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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. My fly must be down. On a side note, a local saying is " Kennywood is open" for your fly being down. Kennywood is a local amusement park. No idea where the saying originated.
  2. Lesson learned and you adapt and overcome.
  3. Lol. Nice one. I've been racking my brain for fly sayings and nothing fits or is working for me. Tho this fly has been in mind since I saw the piece I used for the swatter. At least I got I out of my mind and into the scrap!
  4. When I repaired mine it had been brazed. I thought it might have been broken but removing the braze it must have just been loose since it wasn't broken. I have heard that this style is a bit less strong then the modern brackets but it all depends on how you use it. Good luck with the repair. Be sure to snap some pictures of the repair. Mine is awaiting my new work bench to be put into action. Lol. To be honest, in grinding out the braze I got a sliver deep in my eye( while wearing safety glasses) it was close.
  5. Never give up little fly, never give up!
  6. Mine is clearly stamped H.LOSE but the body on yours is shaped differently. I'd follow Judsons advise until maybe someone else that knows more posts.
  7. Looks to be original. I have one like that and have been told it is an earlier design.
  8. I once used a larger cut off wheel (don't remember the size) on a 4 1/2" grinder. I named it the meat slicer, and was very careful using it but realized it was Too dangerous to use like that so I took it off and quit doing that without getting hurt. I'm very lucky not to have had an incident, and recommend the simply wise safety mentioned above. Heal up and DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!
  9. Wow Aus, that is a nice Mantis! Those little guys are cute too. I know exactly how hard it is forging on those shafts. The closed wings look great. they all have a nice stance too.
  10. Nice work David. I like those rivets. Not sure if I missed it but how are you mounting this on the wall?
  11. One of my cats came into the shop while I had a file card in my hand and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to brush the cat with it. It wasn't easy getting the cat hairs out of the file card.
  12. Scrapartoz made an awesome version of that. https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/39245-game-of-thrones-scrap-metal-homage/#comment-401279
  13. Beautiful work. Now she will need all the other matching utensils it can be a running theme. Looks like a great functional design too.
  14. you didn't paint it shop colors!? Hmm. Learn Hungarian eh? My great grandparents on my fathers mothers side were Hungarian.
  15. What size is most convenient for you and what you do? Make the bolster plate first with some different sizes and find out what size you use the most.
  16. That's what I meant. I saw that. That is a cool old " potentiometer "? Not sure exactly how it works but I know basically what they do. Love the look of that old thing same basically as the router speed controller I use isn't it?
  17. better then not hot enough! You can always turn the air blast down so it's good to be able to crank it up for large stock.
  18. You could easily make a bolster plate and use it over the hardy hole. If you find later that you would use it often and it would save you time having a pritchel hole instead of grabbing the bolster plate all the time, then drill one.
  19. Looks like it's long over due for some hot steel. Put it to use also looks like a great anvil for a great price. Nice score.
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