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I Forge Iron

WARNING FOR EVERYONE, why you should ALWAYS do your work soberly!

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The amount of bad videos online is really helpful for some. You can read through the comments and folks who know better often note how to improve or what they may do differently.
Even at blacksmithing event's where you can get good helpful criticism about form and technique.. it can be difficult to over come bad habits.
I knew what bad form was. But it wasn't until I started video taping myself that I could actually SEE it. I'm not a super coordinated guy, so concentrating on what I'm doing and how I'm doing it are two different things. I'd suggest videoing yourself to any new person. It takes a person much braver than I to make such things public though. I care too much what others think of me. :D
The way I've tried to over come my physical/mental handicap by doing things that require no thought. Non-cognitive activities like simple tapers are great practice on form. Make 'em into hooks or what ever later once you're ready to practice something else.

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Been waitin to see if anyone would mention his body mechanics...With his feet so far apart I have to wonder if the anvill height is correct while he works on this thickness of stock? Anyone notice how his hammer side elbow is way out to the side? There are injuries directly related to that movement.
I am pointing these items out for the simple reason..Someone mentioned videotaping yourself so you can review your work..without knowing just wot you should be doing that may not help. It will if you can review tapes of someone that is real correct in form and mechanics. There may be some on utube videos but not a lot of the ones I have seen. With that in mind reviewing your own tapes without another trained person helping may allow you to become quite skilled at bad form. After you do that long enough it will take you a really long time to correct problems or recover from injuries. Seeking a smith willing to review you forging will go a really long way towards getting the right start..Then you can make tapes to see if you are progressing.

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No joke Rich. The good news is there are replies like yours out there. I've seen guys offer help to younger guys at NCABANA meetings. It's just flat out ignored when not met hostility half the time. I've gotten good advice personaly and been thankful.. but in the back of my mind I said "I thought that's what I was doing!"... Turns out the camera doesn't lie. :unsure: It's a rough thing to realize. But it's a good step.

Gotta love having a good internet connection and a laptop in the shop. Between it the coffee machine it's a wonder I get as much done as I do.. I need to go back to lurking. These extra minutes at the computer are adding up! :P

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I was waiting to see a cloud of steam/smoke rise when he kneeled on the floor. Were this a cinamatic exercise I'd expect something so obvious as an added little, "dangerous when awake" statement. Still, it could be faked.

Also, that's not a sword, it's a . . . something with a shorter blade than pommel spike. (whatever they're called)

I believe the old saying goes like, "Life is hard, especially when you're stupid." I've heard attributions running from Mark Twain to Johny Cash to O'Riley (sp?) and so on. It's so true I expect it's one of the first thing our Neanderthal ancestors said around their wounded idiot clan mate.

It also illustrates something that gets said on court TV darned regularly, "Say it, forget it. Post it, regret it." Nothing that goes on the internet disappears, ever. I do enough embarrassing things I don't want to be reminded by posting video, though I WOULD like to see a video of me and the tree.

Frosty The Lucky.

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No eye protection, open tops to the shoes begging to get filled with scale and other hot goodies, no shirt, [ no brain ], and over 1/2 inch thick "blade" is a stretched out axe more than any sword from anywhere but his stoned imagination. It may not be his shop, if so where is the friend that allowed him in there in that condition? Worse than sabers videos.

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No eye protection, open tops to the shoes begging to get filled with scale and other hot goodies, no shirt, [ no brain ], and over 1/2 inch thick "blade" is a stretched out axe more than any sword from anywhere but his stoned imagination. It may not be his shop, if so where is the friend that allowed him in there in that condition? Worse than sabers videos.

Speaking of Sabre, any idea what's happened to him? I haven't seem him online since 2008? Any idea? His YouTube name is KidSmith10
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Wow that is shocking! I mean one can make minor mistakes but that... At least he did not harm anyone but himself but I am not quite sure if it really was necessary showing that on the internet. I hope that all of you are doing your work with care and patience and wear the safety gear adequate for the job.

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Hot fire, hammer, alcohol, really bad music and stupidity - a recipe for disaster!! Next time it will a lot worse! An old carpenter that I used to work for used to tell me every day that machines and tools give you warnings occasionally - then they bite and you lose something permanently!

Hey, he never said really bad music!! :)
I just keep seeing that guard stabbing me in the leg :blink:
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