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A neighbor is moving, so I got a few tools, a box fan, and a whole lot of nails that she’d put out. I was just thinking yesterday that I needed a spokeshave. 


I also got a whole lot of sandstone slabs from another part of town. 


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Anyone on here in the central NJ area and have a power hammer? I scored a fork lift tine and can get my hands on another. I’d like to get it broken down into workable pieces - hammer blanks, guillotine dies etc etc but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it with a 4inch angle grinder and my hand hammering. I mean I guess I technically could but I’d really love to get inside a real shop. I’d be willing to trade a large amount of the good steel for the time spent helping. 

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I just happened to glance down and see it.

My impression so far is this is not a beginners book. There is some info that is lacking that the author, in my opinion, was thinking as common knowledge. For most of us here yes it is common knowledge but for someone who is just starting a little more in depth descriptions and photos would be nice. But he does keep things simple and does not go into things like heat treating and stuff. Just simple mild steel projects that an intermedaite skilled smith could accomplish in at most a day, many in just a couple hours. 

One thing i did like the author pointed out "Blacksmith = tool hoarder"  


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It would be pretty thick to tackle with a plasma cutter.  I have some hours into making the first cut on one of mine with a 14" chop saw that I thought would make quick work of it.  Wheel kept glazing on me.  I also got a heavier duty extension cord to make sure it would carry the amps the saw needed.  It did up the amps, I tripped a breaker.  A little interweb research seems to show that I should have had it positioned long side up instead of down.  Easier said than done when the dang thing weighs like 300#.

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7 hours ago, BillyBones said:

impression so far is this is not a beginners book. There is some info that is lacking that the author, in my opinion, was thinking as common knowledge. For most of us here yes it is common knowledge but for someone who is just starting a little more in depth descriptions and photos would be nice.

I thought the same thing. It definitely doesn't delve into the basics like drawing out etc but the projects are pretty simple if you have a basic understanding of the 8 primary techniques. It's definitely not a book for a complete beginner. 



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My thought with the power hammer was to be able to forge it into more workable shapes after cutting like maybe for some drifts, punches, hardy tools etc. but yes I need someone with the ability to cut it as well. Not many many blacksmith shops around here. The only two I found online I emailed and didn’t receive a response. 

I am talking to this guy on Etsy with the shop name wyoblacksmith tools about possibly sending him a chunk in return for some tools. I just got his guillotine tool. Jerry is the owner and is a really great guy. He let me pay in installments and pick what and when the installments would be. He also shipped it before I had finished paying. There was a slight hiccup in that he sent me the wrong die sets the first time but he was very quick to correct the problem, overnighted me the one I was missing and let me keep the incorrect one which means I ended up with 4 sets instead of 3 - an extra blank to do whatever I want with. The dies are 4140. I haven’t used it yet but will this weekend. It looks like a really well made tool though and he makes a bunch of other stuff so check him out. I also got a bolster plate from him a few months back. The guillotine also has a hardy shank that bolts up to it. 


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According to the most recent NJBA newsletter it looks like one of the directors hosts an open forge meet every Monday evening at 7 PM in Howell, NJ. I don't have any additional info, but if that's near you it might be worth a phone call.

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I just did that search myself out of curiosity as and much to my surprise, there is apparently a chapter in Columbus, the M.O.B. Their website doesn't appear to have been updated since...well I honestly can't tell. I am sure if I reached out to Adlai he could clue me in if they are still an active group or not.

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Pat, I got one of guillotine tools a while back and they work OK. The problem I found is that the bolts will loosen up after a while. I finally got tired of it and welded it together. 

I eventually built my own, which is completely different. 

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