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I Forge Iron

What did you do in the shop today?

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4 hours ago, jlpservicesinc said:

Les L very nice hawk.. 

A special thanks to you Jennifer, all the credit goes to you because I learned how to make it by watching your video. I appreciate the time you spend making the videos, the details you provide have helped me tremendously, along with the information I get from IFI.

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Spent 2 days with NMABA demonstrating at the NM State Fair and have been doing very well in sales and have a number of commissions to do once I get back from Quad-State.  Had a promising lad show up for his first lesson today, 13 years old and we did an S hook and a Friedrichs Cross.   Hope to see him at the forge again.

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Debi and I worked in the shop, she on the knife grinding jig. She did all the cutting the plates, lay out drilling and tapping the holes. The only thing I did was some filing, mostly on the adjustment arched slot and because I was welding on the table I'm making, I welded the two plates that do the adjusting for her so she didn't have to dig out her welding gear.

The test knife in the jig is a Sax that I made years ago as a demonstration at ESSA, bout time it gets finished.:o






The table is 4' 9 1/2" by3' 8 1/2" probably wind up storing all the steel our friends gave us. It started out as frame work for shipping Polaris ATV's 9' 7" long and I cut it about in half. I finally got the legs welded on. I figure the table top will be grader blades because We have so many of them.



The legs really are straight honest, must be camera angle that makes them look cady-wompus.:D

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Mainly staged stuff for loading Monday in prep for leaving Tuesday for Quad-State; so I will probably be offline for over a week; hope to meet some of you there!

I also took a load of trash to the dump; trying to get all my "chores" done before I leave so they won't be in crisis when I get back.

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Das can you post a picture of a finished one. 50 sounds like a lot.

I got home a couple hours early and tried my new set hammer. Works fine but too big for what I was trying to do


also made a heart for my sweetheart. First try with the horse heads and I pretty happy with them.


and a bigger s hook. Lots of fun. Thanks for looking.


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I like the cigar pokers.  I may borrow the design if you don't mind.   There's a cigar bar not far from here that may like them.  

Rojo,  nice job on the horse heads.  I haven't been brave enough to try a figure head yet but I need to try one for the fall challenge.  

Today I had a paying guest in the shop for his birthday.   He had grand ideas for what he'd be able to do but I managed to temper them before he got here.  I helped him make a rail road spike knife and camp ax.  For the ax I was doing more of the work as he was getting tired but he had a great time and was thrilled with the finished products.  I even carved his initials in the handle of the knife in a rough touchmark. 

As for myself I've been playing with campfire hardware still.  Made a quick rotisserie bar today and day before I made a meat hook.   I'm fairly happy with the tripod set right now. 



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My dad is recovering from back surgery, so I decided to make him a cane. At the speed I work, he will have recovered long before it is ready. 

All I managed today was punching the eye and rough shaping of the head. Also started shaping two possible pieces of bois d’arc for the cane shaft. 

The head will be sort of like a bird’s head with a long beak. It is from a wrought iron wagon tire I picked up at a yard sale a while back. I plan to run iron feathers a few inches down the shaft to help secure the handle to the cane. I am not quite sure how I will groove slots in the head for the quills. I don’t have a die grinder and filing seems like it would be a lot of work. I am thinking maybe use a piece of flat bar as a drift to form to slots. 




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Chad, thanks and no problem, have at it. I forge the whole pokey bit down to a sharp square point. The idea is to hold the nub of the cigar once it is burned down further than is comfortable to hold with ones fingers. It can also poke a hole in a sealed end cigar. 

He asked about them. I didn't know about them so looked some up. Then He and I came up with the idea and worked through some prototypes at an event we both sold at and I had my demo forge so could work on it. 

Even the prototypes sold or were given away for R&D. It was a fun weekend. 

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Les. Stunning work.. And very glad the video was of use.. 

I went to the NEB fall meet and it was a great day.. Caught up with many people i know there and then after Nick Rossi was done demonstrating I started to demonstrate the steeling of a wrought iron Cutlers hammer.. 

First cutlers hammer and there must have been 30 people watching and asking questions..  Most if not all the spectators had never seen the process..   

Took 1.75" sq and upset it to 2.25 sq and then forged the face back down to accept the 5160 face..   All went like clock work and no one got burnt..   So many great questions..    

took about 1.5hrs..  Doing this kind of demo always reminds me of why I like my trailer..   Though I brought tongs, the wrought iron and steel and hammers there was a search for any of the other tools needed. 

No round punch large enough to punch the eye so called it at this point..  Supper was ready too..  Good time to call it.. 




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