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JHCC, if the bit is pretty trashed try grinding the point off till it is a fat bottom. Sometimes it helps to just start over with a kind of blank, so to say. 

MJ, i did not catch your tank till just now. Pretty cool i think, but then again i got some what of a soft spot for tanks.

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That's an interesting way of doing it Dennis. You may want to bolt or screw a piece of plywood or wood board to the bottom that extends out on the vise side so you can stand on it while working. This will add more stability and keep it from rocking or moving while doing heavier work in the vise. 

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BillyBones, when I bought my used industrial chopsaw, every nook and cranny was filled with little pieces of drill bit. I suspect they’d been prepping bits for regrinding for a loooong time. 

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On 6/4/2021 at 8:17 PM, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

I tell an alligator from a crocodile by the teeth. When the mouth is closed you can still see some teeth on a croc, but not a gator.

Along with a narrow pointed snout on a croc and wider rounded snout on a gator. Learned that from my hunting trips in the Florida Everglades.

Both of them can outrun and eat you.:o

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The fire test looks good Das! I'll bet that's going to be one happy customer.

Thanks for he pic Jono, the gang and I can now believe your JABOD works. Pretty darned nice long horn finial. You're on the way now.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Crocodiles are typically green or brown (though some are orange or black) have v shaped snouts with teeth showing. Alligators are typically navy blue, brown, or black. They have u shaped snouts with hidden teeth. Caimans are a subgroup of alligators. Gharials are yellow, white, or blue striped and have very long snouts with completely visible needle like teeth. False gharials have  elongated snouts, but not as serious as a gharials. They are gray or brown with black spots. But if you want to easily tell the difference, remember this: turtles have shells, crocodiles do not.

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6 hours ago, alexandr said:

Completed the tabletop. It remains to make "legs"

Will the legs be steel or same as the top? It looks interesting and will surely look more so when complete. Why didn’t you fill up the smaller gaps with smaller branches?  Do you have to buff it to make it clear, or does it set up that way?

And a totally random question, what brands of powered hand tools are available in Russia, cordless specifically? My knowledge of Russia is pretty much limited to WWII and Cold War propaganda. I visited most of the countries in Western Europe in the early 1980s when I was stationed in Bad Cannstatt (part of Stuttgart). Travel to Eastern Europe wasn’t all that easy then.

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Figured out a transition on the gator neck. Will be making the back separate. Asked my better half about the legs. They would have been attached to the neck chain of the head. She suggested making them detachable. I liked it so I'll be welding a smaller diameter pipe where they go and having them bolt to that. The rear body will be detachable. 





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21 hours ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

Both of them can outrun and eat you.:o

...on dry land:blink:, let alone swampy land or water, where their advantages are greater!

They can also climb chain link and some other fences, as well as some trees (usually when they have low branches or a pronounced lean). 

It pays to be aware of your surroundings when you are out and about in their territory. I've even seen one alligator crossing the road (from the beach side of the road, and towards a marsh) where the tail and head both extended a few feet beyond the lane it was currently in. This wasn't the biggest that I've come across, but it was leaving the beach (Canaveral National Sea Shore) I was just at!

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Trivial;  most places around here Croc's more expensive on the menu than Alligator!

Saturday; I went to the NMABA meeting in Albuquerque, left the house at 7am got home after 5pm.  Demo was making cowboy hats from metal disks; but the hands on component was everybody making the tools to make them first.

I didn't sell as much stuff as I wanted to; only 1/3 of the post drills and a few tools.  I was surprised that an early seller was a large c parker vise with a broken base.  I brought it just in case someone wanted the parts; but the smith who bought it plans to welt it up with nickel and use it.  I was tickled pink that it wasn't going to get scrapped and nearly gave it to him.  I did give a new smith a set of tongs out of the pile.

With copper so high I was tempted to scrap the 40# of old soldering coppers; but I just hate to scrap a tool in working condition.

Sunday, read the first lesson in church, then got the swamp cooler working again, 99 degF and hot sun up on the metal roof! Decided it was a tad warm to fire up the forge so did a minor bit of clean up in the shop and unloaded the last of what didn't sell at the meeting; I guess it's CL time again!

Forest fires in the Gila means our house is shut up for air quality reasons today!

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Thomas, Bring them to quad state, bring them to quad state.  (read that in a slow hypnotic voice)

Had one of those days yesterday that everything went right. Finished a 10 link chain and made a decretive 4 link with hooks. Only had 2 welds not take first time and only 1 link that refused to weld. Then made a swivel. My first attempt so it was more of a figuring out the process than anything else. But it works and that is the important part. The hook gave me some fits welding but that was just becuase of it being awkward. Next go i will punch the hole in the hook and put it on the ring before welding the ring. Why do 2 welds if i only need one, and the hook was almost an after thought anyway. Now to make a skillet holder and a grill top that swings away and my camp fire set will be done, well the major components anyway. 


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15 hours ago, DHarris said:

Will the legs be steel or same as the top?

The original plan was to put this countertop on a finished wooden table. Perhaps I will make a new one.


16 hours ago, DHarris said:

And a totally random question, what brands of powered hand tools are available in Russia, cordless specifically?

Russia is a civilized country.:o

Everything that is sold in your country is also sold in ours.

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Common to Americans; I remember how surprised I was to see all the American Fast Food chains in Jakarta Indonesia until I realized  that it's population was more than that of New York City.  Then it seemed natural and I could cheerfully avoid all of them and eat at noodle shops or satay restaurants.

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Goat, what's not to like?  Of course that may have been the meal that restricted me to my Hotel room for 3 days.  Only 1 time for a month in Jakarta; pretty good odds! (And I had gotten my Typhoid shot so I could do "Adventurous Eating"---my Dr's words back in the states.  I used to eat at the Telecom  buildings' cafeteria  where some of my American co-workers stuck to American chain restaurants.)

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Spent the weekend making a 6-brick forge.


Copied the "no weld" design that Frosty posted. Not positive, but I think it's somewhere in Forges 101. Anyway, it was straightforward to build just from a photo.

It worked fine for my purposes. With my Zoeller 1/2" burner at the lowest level I've been able to sustain fire (4 psi) it got a spot on the wall opposite the burner glowing orange. Since I'm forging bronze right now that's good - not too hot. I imagine when I apply Plistix and crank up the BTU's it'll be hot enough for steel work.

That bit of 1/2-inch rod you see next to the forge transformed itself into a bow handle for the boat. Here it is, patterned (loosely) after the commercial one on the right.


Still needs to be ground, drilled and polished to become bling-worthy.

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6 hours ago, M.J.Lampert said:

much is this costing the customer

There was a down payment of $300. We actually never set a final price. Lol. It's taken more than I thought it would take but I've also been just plain limited on work time for many reasons. 


Billy, Nice work. 

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19 hours ago, alexandr said:

Russia is a civilized country.:o

You mean to tell me that you guys don't ride bears around all day shirtless with a bottle of vodka in both hands? My whole life is a lie! :lol:

On a more serious note, Russia is actually one of the countries I hope to get to visit at some point in my life.

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