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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by SpankySmith

  1. Don't forget the tried and true "askin' around" for a forge! Let people know you're looking for one, one might just land in your lap for a song.
  2. I'm intrigued by the pins...what would have been their purpose? Rather long for any purpose I can immediately bring to mind. ???
  3. Gergley, I just love the lines of your work, always so clean. Nice!
  4. Al, y’all are taking this to Tannehil this year, right? What about long term? It belongs in a Blacksmithing museum somewhere.
  5. Fascinating to read through, blacksmiths generations from now will be referring to that! Thanks....but it still hurts my head! I don’t know how you guys did it, especially in that heat.
  6. Well, Saturday they had it suspended in the air at about eye level, so it was quite easy to RAP your head on it whilst trying to WRAP your head around how they did it!
  7. Thanks, Das, the spiders are fun to make. From a distance, sitting on the ground, they scare this spider-hater every time! Eeeekk!
  8. Gracie and Scout chillin' on my outstretched legs after a day in the shop. They're just happy I'm STILL for once - they need their beauty sleep and those shop tools are loud.
  9. I stood there and stared at the thing for ages on Saturday and STILL can't wrap my head around how you did it! Absolutely stunning.
  10. Lol, Ianinsa, bra burning was a powerful statement in oh, about the 1960's! Nowadays, it's just a powerful statement on my stupidity - on not being careful! And you're right about the cotton shirts versus tshirts, the tshirt I had on was a blend, and it's sporting a nice long burnt hole that will forever prevent it from being worn in public, in the name of modesty! Though I suppose modesty isn't top of my list of concerns since, as AlPVF reminded me yesterday, I posted the bra-burning episode for "the whole world to see" on IFI! I just can't bring myself to wear heavy clothing in an Alabama 100+ degree day with 1000% humidity. Miserable. I'm also on a very tight budget, having just finished school and job-searching, so I'll check out the thrift store the next time I'm there, see if I can't find a cheap solution that will not make me faint from heat exhaustion wearing it.
  11. Nice! What a handy little size, too.
  12. Whoa...... terrifying and beautiful at the same time? Been watching the news about all this in horror, devastating to so many.
  13. Oh John, I about spit my coffee across the room on that one! Thanks, I needed that laugh!
  14. Not dismissing meds at all , but research shows talk therapy is most effective. Just the facts. Yes, there are biologically based forms of depression for which meds are the best option, but most depressions yield better to therapy. Look it up , I actually have a degree in psych, I'm not talking xxxxxxxxxxxx. In cases of clinical depression it's often a mix of meds and talk that does it. All I'm saying is meds aren't necessarily the ticket, and as Das is opposed to going that route, there are equally if not superior alternatives to consider.
  15. Das, I’m late to this thread, but wanted to add that talk therapy is considered the gold standard for depression, rather than meds. We like to throw meds at things, but it isn’t always the best solution, maybe just the fastest (though not actually fast, typical antidepressants take 4-6 weeks minimum to reach “therapeutic level.”). I do understand not wanting to go there, so just sayin consider asking your doc to refer to a good therapist. I’ve used one many times across the years, sometimes having someone to both listen and to tell you where you’re hurting your own cause is absolutely invaluable. And thanks to Mental Health Parity laws, Insurance has to cover it like any physical illness. Best of luck, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
  16. Safety first!!! Glad I made someone smile!
  17. Playing with the scrap bucket contents today. Spiders are fun, especially since I'm terrified of the real ones!
  18. Makes sense, we have a local steel mill where I live, I imagine there is a demand in that kind of industry and similar ones for such a garment.
  19. LOL! I don't think the Nomex folks have entered into that particular niche market yet! I don't own any overalls, but I know from past experience you're right about them being surprisingly cool. Need to start looking for a pair. Hadn't thought about them at all in terms of protecting the chest.
  20. I think I can safely assume this topic has never been covered here, but I thought I'd share anyway: Don't ya' just HATE IT when you're working away at a grinding job.....and accidentally set your bra on fire? LOL! WISH I was kidding, and thankfully it was only on fire for a second, snuffed it out with a gloved hand, but who knew that "burning your bra" was still a thing? Apparently a spark briefly landed on my chest, leaving a hole in my shirt and trying hard to make it's way past that! YIKES! Yes, I have a leather apron, but it's like 40000 degrees here, so I wasn't wearing it. No worries, Glen, this is NOT an invitation for raunchy talk - just found it amusing and thought, "Now HERE is a problem most of the IFI folks have NEVER had to deal with, I bet!" Your smile for the day - you can thank me later.
  21. Rockstar and Arkie, I am stealing, er...."appropriating"...both your ideas. Thanks!
  22. I use the kitty litter buckets, too, as I also seem to get a regular supply. :C But I needed to transport some tools lately and picked up a nice canvas bag for cheap at HF. I know, I know, HF stuff is usually crap, but this bag was just the ticket for me. Has some inside pockets that accommodated, for instance, a spare cutting disc I was carrying. It was on sale for less than $15.
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