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Everything posted by SpankySmith

  1. Whoa, I've been out of pocket for awhile, just now seeing this. Definitely on the prayer list Charles, however belatedly. I worked at the state mental health facility for nearly a decade, I know the little respect mental health issues get, primarily due to a lack of understanding. Human nature, that - we fear what we don't understand. Best of luck, Charles. Hang in there.
  2. My go-to firestarter is a handful of dryer lint stuffed in the toe of an old sock, though I use old socks only because I have them and cotton catches pretty fast. I stole this idea from someone who stuffs dryer lint in a toilet paper tube as a fire starter. There's a reason they tell you to clear out dryer vents routinely, that stuff is definitely flammable. It burns long enough to get the fire going every time.
  3. I went to school in Tennessee, in Jefferson City, just a piece away from Johnson City. Now you're making me homesick.....
  4. Like Nate said, it depends on your nature. Like him, I'm very much an introvert, being around people all the time is mentally, physically draining for me. I like to be around people in small doses, so working at anything, including and especially smithing, is something I prefer to do alone. But if you're the extrovert type I could see where it'd drive you crazy after a time. Most people in the working world are probably mis-matched - working around people all the time when they'd prefer not to, or stuck in a cubby somewhere when they'd prefer to be out and about with people. Probably not unique to smithin'.
  5. Speaking of citrus....citric acid also works to remove scale. It's commonly sold here amongst the canning supplies, comes in powder form. I have mixed it with warm water and left items to soak overnight in it, did a great job. Pull from the bath, scrub off the scale lightly with a scouring pad, done. I've used it when I was out of my go-to vinegar.
  6. I've sold more split crosses and bow-tie hooks than anything else combined. Card reader is important, as Bigun mentioned. Square has one, Paypal has one, there are several out there for you to compare rates/policies.
  7. I think Bigun said it dead on. Women DO appreciate the craftsmanship and practicality of knives, and I just love some of the smaller more delicate ones I've seen here on IFI, but I covet them for home use, not defensive.
  8. when I worked at a steel plant they kept crazy glue at all the lines to quickly glue cuts and nicks. I think I read somewhere recently that staples are becoming more and more rare as the surgical glue improves. Ian, maybe the staples were an homage to your smithing?
  9. Mike, our state DA's a tad busy right now, what with the Guvner's recent troubles and all. I like knives but dont carry one because I can't see me deploying it quickly or successfully enough in a pinch, unless I had it literally strapped to my leg or something. I keep pepper spray at hand in the car and of course like any good southern Lady I know my way around guns. But a knife? I honestly don't want to get close enough to the Bad Guy to use it, I was also taught to pay attention to your surroundings and get outta dodge fast if anything looks wrong. Still, you just never know anymore. I've had a couple close calls across the years, one very scary incident when I was out walking one very early morning and a car of punks stopped in the middle of the road and we're getting out of the car, coming at me....another vehicle suddenly came up and scared them away. in that case I don't think having a knife on me would have helped, most likely it would have ended up being used against me. I don't think if I were arming myself for a predawn walk today (which btw I don't do anymore after that incident) that a knife would be my first, second or even third choice. I'd want something I could use effectively while still keeping my distance.
  10. I tell people all the time that our rule, as kids, was "Out of the house after breakfast and back by dark" - that was IT. We roamed the entire city, later across several states in my first car, without our parents having any idea whatsoever where we were at any given moment. Pre-cell phones, so no way to get in touch except a pay phone and I never recall using one for that purpose. Parents doing that today would be (and I believe HAVE been) arrested. I remember in the last couple years they tried to pass a regulation at the local schools that cell phones weren't allowed in the classrooms. Parents had a FIT - HOW will our little precious's reach us if they need us? What if I need to reach my Precious? Well... um.... you could CALL THE SCHOOL or go by there, like our parents did! I sit at traffic lights and grumble about every 4 out of 5 drivers passing me being on the phone. Seriously people.... what is soooooooo important? I've just recently instituted my own "no technology" rule when I get home. I was getting so obsessed with checking work emails and online stuff and it was doing me no good at all, so I simplified - that stuff stays off in the evenings. So I go and sit on the back porch and watch the sun go down - IMAGINE THAT! It's immensely relaxing. Man, I'm starting to sound like Frosty (! ) but this is a sore point for me. Put down the phone, put down the iPad and go see what trouble you can get to in the neighborhood, kids! Sadly, though, it's not really safe to do that anymore. Different age we live in now. sigh......
  11. 45 Staples?!?!? OW, I'm in pain just reading that! Glad you are doing better, very good to hear from you.
  12. I'd use it any day...just in case, ya know, it's too light for the manly men up your way and you wanna ship it to a poor Southern Gal!
  13. Full release back to society, for better or worse, no physical restrictions except he said for 6-12 months I really shouldn't get in a car wreck or fall on my head (until the new bone fully fuses). I will studiously try to avoid both! Glad to hear Mikey and Ian updates. We all take our health for granted, don't we, until one of our parts malfunctions.
  14. Honestly though it's that "contrived" aspect of these types of shows that I just can't stand to watch. TLC and it's sister networks seem to be the worst, I think they all have the same scriptwriter and every word that comes out of people's mouths sounds like carefully scripted nonsense. Real people don't "narrate" like that. I'd prefer more reality, less theater. I understand it doesn't make for popular TV, but don't get me started on "popular" TV.
  15. I second what JMS said, that I also didn't really get the difference until I got a leg vise, used it for the first time and wanted to go kiss the guy that sold it to me. Night and day difference in terms of ease of use, flexibility of uses, etc. You'd have to take mine away at gunpoint now...even then I think I'd put up a fight.
  16. Until I could locate some tongs locally I used a pair of long-handled needle nose pliers I already owned from Horrible Freight. Use what ya' got til you get something better. I "graduated" to a single pair of wolf jaw tongs that I still use as my primary go-to, but I also have a Starter Set from Q&D which I use all the time. I know, I know....I'm sposed to make my own. I just haven't ever felt the need to.
  17. We just had a HF open about 2 miles from me, previously I had to drive about 45 minutes to get to one. I've been coveting that welding table, too, beats the heck out of the rigged up table-ish surface I'm currently using for welding. My only gripe with those and most any I see is the height. I'm not that tall but I guess I seldom weld big things, so most of the time I find myself hunched over any welding table - bad on the old AND new neck I just had installed. If I ever do break down and buy that one at HF I'll have to figure out a modification to jack it up a bit higher.
  18. ohhh, something new to try. I have some Gilders Paste but have never tried to use it hot. Thanks for the tip
  19. I'm doing well, Notown, thanks for asking. I have my first follow up on Wednesday, X-rays to make sure all the parts are where they should be, then back to work Thursday. But seriously let's not have all the IFI'ers competing to get on the prayer list now!!!! This has been an insane run of bad breaks for IFI folks.
  20. Minions? I need a minion! Where can I buy them!
  21. Prayers all around but Mikey and Ian this is really taking competitiveness too far!
  22. I use my no-longer-portable band saw for these (it's mounted on a post in my shop). I've not seen the nail-like taper done to the bottom leg of one of these before, nice touch. On the texturing, try a roofing hammer. It has that built-in texture on the head and I've found it makes a quite attractive texture on these.
  23. I like that, simple, built in tool holder as noted, certainly looks stout, bands on top and bottom are more pleasing to the eye than if they were just on the top, IMHO. I like it!
  24. Sorry Al, not up to swingin' a hammer yet...but still planning to bring your donuts! I know you'd never forgive me otherwise!!
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