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I Forge Iron

iron woodrow

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  • Gender
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    the shadow of walshs' pyramid, FNQ australia
  • Interests
    metal,metal,metal on metal.


  • Location
    FNQ australia

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  1. Does Brian often abscond to brazil when he is in trouble? No wonder they call him Brian Brazil
  2. Known as caulking irons in our neck of the globe (caulking being hammering soft stuff between hard stuff so wet or blowy stuff cannot get in or out)
  3. Spoiling nice anvil! Give it to us small and hornless! You keep nasty london pattern! ...You're hopeless.
  4. Second one down is a split pin punch, for removing split pins (cotter pins in usa??) 4th one looks like a lathe dead centre that someone has been using as a punch or drift. And the last one looks to me like a small caulking iron
  5. Not really the point. You can have 15" of 25lb (per ft) rail.... But now we have the photos so it makes more sense.. No way that learner smith will ever distort that web.
  6. What weight rail? What age? How worn? Without knowing, it is impossible to say if it is better or not.
  7. I have noted here that marc has remained quite respectful and calm, while others have not. I agree with the concept that rail on end is not superior to an aso that has already been purchased. I learned on a piece of railway line (horizontal) that had been crudely shaped into an anvil, never did the web noticeably distort, nor as a beginner did it matter if it had. One thing that hasnt been mentioned is the rail poundage. 35lb rail would be completely unsuited to the task. Anything under 100lb would be quite useless as the ball (top) of the rail is too small. I have forged a lot on replica viking anvils and on rail on end as well as on a sledgehammer head and in my opinion the ONLY similarity is a smaller face. The rail was awkward to say the least. The viking anvil far superior to either of the other two.
  8. Looks tasty. How long till he's ready for the pot?
  9. Funny how as soon as you mention chickens as pets, someone talks about eating them. Every time someone mentions dogs, horses or cats, i like to mention eating them just to keep things fair.
  10. The first time i saw them i had no idea, then i was doing some light reading with my morning coffee, found the cut and took a photo, and completely forgot to mention it the next time i was up, you know how distracted i get up there!
  11. No steel toed flip flops over here, mate, We use steel cap thongs.
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