what’s going to be on his desk Wednesday morning. Keep it fun, David
  8. Most the bearings I’ve kept are in the 1-1/2”~4” ID range. So, usually a good bit of material there.
  9. Not sure yet… I’ve got a bit of a collection going on at this point. I’ve got on cut up that I’m planning on using the outer race as a bead swage, but it’s something I haven’t gotten around to yet. They’re 52100 so the races will make good blades, but I really don’t make a whole lot of knives. Time will tell. The ball screw is also 52100. At least one piece will go to iron-in-hat at one of our hammer-ins. I’ve go a plan for a small piece of it (if it pans, out I’ll share it and the story when it’s done). The rest will probably end up at tools of some sort eventually. Keep it fun, David
  10. Couple items follow me home from work: A couple shafts, a few bearings, a piece of 1/4” plate, and a ball screw. (Ball screw was 12’ long before we chopped it up to aid in transporting.) Keep it fun, David
  11. Looks like you’re well on you way. I like that you put some details on your first ones! That’s a lot of material to move for a flux spoon.?I usually use 1/4” square and fagot weld about 3/4” length to get the mass for the spoon. It’s a good early forge welding project. If the weld isn’t perfect, it’s not super critical… Save those, and keep making more. Each one will be easier and they will start getting better. When you look back at these it will be a good reminder of how you progressed. (Which from my standpoint right now, you’ll progress pretty quickly.) Keep it fun, David
  12. TheoRickNazz is a member on this site from NYC. If I understand correctly, he works in a shared shop space in the city with other makers. If you can track him down (he hasn’t been on since 2020, but a PM might reach him), he may be able to hook you up with someone there. Keep it fun, David
  13. How did I miss this? So many fun machines I’d love to have someday…
  14. Listening to my inner voice usually ends up with me spending may more hours on any given forging project than most others would spend! However, I don’t think I would be happy with them any other way… Thankfully, it’s my hobby, not my source of income. Keep it fun, David
  15. I would talk to the heat treatment company you would plan to use. If you tell the the size and shape of the anvil and what characteristics you are looking for they would be able to make good material recommendations for you. Some steels are very shape sensitive and may warp or crack in the heat treatment. If the heat treater has induction hardening capabilities, that may be a cost effective solution as well. Bringing the whole anvil up to temperature and cool that large of a mass at a set rate could get expensive. Just a couple thoughts. Keep it fun, David
  16. I’m sorry I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Thomas in person and I will miss his wit and insights here. Condolences to friends and Family, David
  17. I’m with you on collar welding. It’s one of the forge weld I’m pretty consistent with, but this was 304SS. I don’t have the confidence or aggressive fluxes for that. Keep it fun, David
  18. Frosty, I need the mass for the end finial. I could have upset it, but I find it easier to draw out than upset. Here’s some closer pictures of the twist: 1/2” square, with the corners chamfered to 5/8” across, then chased the flats created on the corners. Nothing on this one is very clean, but a couple new techniques for me that need practicing… Keep it fun, David
  19. Very impressive Alexandr! And a very hard act to follow… I got time in the shop today and started on the first of 3 stake flippers for gifts when I visit my family in a couple weeks. Started out as 3” of 1-1/16” round 304 stainless steel. Doesn’t meet the sketch I drew up, but pretty close. Keep it fun, David
  20. Nice job John! Tonight, I got the cone mandrel finished: After the final forging, it tool very little clean up this time. The new tooling is making a difference… Keep it fun, David
  21. I was surprised by any concerns over the position of the reservoir tank, so I brought it up with one who I would consider to be a hydraulics expert at work. He basically said the main reason for having the tank above the pump it to keep the pump primed for start up. No real system gains in n most cases. I then mentioned that over has the systems in our building have the tank below the pump and that I was confused by that. He responded that most if not all of those systems have a check valve to keep the hydraulic oil in the suction line. Basically, it all comes down to system design, but keeping the level of the tank above the pump entrance simplifies the system. Simple is good in my mind, less to go wrong. I like this guys, keep me learning! Keep it fun, David
  22. I’ve been using forklift tine as source material for all types of tooling: hammers, sets, fullers power hammer saddles, hatchets, chisels, punches, drifts. The material in mine is tough as forged and holds an edge quenched and tempered. Test your material. Then cut pieces off in the size you need for the project at hand. Keep it fun, David
  23. Don’t be offended by harsh criticism of unsafe practices! Nothing said was intended to belittle you, maybe make you think. Black/blade smiths have been maimed and killed just from slips in attention to safe practices! We don’t want that to happen to you or anyone else reading this post! Safety is taken very seriously here… Keep it fun (and safe), David
  24. Saturday I started a small blacksmith knife after working with a new young man at our hammer in. Well, yesterday I got it finished: It was make from a cutoff of 52100 from another project. Saturday, I also won the door prize (a nice set of tongs), so I’m responsible for next month’s door prize. Thought about what to make for a while and settled on making a hardie cone. Tonight I got my angle block saddle die finished up and roughed out the cone: Block is forklift tine on a 1/4” mild saddle. (Don’t look too close at the welds, they’re pretty ugly.) Cone is rough forged out a from a 2” diameter tie rod from a hydraulic press. We had lots of problems with this press type breaking these rods and started making them out of 4340. (I’m pretty sure this one is 4340.) Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll get some more shop time to finish it up. Keep it fun, David
  25. I wouldn’t write off dial-up as not being on the web. When I was in college a lot of my internet access was dial-up. Sound a bit early for true internet though… maybe a precursor. Keep it fun, David
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