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That's a good 3 years before my time, now I remember the Red Barn Tavern!  3 miles or so would've put you in Muldoon from the Boniface gate. Muldoon Rd. had some . . . interesting bars during the pipe line years.  The oil field guys were probably pipe liners on their week off, the logger looking guys were just guys, we all dressed in blue jeans and plaid cotton shirts. 

The Muldoon strip was there to separate soldiers, airmen and pipe liners from their pay as quickly as possible. You ever hit 4th. Ave? Longest bar in America according to Bob Hope. Spenard Rd. was the main red light district. Ah, the pipe line boom, lots of . . . entertaining establishments and characters.

Boy does that bring back memories.

Frosty The Lucky.

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It's a pretty crude thickness sander Frosty. The knob on the threaded stock in the middle front elevates the back end of the bed. Far end of the bed is mounted on pivots. And I'll just use a push stick to feed the stock through.

I thought about using the treadmill rollers and belt for a conveyor feed, and then have the pushbutton tread tilt motor to adjust the thickness. That'd be uptown stylin', but my kids thought I was crazy trying to work that into it.

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My dad had a drum sander like that back when he had a little business making Shaker-style oval boxes. He and a friend (a dulcimer maker) ordered a pair of kits and built the stands. The problem they kept running into was that any variation in feed speed left burn marks. The workpieces also liked to lift up, which would create divots. If you do a power feed, you might want to mount it above the table, to push the workpiece down as well as through

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Talk about gluing folks down reminded me of a story my father would tell. He worked in an aircraft factory during WWII where he and several other guys worked up on a scaffold made with expanded metal as a floor. There was one guy who would gather all his tools in the tool box and put the box at the stairs about a half hour to quitting time. When the whistle would blow the guy would hit the stairs at a dead run grabbing his tool box on the fly.

One day my father went below the catwalk and welded the tool box to the floor, when the guy grabbed the box he did a flip over it and landed on his back. No one on the crew ever ratted my father out.:lol:

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John: Use a vacuum table to hold thin material down flat and immobile.  I've been thinking about it for knife scales but I'm only going to do these so I'll let someone else make them. One of our guys wants to turn his belt grinder into a surface grinder and clamping things down is an issue. 

Ahh, welding the tool box down sounds like a good one. SWEET! 

Reminds me of Camp Robbers, Corvids are bold birds and some get to where they'll eat off the far side of your plate while you do. Stellars Jays, Mocking birds and a couple others are common up here. They have a real rep and deserve it. Spend some time at a camp ground and you'll start naming them. I start wiping them off the table so I can eat without . . . bad . . . stuff in my chow. 

Swatting at them just makes them steal food faster so you'll have birds zooming in at high speed to steal food from you. Seriously, right off your fork as you're putting it in your mouth. These little stinkers are FAST which inspires a new Camp robber game. 

Put a couple three rubber bands together and attach one end to the table. Put a dab of squeeze cheese on the other. Once birds have a taste of cheese it's irresistible to them and if you keep swatting at them they dive in as fast as they can to grab that dollop of deliciousness. They have to be going at least 30 mph. when they hit the end of the rubber bands. It flips them end for end sometimes partially plucking them. Not really pluck them some feathers just fly off. Does it hurt them? I don't think so, the same birds come right back and go faster so you can't catch them again.

Camp robber Olympics good old timey camping entertainment. You should give it a try sometime, it's fun. REALLY. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Howdy guys and ladies long time no talk. No forge time as of yet but I did get around to re lining my forge and cut some bois d'arc blanks for hammer handles, also working on a new anvil stand. I need one just a bit taller and it has to have a back end big enough to mount my rail plate for the "hardy holes". I am hoping to finish my nail header and forge a few nails this week.



P.S. does anyone have any idea why I can't post pictures anymore? It gives me a big black triangle with an exclamation point in the middle..... I took a screen shot of it........ but I cant post pictures lmbo 

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That pendulum is cool. Can we have a closer pic of the pivot mechanism please?

I thought it would need a bearing to pivot, but it is very simple. A round stock welded to the shaft 1 inch higher than the balance point and it just rocks back & forth on the 2 pieces of round stock.


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I thought it would need a bearing to pivot, but it is very simple. A round stock welded to the shaft 1 inch higher than the balance point and it just rocks back & forth on the 2 pieces of round stock.


Thanks. Looks too simple to be true! Very clever.

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