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On 2/2/2021 at 9:17 AM, ThomasPowers said:

Type 2?  I am "Adult Onset Juvenile Diabetes" AKA Type 1.5 or LADA.

That sounds exactly like what I probably have.  I am insulin dependent also.


On 2/2/2021 at 10:50 AM, ThomasPowers said:

I started to lose weight while eating more; lost 20 pounds before getting my Dr here in NM to refer me to an Endocrinologist in the City.

When I was first diagnosed they didn't want to give me insulin . Just metformin at first. I went from 185# to 145# and was wasting away before they finally gave me insulin.

Balancing the insulin dose with the food intake can be a real challenge especially when you are a carboholic like me. I have been trying to limit it but don't always succeed .  A couple of days ago I took my shot with dinner and did not eat a evening snack like I usually do    I woke up in the morning with my blood sugar at 35. A least I woke up!

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35, Yikes!  Glad you are still with us.  And just think, you have a legit excuse for the bedtime snacks now.  No one can gainsay you!  

People keep talking about royal measurements.  I wish I could afford royal cubits.  All I can afford right now are Serf measurements. If I save, I might be able to lay my hands on some Baron or even Earl type cubits.  Feudal systems are rough.

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14 hours ago, natkova said:

I think i will have to make tongs from wood 

That's easy, I've done it many times smithing around the camp fire. I'd cut a straight, willow or tag alder sapling long tong length. Wrap one end with wire or duct tape to stop the split from running full length. Then split the wand to just before the wrap and insert a small wedge. The wedge opens the tongs, you grip on the open side of the wedge and just squeeze them closed. They don't last long but work well enough for a while. Easy peasy.

I've seen articles discussing evidence Egyptian smiths and casters were using olive oil fired forges and furnaces. They looked like well designed burners, my impression was it was a mature technology. IIRC The oil was heated to vapor which was blown into the forge. A recuperative oil vapor gun burner, slick.

Frosty The Lucky.


Frosty The Lucky.

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If you are interested in this general topic may I commend to your attention: 

Egyptian Metalworking and Tools (Shire Egyptology) by Bernd Scheel 

Though I don't recall the use of oil as a fuel in it.  I'll have to borrow back my copy of "The Mastery and Uses of Fire in Antiquity", Rehder,  and see what it says. (Currently on loan to a friend/student who wants to build the bloomery plans in the appendices.)

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I had vision problems last weekend,  assumed it was the new glasses I got Friday.  But then I was using the rest room every hour or so day and night, had a back ache too.  Went to Dr and found my sugar was 391, so I am no longer borderline, and have been placed on a 1800 calorie low carb,  high protein diet.  then I was warned of "keto flu" from withdrawl of sugar? Oh joy

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Only if you succeeded!

Steve, my condolences; take your statins and eat your steak, fish, etc!  Vision changes were how I was prompted to get diagnosed.  I was very happy to find it was diabetes and not a brain tumor!

(At 35 I would be unconscious and convulsing and lucky if I woke up surrounded by paramedics and feeling like they had spent the time I was out kicking me with their boots!  One year my Dr wanted to try to get my A1c lower; instead I had four incidences where I blacked out, One at work in Mexico---medevac'd across the border, one where I was found beside my parked truck and two where I fell and hit my head on concrete and had concussions---less than a month apart. My Dr finally decided that perhaps a higher A1c was less health impacting than multiple near death incidents!)

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Oi, that stinks Steve!  Glad they caught it before there were worse side effects.  It sounds like a bunch of us just got a reminder about blood sugar.  Probably a good thing especially since it didn't come at the cost of an ER visit or worse this week. (at least I hope not!)

I have my quarterly appt for an A1c check coming up.  I hope it's low enough to just stay on the pills and not need insulin.  

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Ouch Steve! Glad you got checked out before worse happened. I lost more than 60lbs. in about 2 months and was bragging about how drinking more water and having salads for lunch was a great weight reduction plan. 

Unfortunately I was getting weaker and uncoordinated, I wasn't noticing how dumb I was getting. I finally told Deb I maybe ought to get checked out. She called our doc and we were in the car in minutes. They'd been conspiring. I'd been adamant I wasn't sick and was angry at everything, even when it was going right.

Turned out my A1c had me running average blood sugars above the 700. It was around 1,160 at the clinic. 

Okay, I can take THAT seriously. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I'm talking about something else.

Много работы -A lot of work. (The translator gives this option. )

In Russian, there are many phrases that convey the same thing.

Гора работы, куча работы, немеряно работы, шквал работы , завал с работой, запара с работой....:)

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I'd go higher temp on tempering to counteract the greater brittleness of 1095 and the rugged use of it as a striking knife.

Execution looks very nice; is this for a cabinet maker for indoor use or for a construction carpenter for outdoor use?  (For outdoor I might look into tool dip on the handle to counteract rusting under rough conditions.)

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How will he be using it?  Construction is rough on tools: dropping, dirty wood, rain, etc.  Cabinetry can be very precise and easy on tools.  Less likely to hit the ground/floor the harder I would temper it.  For outdoor work with 1095 I'd probably go with a spring temper, for skilled indoor work a knife temper. 

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